Star Wars: The Last Jedi

>This asian qtpie 3.14 is going to be a main character in the upcoming The Last Jedi Star Wars movie


More like "too much pie."

lol what kind of retarded name is that

Stop shilling.


Okay i tell u everyting. He a rook rike a man

>"Billy, what toy do you want?"
>"I want that fat asian Star Wars action figure!"

>that figure
holy shit what the fuck. It doesn't even remotely look like her.


Pic related, Lead writer of nuwars

whats with all the chubby asians lately?

>buy in tons of unsold Ghostbusters 2016 figures
>stick an asian face on them
>slap on the Star Wars label
>sell for million cents
Hasbro are genius

That's my mom's name asshole.

Mei is a cute though.

And has big chubbster tits.

Is anyone going to buy these Rose figures though?

Finally, Constable Zuvio can rest and someone else can keep the pegs warm

did they make her look thinner on the toy package?

kek to the max, ya'll

don't bother putting them in the bargain bin, just toss them in the dumpster.

SJWs mostly

I unironically think she's cute though.

The figure is a disaster but the person, who is she? She has an adorable face

Those people can't even be bothered to vote.

Here's your fat disney princess

She looks like pic related in a wig.
