She was fucking hot

she was fucking hot

And now she has an extra hole just for you

he had 4 kids. that woman is worn.

Tully girls just get tighter and tighter the more they pop out, it's like magic.

Is that why CIA was playing the long game?

Fuck yeah that's a MILF if i've ever seen one


Try 5.
Vaginas don't always get destroyed by child birth anyway. Nothing kegel exercises couldn't largely fix, but most men AND women are too lazy to do those.

For some reason I want her to beat me up and punch me in the balls with an angry bullying voice

she was cute

how could she be such a shitty strategist when she lived with a ruler her whole life

Bad casting. Cat Stark was supposed to be a smoking hot MILF with big tits.

She was fucking Ned too

Kinda looks like Connelly, but uglier.

And Moonboy for all we know

2/10 wouldn't leave a bomb under her car

everyone was like five-ten years younger in the books

>mfw those two are different people

Their love was pure

>tfw no qt Tully wife to cuddle in bed, raise kids, and grow old with

what a beautiful woman

>Boring Catelyn instead of Momma Lysa.

>mfw in the books she gets creampied by Ned at the beginning

its not the same woman, you dumb fuck

>Their love was pure
Initially, she was disappointed she couldn't marry Brandon and she was kind of a bitch to Ned.

yeah, but ned is like the coolest guy ever so she probably melted her heart with time

protect Michelle Fairley at all costs

t. Kit


I wonder if neglecting your arranged wife until she says you both must do your duty for the honor of your house, makes her super tight and wet.

IIRC she feels his cum dripping down her thigh, hopes she can bang out another kid before Winter arrives and then looks over at Ned and gets mad about Jon.


>"The wind swirled around him as he stood facing the dark, naked and empty-handed. Catelyn pulled the furs to her chin and watched him. He looked somehow smaller and more vulnerable, like the youth she had wed in the sept at Riverrun, fifteen long years gone. Her loins still ached from the urgency of his lovemaking. It was a good ache. She could feel his seed within her. She prayed that it might quicken there. It had been three years since Rickon. She was not too old. She could give him another son."
