They all hyped them in TFA, there is not a single mention for them in TLJ marketing no pic, no toy, no nothing.
It better be intentional for save them for movie.

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Removed to add in the porgs

According to the, possibly fake, leaks, they'll be taken out by Luke rather quickly, to give him something to do while Rey fights the Red Lobster guys guarding Snoke.

Would have been a good idea so they left it out

Reminder that JJ literally did not plan for anything beyond the Force Awakens and Rian was not given anything before writing The Last Jedi

what is/are ren?

future spinoff, sequel, and prequel films, tv shows, and other media possibly. Luke might have already fought some or all of them except before episode 7 although I doubt that would be the case.

You'll never know. Worldbuilding isn't FUN. Jar Jar Abrams fans told me so. Star Wars should never strive to be anything more than a sequence of hollow action scenes with a generic protagonist it seems.

They were too good to be in movie

>dude just shut your brain off

The retards never plugged their brains in.

replaced with red guards


>Knights of Ren
Pick one. Their leader got completely destroyed by a girl who never had any training in the force or lightsaber combat in general.
I can't imagine how shitty the Knights must be.

Rei will BTFO them in Last Jedi I guarantee you that!

Question is why do they even exist? They created them before even having a script for TFA. Apparently this shit is based on naruto. Let's make a bunch of badass guys that don't even look from a galaxy far way, as long as they sell toy figurines. They were so greedy they designed 6 of them. Then JJ Arams was incapable of writing a story that would be seemingly coherent or original, let alone have 6 badass villains in it. So they put them in a flashback for 2 seconds and let Rian Johnson deal with it. Obviously he dealt with it in an extreme way. These guys could have been in the place of praetorian guards.

>New trilogy
>Want all the answers in the first movie

>I bypassed the character development!

pretty easy to figure out which one is the "Rogue".

Read it again. He's saying he wants at least some use of them in the SECOND movie.

They are all dead my dude

>giving a fuck about a discarded toy series
nu wars fandom everyone

I hated TFA because we learn nothing about anything. The only thing we know is that Ben is Han & Leia's son. Everything else is unexplained, Luke doesn't even speak. That's not a story.

>implying they can't be brought back to life through sith tech

>can easily rebuild some shitty rebels who got destroyed when an entire planet got glassed
>can't bring back Darth "I'll force choke you like a bitch" Vader

>Darth "I'll force choke you like a bitch" Vader
I'll bet you loved his Rogue one scene

It was the only part of the film I bothered to stream.

>movie hypes them up
>final battle
>they will all get deleted by God Jedi Rey in 5 seconds

forget it

Only if there was one thing that enraged me about TFA, it's that the Knights of Ren, the ONLY new element in the movie, showed up in the movie as long as they did in the trailer.

At least now they don't create any false hype.

>Rogue one team didn't become Knights of ren
I really liked that idea. Maybe they're saving the hero becomes villain story arc for rey

>At least now they don't create any false hype.
LOL, you haven't seen the movie yet. There was flase advertisement in TFA and even mmore in Rogue One. disney is not gonna stop now. I find it strange that Luke and Rey have different clothes and still be on Ach-to. It could definitely be flase promo. They'll get away with it again because nobody complain before.

On both TFA and the last jedi they're being played by extras and stuntmen so I wouldn't expect anything particularly exciting from them aside from being canon fodder

Who would win in a fight Kylo's Knights of Ren or Ramsay Bolton's 20 Good men?


Just shit the idiots who wrote TFA thought was cool with no real backstory for mystery

needed more gandma Yoda time and Rey time and more grandma Carrie Fisher time, remember girls need atleast 60% of all the scenes now, why 60%? paygap. and to make up for all the past movies girls weren't in obviously

>Ramsay Bolton's 20 Good men
Are obviously your classic party of MMO raiders. They win.

What jj said