Wtf? I hate fight club now!

Is Fight Club about manbaby losers who turn into literal nazi fascists or is it about real men who are rebelling against an oppressive, emasculating, gynocentric society?

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That's all good and well but someone needs to let them know the term is about a century old

The book is a little more nuanced than that, isn't it? Not that it's a great deep book but obviously Palahniuk was wrestling with masculinity in a personal way, and with its repression and how to find an answer to that.

Fuck off neogaf.

>Is Fight Club about manbaby losers who turn into literal nazi fascists
Obviously. Or do you think Tyler Durden is a real role model?

somebody i know shared it on FB

It is about the conflict of determining one's individuality in the universal-particular structure

Sounds like the person sharing it is the insecure one?

What is a great deep book? You faggots talk shit about everything.

>he's showing how bad masculinity is
>masculinity = fascism
All he's showing is that he's an insecure homo who is mad that Chad's like Stacy's. At any rate, the movie is well-liked because the masculinity that is displayed is appealing. I don't think most people read into messages. Most people liked the movie because it "looked cool". It looked cool because masculinity is fucking awesome.

I'm so happy I punctured your ego, pleb.
*infects you with treatment resistant lice*
Maybe I'll consider disinfecting you.... if you start with the Greeks

Fuck off vomit-inducing underage Sup Forumsshit neogaf

Weird, I thought it was about how a safe, boring, sedentary life was a shitty existence for men.

I guess it was really just about how he can't get laid and is shit in bed. Despite him fucking the shit out of that skanky bitch.

>tyler is insecure about how good he is in bed

but girl said he was great and that she hadn't been fucked like that since grade school. did this blogger even watch the movie

Goddamn, of all the off the cuff insults the right coined for the gaggle of pussies the modern left is none seems to have struck harder or deeper than this meh-tier insult that was most likely a complete afterthought to anyone who ever used it.

How is it this mediocre insult is the one they absolutely cannot understand and hilariously try to co-opt with such obvious desperation? Do they subconsciously hate having their bullshit uniqueness cred and misguided sensibility called into question this badly?

I keep forgetting Chuck Palahniuk is gay

it's funny how butthurt they get when you call them snowflakes. i really didn't think it would have the effect it did. hilarious. what a terribly insecure and self loathing people they are

You sound like a snowflake.

I dunno. Either way it's a shit movie.

>How is it this mediocre insult is the one they absolutely cannot understand and hilariously try to co-opt with such obvious desperation?
It was just a throwaway insult from the "gamer gate" days. I don't think anybody on the right has unironically used it since 2014. It sure did get thier assholes puckered.

What about redpill being invented by trannies?

They seem to associate "snowflake" with fragility rather than its intended meaning of someone thinking they are beautiful and unique.

lmao is that even true? i thought fight club was a movie about auditing the fed.

Case in point.

I think it's older than that, but your point still stands. Not even the people who minted the insult took it as seriously, used it so haphazardly, or completely failed to understand it like these fools.

Either way, the saddest part is the mantra was that no one was a unique snowflake. It wasn't some left vs. right thing, or whatever that fag was ass hurt over. Just a way of saying get your head out of your ass.

Chuck palahniuck is gay?

Triggered snowflake?

>"When you call people 'snowflake', you are quoting Fight Club."
That's not how language works

Sup Forumstards do this with the term "redpill" also, not knowing that the movie was made by two transexual brothers who support socialism.


Yes. He's said multiple times he considers the film superior to his book.

Again, case in point.

Snowflake keeps on getting triggered!

The meaning behind both redpill and snowflake is incredibly simple and has nothing to do with anything beyond those very simple meanings. Anyone trying to analyze them this deeply is a fucking idiot.

Ok.. I am just going to keep calling them what they are mentally ill for supporting trans shit.

Yeah that wasn't hard to do.

I think the point is that it's ironic that they were invented by trannies and gays

It's like they were trying to warn us how fucked up the world was going to become.

It actually looks the other way around since you're forcing this spam instead of explaining why the original post bothered you.

