Real lolita shit

real lolita shit

Was it real or a dream?

that line made me laugh. fucking keanu is deep in that pizzagate knowledge. i sure as fuck dont blindly believe he is a good guy though

reeaal lolita shit

A permanent stain on his career.

A shameful low point.

>he hasn't seen the bad batch yet

it was pure kino

Get more pictures NOW

I don't care if you get paid $100,000 a year: you are a scumbag of the highest order if you moderate Sup Forums or any other internet message board.

what the heck
this is racist

lmao, it was such a random role fpr him. I could barely believe it when he popped up on screen. think he fucks kids? Like in the hot tub and stuff?


he might just be researching it and being real weird about it. all i know is his life is fucked up and it could have all been on purpose and not accidental/made up stories.

vietnam fucking shit

wtf I love tumors now

Lighten up

214 get


you mean you think "they" are after him?

