Watch the new death note movie

>watch the new death note movie
>its shit

>watch the new mummy movie
>its shit
feels bad man

Blu ray rip when

>Wanted capeshit
>Got Pure Kino
Threads like this should be bannable offence

I liked the new Mummy movie.

It´s both Cruisekino AND Egyptkino. STFU you dumb faggot.


I liked the mummy. People made it seem like it was some grimdark flick but it was just a mummy girl wanting to fuck. Damn him for choosing the blonde girl.

>Deleted my Sofia folder
So does no one post her anymore?

As far as those retarded flicks go, this was solid fun. I'm actually amazed that Cruise can still pull action roles off so good.

the movie got really borning in the middle, and the only interesting parts were with tom cruse

>watch King Arthur
>it's a wild ride
feels good man

that's why you shoot a man, before crashing his plane

I can't watch any Cruise movies since i researched his involvement in scientology. Dude is crazy as shit.

>watch a netflix movie
its shit
>watch a netflix series
its shit
>watch another netflix series
its shit

The new Mummy movie was incredible.

was it rape

it was actually good

cruise makes anything passable

Yeah, I don't understand why they wrote the blonde so boring if she was to be his motivation, felt totally unreal.

But there were also other things that just didn't work in this movie, like his dead sidekick coming back a la 'American Werewolf in London', it didn't fit the movie at all and was very cheap, the whole Jekyll/Hyde thing fell flat, and the ending was 'meh'.

Anyway, Cruise did some nice stunts and put in a decent performance, but I have no interest whatsoever in following this character in another movie which in turn was the whole point, setting up a 'world' of superhero monsters for a 'Avengers' style series.

yes, of her soul

but you'll watch movies with jews?

I enjoyed the Mummy too. I'm glad I wasn't Tom Cruises character, because I would have picked Ahmanet in a heart beat.

t. plebbitor


Yeah, Scientology is crazy, yet it is more likely that we were some genetic experiment from the planet Xenu (or whatever it was) than the product of an all powerful 'god' who created earth and then created man.

We wuz absolutely gorgeous

We wuz Indeahd muh bruvah

Calm down Cruise, we will watch your movies no matter how crazy scientology is. No need to get triggered over nothing.


>being this much of a retarded drone

Mummy is cute! CUTE!

I'd unwrap her bandages, if you know what I mean.
