
This is one of the most underrated scenes in the Sopranos. It had an eerie quality about it. What the fuck was up with these guys?
In the director's commentary of the episode they mention that David Chase meant for this scene to be an ode to David Lynch.
Also, general Sopranos thread.

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What, is everyone too busy talking about capeshit to discuss the GOAT show?

The Milton Brothers predicted all of this

Sup Forums is dead. Thanks r*ddit.

Might as well just talk to myself at this point.
Patsy had Tony killed.

>he thinks Tony died

>He's so stupid he thinks he didn't die
Amazing. If there was ever a way to tell someone wasn't paying attention to the show, you just have to ask if Tony died or not.

We got whacked, not tony

Wrong, partially. I agree we got "whacked", but we got whacked right alongside Tony.

I've never watched this show, should I start?

You're fucking missing out. Greatest show ever, no question.

Is it on Netflix or some other streaming service?

No, unless you've got HBO. Otherwise I'd suggest finding episodes online. I've got a website I used way back that was good quality, let me see if I can find it.

Favorite seasons?

1 and 3 here

Amazon prime

All the episodes are there, and in HD quality as far as I remember.


Honestly hard to say, I enjoy all of them. Even season 6.

Me too, but I really enjoy that late 90s nostalgia the first 3 seasons had (yes i know season 2 and 3 came out after 1999)

Yea I agree. The first 3 seasons had a really comfy nostalgic feel to them.
One of the things that made this such an amazing show is how easily you can relate to the characters even though the viewer has little in common with them lifestyle-wise. I have nary a bad thing to say about nearly every aspect of the show.

My biggest complaint is how realistically annoying they made Lydia and Janice.

10/10 D.Chase

This the family of contract killers? Yeah, that house was sinister as fuck, even with the ironic gallows humor Chase was trying to give it. It's the only other time we see Sil and Chrissy uneasy and out of their element. The other time is at the moment they see their respective deaths coming

Exactly. Livia and Janice are prime examples of how to make a realistically detestable character. Not to mention, Carmella is a female/wifely character done RIGHT. It's incredible really. You take someone like Skylar from BrBa and realize how fucking annoying and retarded she is, and then you look at Carmella and you can actually feel some empathy for her.

Fuck yeah, thanks user

>The city of Los Angeles will no longer mark Columbus Day on the second Monday of October.

>Following a near-unanimous vote by the City Council on Wednesday, Angelenos will instead celebrate Indigenous People’s Day on Oct. 9.

Silvio would be rolling in his coma.

Fucking queers!

He killed 16 Czechoslovakians; guy was an interior decorator

I felt like I could smell the feces and hand sanitizer emanating from this scene.

In part, it's such a dig at the Rhode Island mafia.

In part, Vito Corelone was based on Raymond Patriarca who was based in Rhode Island off Atwells Avenue. The New England Mafia still exists in prime form unlike the several weakened NYC Mafia. That said, this scene works as both an insult to New England but also as an allusion to Greek Myths.

They represent a faded idea, ghosts of the past who still hold power of death. Their blindness is a metaphor that they don't see they're already dead - but they act as ferrymen regardless.

Carmen Dinunzio is the current head of the New England Mafia, and he is known to want to get everything back in order. In part, the issues Top Chef had filming in Boston was mafia related.

>ghosts of the past who still hold power of death. Their blindness is a metaphor that they don't see they're already dead - but they act as ferrymen regardless
Ding ding ding. But take it one step further, the brothers are really a setpiece, more useful as reflections and the true focus is on the Jersey mob members come to hire them. Sil and Chris at the prime of their lives see their fate before them, old blind men reeking of death, talking of and arranging death. It's a minor play on Junior's theme of slowly going senile in the prison nursing home, but more elegantly executed .

White shoes are always a sign of death in this show

watch it chrissie

RIP thread

it was purgatory. and it still creeps me the fuck out

Interesting. How do you mean?

it was juniors idea to hire them, just to show how far he is living in the past

Since nothing ever came of the Johnny Sacramoni hit, and the picture Sil//Chris showed these guys had Tony in it, do you think maybe they had something to do with his death....? They were half blind and seemingly senile. I've always wondered if there was something more to them.

the religious symbols, church bells dinging when chrissy and silvio arrive, the stale atmosphere as if the house and everything inside it is stuck in time .

Inside are Hitmen who dedicated their lives to doing wetwork who are at the end of the glory days and are now stuck inside a home with all with nothing much left but that.

I honestly dont know, maybe im just rambling but this scene always just struck me to be incredibly eerie and was supposed to spew death.