About to watch this. What am I in for?

About to watch this. What am I in for?


A gigantic disappointment

A great film.

if you take the original alien and rip out everything that made it good and dial up the stupid to 200%, you end up with alien covenant.

xeno kino

The worst Alien movie yet.

awful main characters
meme action

An almost 80 years old (once) great filmmaker shredding his legacy into pieces. Yes, even further.

boring. some of the robot parts r ok

Fingering and wheat.

What the fuck is Diddly Scott doing? Where did he go so wrong???

Should there be age restrictions on filmmakers?

Unironically a stupid movie

shitty cgi


Fassbender on point but the actual film is shit.


prometheus was good comparatively

Thank god he's not directing Blade Runner 2049. It has a chance.

I'm legitimately starting to think Tony was the better director of the Scott brothers.

Why did david grow the wheat?

and some gay robots blowing and fingering

>tfw you realise that's why he had to die


Madness and stupidity.

david is back

Prometheus 2 but somehow even worse


It feels like he turned 3 movies into one shitty uninspired action-thriller.
It was just plain stupid and boring. Not even the dick android could save it.

a plot that relies on all the protagonists to be functionally retarded

also lots of gays

Honest answer, fun but stupid Alien™ flick.

Even avp 1 is better

Better than most of them, save the first which is best. Actually has shit that makes you think, but it's not stimulating

The Prometheus of Prometheus

pleb status: filtered

Had potential, totally failed in all aspects possible. Absolutely disgusting/10

>replying to the entire thread
retard status: confirmed

I did not reply to the entire thread. Are you blind?

I'm still too terrified that it will be awful to even watch it. I want to pretend it doesn't exist.

It's a cash cow.

It's average. Watchable, enjoyable but all very predictable.


>Are you blind?


It's almost identical to Sunshine.
Instead replace terraforming and space colonisation plot with sunrebootwithanuke.exe
>Sci-fi that turns into a slasher flick toward the third act.

Mass replies like this should be subject to capital punishment even if your country doesn't usually do that.

Throw out any concept of it being a traditionally good movie and it's comedy fucking gold. Fassbender plays two characters that gay all over each other, and Katherine Waterston looks so much like her dad I was wondering how they got the Law and Order guy to look so young. Fun creature feature if you don't take it seriously.

david kino

I thought it was better than Prometheus, but I preferred Noomi over this new chick.
Fassbender is just great in the both of them though.

Literally the worst Alien movie in the franchise.

Fassbender drifting on an ocean of shit.

alien > aliens > covenant = prometheus > shit > alien 3 > alien 4

Go to bed Rolfe.

the realization that the original alien is the result of people following the country road song onto a planet where none of them wear helmets

The most fascinating movie released this year, by a wide margin. Other directors simply can't compete.


I'd swap 3 and 4


Warning movie spoiler :

why does david kill the engineers ?

Great film, until they meet David. Costume design was impeccable.

Mass repliers should be hanged

Nvm i just found the extra that explains this and alot of other things

Why not include this in the actual movie !

star trek: aylium edition

When's the third movie coming out ?

God willing, within this decade. Money never was and continues not to be a problem for Ridley Scott, but Fox might pussy out with the IP.

David grew the wheat to experiment with genetic selection

The advent got me pretty hyped for the "queen" story

So hopefully not long ,shame the budget will be pretty badly slashed

Cringy stronk womyn but they end up balancing it with even more dumb female crew members, also cucking shower by the end.
Dr. Shaw was the closest thing they could get to Ripley.

Scott could probably fund the whole movie by himself if he wanted.

The first quarter makes Prometheus totally irrelevant

It never came off as cringy strong woman shit though.
She was incompetent as fuck and wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for Kenny Powers.

only good scene is the first encounter

He'd go broke in the process

Even with a smaller budget