WTF was this movie supposed to be about?

WTF was this movie supposed to be about?

One of the weirdest films I have watched

Is it /kino/ ??

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Are you not familiar with the Bible OP?

Sorry I gave up on religion a long time ago, but I have started coming back

Found a discord server where people talk about religion, it freaked me out honestly

If you hang around liberals they help you believe that the majority of people are not religious. However, than you meet young people who believe in god but they just don't go to a traditional church like ppl did before....

Here's a Catholic bishop analysing the film for for you. Enjoy.

As an atheist, the film gleamed on how short human life is and how important familial relationships are

I'm sure religious people take it differently but the movie had a bug impact on me

it's unironically the greatest movie of the 2010s and nothing, NOTHING comes close

desu watching this and The Young Pope make me want to find religion. they're beautiful

Now watch Check out Barbette's Feast user. It's the Popes favourite film.

Also have you seen Ida and Silence? Those are my favourites from the past 10 years or so.

is that boylover brad pitt? of course it is. stupid blackmailed, retard.

Which part of the 90s were you born in faggot?

>Barbette's Feast, it's the Popes favorite film.
Will check out. I remember seeing that list of patrician as fuck Vatican films, but I don't think this was on the list and it sounds great.


I've seen Ida and I thought it was fantastic, easily one of the most underrated films on Sup Forums due to how little it's discussed. As for Silence, I missed out on it, only because of how separated people seem to be on it. I've seen lots of people really into it, and i've seen the same number of people completely shitting on the movie and it makes me feel a bit hesitant on watching it, as stupid as that might sound

I'm not religious at all. I'm not for or against it, it just exists as a platform for certain people, but I've been watching a lot of spiritual movies/shows lately and they're amazing and it shows me why some people would be into something like organized religion and it unironically makes me want to find faith, or at least something to believe in.

>pre 90s

I'm fucked up in ways you wouldn't believe but I am crawling back into society

is it the based priest who did an analysis of A Serious Man?

About how a family is presently grieving over their son who died in war, and the events that led up to the father becoming estranged with that son.

Yeah. Robert Baron is patrician as fuck.

Boring movie, full of white supremacist.

>I am crawling back into society

Why would you want to do that? All society will do is reward you for towing the line, the moment you stop doing that they will turn on you. Mark my words.

Believe in whatever gods you want, but don't fall for the bullshit that is organized religion.


anti-social and illiterate

This was really enjoyable. Thanks, user.

I'm not anti-social, I'm indifferent to it, it serves no purpose in my life as it has nothing to offer me other than disappointment. If you want to waste your time being judged by others that shouldn't be in a position to judge then go for it, but don't expect me encourage someone into being chattled to other's expectations.

I make one mistake with a phrase I have rarely said never mind written down, and you turn on me. Thank you for illustrating my point in real time, user.

Shut the fuck up redditfag

Let me guess ... Reddit spacing?

You're pathetic.

>socializing serves no purpose, disappointment, waste of time
>claims not anti-social
le butthurt says otherwise, illiterate psychopath

Fuck off you little cunt. No one wants you here.

What is the issue between the father and the son?

I don't get that part, why was the kid hating his father and why do families have the same issues when a dad is in the home??


Misanthrope is a better descriptor, but I can be quite sociable when it is called for. I participate in no anti-social behavior, I just don't want to be forced to behave in a certain way for the benefit of others.

Why do you think that matters to me?

Are you trying to be a good little doggy?

I'm not positive. I got a very Oedipus-y vibe from the son that the father had conflict with. The mother seemed VERY loving and there was the one scene where the father is working on the car and the son considered killing him

goat hair

>can be quite sociable when it is called for
>don't want to be forced to behave in a certain way

pyschopaths are very subtle in their contraditions

they're not wearing goat hair, you blind donkey, that's real hair, you blithering idiot


I thought I was the illiterate one. Ha. See where judging gets you?

>does not see contradiction in own words

psychopath status confirmed


illiterate status confirmed

Yes it's a word, but not in the context it was used

>pyschopaths are very subtle in their contra traditions

Also ... pyschopaths?

stick to horror movies kiddo

I haven't seen it in some years but my interpretation was that the mother represented a pure love while the father held a more realistic and harsh view of the world. As the boy grows up, he begins to encounter these darker aspects of human life, even in his peaceful neighborhood. Think of that short scene where he follows the girl home from school, he's starting to develop into a man and there's a darkness to that view of women. Ultimately, I think the boy as Sean Penn both resents and is fascinated by his father's attempts to 'man him up'. He now sees the world for the ceaseless struggle for position that it is but longs for the beauty and purity encapsulated by his mother, which he eventually finds (ambiguously though) through a religious trancendence and reunion with his dead brother on the beach shore.

it's not esoteric or difficult. the constant references to the book of job and the mother's opening narration spell it all out