>the matrix trannies invented the concept of "no going back"
Just stop

Because it simply takes all the effort they put into expressing their individuality and turns it into a bland, common description. The poor faggot who spent years coming up with his own special genderfluid pansexual form of anarcho-anarchist anarchism, dressing to stand out, speaking in a manner construed to set him apart from the crowd, listening to obscure bands to drive home his individuality - all that is shattered when some kid under an anime avatar comes along and equates him with millions just like him, all identical in their pathetic attempt at being unique.

>redpill means "no going back"
Are you legally retarded?

You seem a little hotheaded, maybe enough to melt your snowflake.

It's funny because the red pill as a symbol of exiting a simulated reality was first used in Total Recall.
The Watchowskis probably stole the idea from there.

Yes, in the matrix when you take the red pill, you can't go back to your original state of not knowing about the matrix. You cant unlearn it.

When Sup Forums refers to taking "the red pill", they are referring to the fact that once you realize the Zionists plan, you can never unsee it. There is no going back. You obviously haven't taken the Sup Forums redpill or you wouldn't need me to explain this. Stay blue pilled, faggot.

>melt your snowflake
Even when going full tryhard shitposter you can't get it right. I'm starting to think what they say about the left and its ability to meme is true.

Redpill refers to the swallowing of information that goes against society's normalized programming that makes you realize the world isn't as comfortable as others have lead you to believe, that you have basically been lied to. You would know this if you read the people who first used the concept in politics like Moldbug who constantly made reference to how a redpill can be massive and painful to fully digest.

But that was his "dream" persona. Tyler Durden was never actually real, and him being not being real is kind of the point. The Fight Club, Tyler, and delusions of being a rebel are all just a form of escapism for bored, unhappy men who are unsatisfied with a society that tells them to be happy through advertising and materialism. When this escapism goes beyond just personal satisfaction and extends to societal revolution Ed Norton ends up rejecting Tyler.

All this snowflake has are its memes. How cute!

I keep thinking what Fight Club could have been WITHOUT the twist about Tyler.

It would have made a far better statement about extremism in the face of cultural castration, without coping out by saying the main character is mentally ill and as such, all the things he said in his alter ego/villain form were insane rantings.

The main character stops Tyler, who goes to jail as a martyr. The main character has to go into hiding because while saving the world, Tyler's ideology has become a worldwide cult and more to the point, going off into violent directions even Tyler doesn't approve of.

Fucking cringe.
Redpill wasn't invented on Sup Forums you massive retard.

Sure, it's just those pesky zionists. The communist, gobalist kikes dindu nuffin

The point of the Sup Forums redpill is that once you notice just how much shit the kikes really ARE behind, there's no going back. You can't unsee that shit, it's quite literally staring you in the face every time you turn the telly on. All the other information just follows from there.

>you can't go back to your original state of not knowing about the matrix. You cant unlearn it.
But Cypher wanted to go back, and the Agents said he could

This is Wikipedia bullshit. Let me guess, Bannon invented "alt-right"? Go to Sup Forums right now and ask them what redpill means to them.

>communist globalist kikes
Those are zionists

Just google "best books in history" and you get a pretty accurate answer.

Your reading comprehension is abysmal.

>This is Wikipedia bullshit.
Why are you even arguing something that can be easily disproven? A simple Google search will reveal that Moldbug's been using the red pill concept as I described it since at least 2007.

>Go to Sup Forums right now and ask them what redpill means to them.
Most people on Sup Forums right now were toddlers when Moldbug dropped his first "redpills".

Fight Club is a great movie but like a certain kind of hat got a bad kind of following and has become tainted for a lot of wrong reasons. You aren't supposed to want to be Tyler, but that doesn't mean everything about him and what he said was wrong. Tyler was the wrong solution to a real problem.

