I don't care how good the cinematography is, that was fucking boring

I don't care how good the cinematography is, that was fucking boring

what was boring about it?

>pointless scenes of people playing cards
>front loaded with action
>second half felt like 90% wide shots of people walking in a garden

Currently marathoning. Got bored enough to pull out my phone


>pleb and proud

it was a beautiful movie, I understand you would find it boring though

Im glad Kubrick's ultimate pleb filter still works after all these years

how was it pointless? if i remember right, that scene serves as the precursor to barry marrying that woman - character introduction 101

if you don't like a movie you can just forget about it, you know?

why didn't they just shoot their guns smdh

is he going to be alright, bros?

Where are my explosions? Waaaaa


>gets shuffled to the margins of his own story the same that old dude he cucked did at the intermission when the narration about his death gets quieter and quieter

fuck i love this movie

>if you don't like a movie you can just forget about it, you know?
even if he's wrong, the whole point of tv is discussion

Redmond thought he was the bull but then he got my wife's son'd harder than any man in history.

>Watch this movie
>Think about who was in the wrong here for the rest of my life.

>being this pleb

what's it like having a sub-80 IQ?


Glad next week you kids will have to go back to school

its the weekend, stupid fuck. every weekend is the same, stupid fuck.

I have zero objection to people like you disliking it.

>>pointless scenes of people playing cards
Opinion discarded. You're a fucking retard


The higher your IQ the lower your tolerance for slow pacing. Do not be confused by the correlation between IQ and attention span.

>I don't want school to start on Tuesday I want to shitpost with my internet friends

anyone who watched barry lyndon more than once is a pretentious fuck

>The higher your IQ the lower your tolerance for slow pacing
If you weren't retarded you'd understand the value of a film taking its time.

You're a fucktard if you think Barry Lyndon is slow paced. The narration never stops

>a pretentious fuck
The calling card of an angry and confused teenager.

>im a stupid fuck and don't understand what the weekend is

>slow pacing.
you have probably seen about 10 movies in your life if you think bl's pace is slow

What was this movie really supposed to be about

>smartest people only watch action movies
>dumbest people only watch slow drama/arthouse stuff

Don't worry scro. there's lots of tards out there living really kick ass lives. My ex wife is tarded. She's a pilot now.

I wasn't the least bit bored when I saw it, but I saw it in a movie theater, I imagine it might've been harder to get through at home.

Only neckbeards praise this flick, don't worry.

and shitty acting

how often are you around neckbeards?