Is this true that Macron is the new Teddy Roosevelt ?

Is this true that Macron is the new Teddy Roosevelt ?
Americans or scandinavians, can you talk about Rossevelt ? He was a good guy ?

Attached: gg.jpg (820x845, 133K)

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Why scandinavians?

i n t e n s i t y

this is slander
macron will change the fate of the earth itself

Because they are ultra americanized. Abba had already chosen to speak english in 70s

Ein volk, ein reich, ein Macron.


I don't think they'd know much about a president who served one term at the turn of the century

Absolutely not. Teddy was a Progressive who fought banks and destroyed corporate monopolies.

Macron is a banker shill who will destroy France's middle class and strengthen corporations. They're the exact opposite.

I don't understand the connection

>fought banks and destroyed corporate monopolies.
wtf now i hate teddy

He was unironically one of our better presidents. Top 10 easily.

Attached: Teddy Roosevelt riding a moose.jpg (500x430, 46K)

top 2 including Washington
we could use a Teddy right now in fact, the monopsony index is off the charts

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>le based Teddy
he was a warmongering fucktard who Reddit likes because he's "epic". Fuck off back there.

>Did wars between 1901 and 1909

The USA has been at war 225 out of 242 years of its existence. Fuck off.
He served in the Spanish-American War and that was that. While he was president, nothing happened.

>the USA has been at war 225 out of 242 years of its existence
more Reddit memes

More retardation from undereducated twats

Attached: 1366167293180.jpg (580x656, 93K)

Only what they learn from Donald Duck comics. It's pretty popular.

Attached: Don Rosa.jpg (933x657, 299K)

>source literally has "blog" in the title
stop embarassing yourself

>lists out every single year since 1776
>"but it's a blog"
Take your vagina and walk off

Teddy Roosevelt was the best president we've ever had. Prove me wrong.

>protip: you can't

No No No
washington post is on the Sup Forums official "free to disregard liberal news" list. blogs as an umbrella term cannot be disregarded beacause so much of kekistani content is posted via channels which are classified as blogs.
Heil Trump! MAGA2020!

The best USA president was Lafayette


Attached: american french cooperation.jpg (1024x768, 224K)

no because teddy was bold and made a canal and that manlet fagot is just a kike tool

ask me how i know youre a fagot leditor

Proof, literally no war during Roosevelt era

Attached: wars.jpg (1009x704, 116K)

The French worked just as hard on the canal as we did

America needs a new Bull Moose Party


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Meh, it was long before and they all died of malaria, not sure there was anything to salvage.

what the fuck does that have to do with macron. what youre implying is wrong, because the french canal was nothing but a miserable failure, technically different in every aspect to the american effort.

fucking pretentious leditors.