Palahniuk wrote the story after he got beaten up one weekend and rocked up to work with a battered face. None of his co-workers addressed this and just tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary. Social detachment and submissiveness masquerading as 'civility' are very real problems and if you were to ask Palahniuk I'm sure he'd agree. The point of the movie isn't that Edward Norton was a whiny insane little bitch, it's that he would probably have been normal in any other time or place but the million tiny ridiculous bullshit facts of modern life all working together turned him into one.

These aren't new or radical ideas, this stuff has been kicking around in some form or another for a long time, Palahniuk just presented it in a way that was very relatable for our particular time and situation.

They were lying to him **like Jews always do**

Jesus Christ. Stop reading comics

Sounds about right, but you'd think they'd realize though even the smallest amounts of self-awareness that their desperate attempts to be unique is just pushing them into another strain of conformity just like every other instance of knee-jerk iconoclastic angst. It's just hilarious how much it blue screens them. The faggot spamming the same thing over and over ITT is a perfect encapsulation of that.

>Agents are Jews
>but the place literally called Zion is a multiracial disco

I don't care how Moldbug uses it. Nobody has ever heard of him, except you because you're Moldbug. We were talking about how Sup Forums uses

Its about a bunch of retards doing retarded shit

For someone who thinks of himself as being redpilled you sure are becoming uncomfortable for realizing what its original meaning is.

What's this retard talking about? Gays love fascism.

Everybody flipped out about cuck too.

not that I don't believe you but, source?

I think the twist is almost essential to the story and message. I see the story as a very individualist one in that it is important to recognize the "Tyler Durden" in oneself and realize the limits in which one should follow or listen to him. Fight Club isn't so much about culture, society, and extremism but is more so about the individual figuring out how to navigate, orient, and conduct oneself in culture and society. It doesn't matter what the effects of Tyler's ideology has on the rest of the world, that is irrelevant. What matters is the effect it had on the individual, the main character and thus you as the audience member. I probably explained that terribly

Both. The narrator only goes crazy because of the emasculating society to he lives in.

Yeah, but a lot of people from Sup Forums also use "bluepill." Total Recall had no blue pill. When Sup Forums users reference it they are, more often than not, referencing the Matrix.

Yeah they did. The fact you can find editorials in leftwing publications trying very hard to normalize that shit is probably one of the reasons why.

In 1989, a man named Chuck Palahniuk enrolled in a Landmark Forum workshop. He was twenty-six years old and, like many of his co-participants, struggling with his life and what to do with it. Despite his lack of vocational direction, Palahniuk had no problem navigating his way to the closest exit after the first forty-five minutes of the workshop, repelled by the program’s cultiness and rigidity. Later that day, however, he returned to complete the training, and that night began writing what would eventually become his best-selling book, Fight Club

As an adult, Palahniuk became a member of the rebellious Cacophony Society. He is a regular participant in their events, including the annual Santa Rampage (a public Christmas party involving pranks and drunkenness) in Portland, Oregon.

The Synanon organization, initially a drug rehabilitation program, was founded by Charles E. "Chuck" Dederich, Sr., (1913–1997) in 1958 in Santa Monica, California, United States. By the early 1960s, Synanon had also become an alternative community, attracting people with its emphasis on living a self-examined life, as aided by group truth-telling sessions that came to be known as the "Synanon Game." Synanon ultimately became the Church of Synanon in the 1970s, and disbanded permanently in 1991 [1] due to many criminal activities

Synanon, Gestalt therapy, encounter groups, and Scientology.[7] She discusses the potential positive and negative psychological effects that can occur subsequent to taking the est training

Nothing about this is correct.

Reminder that the popular use of "cuck" on here was originally a Sup Forums meme used to mock Anthony Burch

*Fenwick writes that the est training draws influences from Synanon, Gestalt therapy, encounter groups, and Scientology.[

I thought it was about soap.

Missouri. 1861.

A snowflake was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery. They were called snowflakes because it said they valued white people over black people.

>tfw leftists get so jimmy jangled by snowflake it gives birth to a thousand different origin memes to cut even deeper

So a snowflake was a Democrat.
Some things never change.

