Do people really not like the cgi?

I think it's excellent.

its extremely blurry


it's pretty stylised, especially the gore.

What is this from?

Game of Thrones

So this is game of thrones? Why do people praise its visuals so hard?

Stargate SG1


I like how the decapitated rotting corpse conveniently has it's arms crossed and rolled over in a way to not show any nudity.

A man's chest is considered nudity?

Will it ever be explained as to why Major Brigg's body keeps appearing in random crime scenes?

Does it look like Game of Thrones?

What the shit is this awful shit


The new Impossible Mission movie

Ooga Booga

yeah, fuck that ass for Obama!

The last season had a pretty awful-on-purpose CGI. The tulpa destroying scenes are obvious.


>he was in the white lodge with ayys
>some nuckleheads tried to contact him and he gave them coordinates where and when to contact him
>evil coop/bob shows up and murders briggs
>kills one of the knuckleheads who was having an affair with another nucklehead (shaggy) and takes brigg's head and her body with him
>corrupts his wife into pinning the blame on him by revealing his affair, then kills her

>implying this wasn't great

other hack """directors"""
>cgi is outsourced to koreans
>nothing about it stands out
>entirely focused on "realism", never quite obtaining it
>varies from outright shit to okay
>forgotten immediately after finishing the episode

>has no interest in strict realism
>imagery is offputting and creative
>no focus on realism, goes for 100% unreality to maintain the fever dream/nightmare atmoshphere
>sticks in the viewer's mind for days

This. I've never seen anything like it. And if it was in another director's universe, I doubt I'd buy it, but since it's Lynch, it oddly makes sense.

CGI is great for certain things. But it still (for the most part) sucks when trying to render humanoids. Avatar handled this well, but even with the money WoW and Hobbit had, everything looked cartoony when next to live actors.

I agree but that day for night scene was a mess.

Twin peaks has numerous awful cgi effects that end up looking pretty good and matching with the tone.

Even OP pic in all its blurriness looks like somekind of dreamscape painting.