Can the Americans of Sup Forums tell me about this fella?

Can the Americans of Sup Forums tell me about this fella?

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He's a useful idiot used for his accent to brainwash the average American millenial.

>this is what Trump voters actually believe

he died as he lived

>this is what people who pick their head up from the grass come to understand


I remember watching this chappie on mock the week years and years ago and thinking god he's terrible, he'll never get famous.

Then he went to America and somehow just became famous. You can keep him but you have to take Piers back.

comedian gets to speak the truth like only comedians get to do.
Often tries too hard to make banal shit funny and/or outrageous.
Heavily favors the left in American politics.

he's funny and pol gets trigger by him

>be psychologist
>diagnose everyone with autism

We gave him a show in order to remind us what year it is. It's probably cheaper than printing calendars.

This is actually hilarious considering that most conservatives hold any form of psychology/psychiatry in utter contempt.

I miss piers desu, he was ok

>most conservatives hold any form of psychology/psychiatry in utter contempt

Wanna know how I know you're a lefty?

I think he might be one of the most hated men in our tiny little muslim country

Because in your world view, only a "leftist" would dare disagree with or mock your beliefs.

Obnoxious, arrogant, and lacking insight. Typical bong in other words.

Most pedestrian post of the thread

he's the only guy SJWs and alt right guys hate

he somehow has the worst take on every issue

Pretty much. Conservatism is common sense.

Just because people hold something in contempt doesn't mean that thing cannot be helpful at times.

He's not American.

I liked him on Mock the Week.

>if we don't throw open our borders to millions of illiterate, unskilled welfare-dependents with radically different (inferior) morals and customs to make up for our low birthrate, we're doomed
>here's a cherrypicked diamond-in-the-rough example of a refugee that isn't a piece of shit. Surely that's a valid test sample of the flood of fucking Nigerians, Somalis, and Afghans just marching into whatever social welfare state they please
I liked his bits on tobacco companies, chicken farmers, and salmon though. Anything that involves social issues and virtue-signalling can fuck right off

Be fair. A lot of psychology/psychiatry (like 80%) is unscientific trash deserving of contempt. A hugely interesting and valuable field that attracts ideologues like flies to shit. So happens that the ideology in question is usually more objectionable to conservative-leaning people than to liberal ones

No ideology is in everything look up zizek poltard

I bet you believe there's only two genders

>John Oliver
>Piers Morgan
>James Fucking Cordon

why does America love our shit """celebrities""" so much but the likes of Ayoade get no love at all? Is it because he was in that awful Ben Stiller/Vince Vaugn film?

Propagandist for the Democrat party. Ugly. Ugly accent. Not really funny. No one watches it as it airs, they just watch the clips that get promoted heavily on YouTube and Facebook.


he was great in the Community

All of those people are unironically more talented than Ayoade. The public has shit taste but yours is even worse

I don't recall ever seeing him on British TV. Granted I didn't watch much of MTW, but I've looked through his IMDb profile and don't recognise him being in any of the other shows either.

Kinda puzzling then he's "made it" in the US given so many popular media personalities here who we're inundated with are desperate to be big in the States and fail.

>watching the way his neck moves when he talks


>take James Cordon over Ayoade
>accuse anyone of having shit taste

my man you need to sort yourself right out

Prove it wrong.

Fuck off back to plebbit

I'd literally only ever seen him on like four episodes of Mock The Week years and years ago when it was at least slighty tolerable and that was it. I felt pretty confident in my assessment he'd never be famous and then out of the fucking blue he's on HBO

>When I'm driving, I sometimes turn on the radio and I find very often that what I'm listening to is a discussion of sports. These are telephone conversations. People call in and have long and intricate discussions, and it's plain that quite a high degree of thought and analysis is going into that. People know a tremendous amount. They know all sorts of complicated details and enter into far-reaching discussion about whether the coach made the right decision yesterday and so on. These are ordinary people, not professionals, who are applying their intelligence and analytic skills in these areas and accumulating quite a lot of knowledge and, for all I know, understanding. On the other hand, when I hear people talk about, say, international affairs or domestic problems, it's at a level of superficiality that's beyond belief.

Noam Chomsky.
Saying that the average American is not stupid, but rather he applies his intellect on a deep understanding of very inconsequential subjects while remaining outrageously superficial on the most consequential subjects.


Smells like fatuous postmodern trash to me. I'll try to get to it sometime but it's not at the top of my list

Same. I'd never seen or heard of him until his appearance on the Daily Show in the US

Ed Edd and Eddy is the worst show ever aired on Television. It makes Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo look like Citizen Kane compared to that atrocity. If I were to met the morons who created that turd, I'd probably get cancer just by looking at the fucker. The show is so bad, I'd rather burn in hell than watch that insult to cartoons. Calling it the biggest and most putrid and disgusting pile of shit on Earth isn't enough. No insult can do justice to this fuck of a show. It's insufferably bad, the kind of bad that made Satan who he is now. It's so vile that simply it's existence in the universe is completely toxic. It's completely and utterly shit. The fact that it is in the same category as other cartoons, hell, the fact that it is considered a normal creation on Earth makes me lose hope in the world infinitely. If you never saw it, stay the hell away, you'd rather twist your testicles off than watch that shit. It's not even watchable. It doesn't entertain, it just gives the urge to kill yourself. Please do the world a favor and avoid this steaming hunk of anti-matter, it'll make your life, and the entirety of humanity better.

international affairs or domestic problems are not worth discussing

>Ed Edd and Eddy is the worst show ever aired
stopped reading right there.
post reported for illegal content.

being from Sup Forums is a spook ;^)

So is being from reddit. You should check it out.