Snowflake was the insult semi-mainstream conservatives adopted to signal they were "hip" with internet NEETs. You can call someone a cuck in public and expect to get picked up by a cable news network.

>It looked cool because masculinity is fucking awesome.
It seems that way to teenagers and the weak minded at least

A snowflake cannot stand the heat. It has no back bone, and it much too fragile. In the end, it will be gone.

>Remember they got this from a movie!
>Remember you're Dumbledores army and we follow the Mockingjay

I thought anybody who wasn't a retard realized that Fight Club was commentary on how retarded toxic masculinity was? Like even before toxic masculinity was this buzzword that gets people riled up.


The term "toxic masculinity," is where the real retarded mentality lies given all its "clever," nuances are immediately lost whenever the term is applied to anything outside the most insulated academic thought chamber. Instead it becomes little more than a vehicle for people to bitch and whine about masculinity in general while attaching the toxic moniker to their shitty interpretations of it.

Ultimately the term is facilitating a self-fulfilling prophecy since it's the ideas behind its creation that feminize society to the point people snap to reclaim any sort of masculinity. Meek sons growing up in a gender neutral hellhole, raised by consumerism and single moms with absolutely no discipline or structure will have no healthy sense of masculinity and will cling to whatever source of it they can find later in life.

It's the same reason you're now seeing women who used to be feminists go full Stepford wife bimbo mode to reclaim a sense of femininity they either consciously or subconsciously feel they were denied at chance at.

Newcomers were first interviewed by Synanon leadership to gain entrance into the community.[7] Upon their arrival, those newcomers are forced to quit using drugs cold turkey, going through withdrawal within the first few days in the community.[14] Furthermore, for their first ninety days in the community, members were expected to cease contact with outside friends and family.[7]

During its first decade, Synanon members entered into a 1-2 year program in three stages aimed at preparing members to reenter greater society. During the first stage, members did community and housekeeping labor. During the second stage, members worked outside of the community but still resided within the community. Finally, during the third stage, members both worked and lived outside of the community, but still attended regular meetings.[14] However, after Synanon's transition into an alternate society in 1968, this program changed to a "lifetime rehabilitation" program, with the premise that drug addicts would never be fully healed enough to return to society.[6]

One of the most distinguishing practices of the Synanon community was a therapeutic practice commonly referred to as "The Game." The game was a session during which one member would talk about themselves and then endure violent criticism by their peers.[15] During this practice, members were encouraged to be critical of everything, using critical and profane language.[7]

Because there was no hierarchy in The Game, members could freely criticize Synanon's highest leadership, who would then take member concerns into consideration when deciding policy.[7][15]

The game turned into a 72-hour version and was admitted by Dederich and author Lewis Yablonsky to be brainwashing. Refer to Yablonsky's book The Tunnel Back. The game was eventually used to pressure people to Dederich's will, to abort pregnancies, have vasectomies and commit violence.[2]

Later uses of the word was by Democrats ironically to describe blacks.

Democrats are now starting to claim that Democrat is a slur too.

>hitler killed this guy and hundreds others because he couldn't deal with being a slightly lower rank in his party

lmao what a beta

>she hadn't been fucked like that since grade school.
what did she mean by thiat?

Actually he was killed because the SA was full of anti-capitalist Strasserists and Hitler wanted to get the support of German industrialists.

>tfw actually burned my hand and gave myself black eyes
adolescence was a mistake

I lose

As well as the military, who didn't like the rough and tumble, undisciplined paramilitary having so much power.

It was a little more than that. Röhm and much of the SA's leadership had differing political views to Hitler and the SS. The former were not friendly at all to the military Prussian aristocracy that Hitler idealized and their economic views were rather Strasserite.

This, that's where /lit/ gets all their opinions. Following the critics like sheep.

Masculinity is "toxic" because it destroys everything, including, ultimately, itself. That's how "the feminine" took over society. There was no coup. The masculine simply annihilated itself.

Wtf. I love consumer/corporate culture now.