/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

Cozy Marathon Hype Edition



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a-any marathon streams?

I support this thread over the other one


>Those digits
We're in for an emotional rollercoaster
Buckle up fellas



Someone should combine the original shot with this


Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)
Listen youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM



>DoppelCoop has his suit jacket open like Coop used to
>Coop buttons his jacket even though he didn't do so 25 years ago


Do you think we'll get UFOs and aliens in the finale?


No, Frost

Doubt it. The UFO/Alien stuff was always Blue Book misinterpreting Lodge Activity as Ayyliums

Hahahaha. You'll see

Anyone watching marathon?

Guessing weebcrews not gonna pull through on this one

YOU'LL see.

is this the same fat bitch that got hospitalized by richard?

Final scene will be jumping man returning to his home planet with a flying saucer.


yes richard fucked this smug cunt up

Who's the fucked up one now, boy?

don't mind me just posting best girl

LoL. "And maybe somebody else."

Another notch for Mr.C

Can someone explain how jacques renault is alive? Is the two realities true?


Many people think that the place shown in episode 8 is the white lodge.

Lets think for a second. Those scenes are shot in black & white. But why? Maybe it is the explanation. It's both the black and the white lodge. It's the thing above all that we can't understand.

A healthy diet.

348 Sheryl Lee images

mfw i already were constantly rewatching all the episodes throughout those months over and over again

Does your girlfriend watch twin peaks with you

It was shot in black n white cause it was in the past, the white lodge is apart of the old lodges, the black lodge added red to the mix to show evil

Yes and she thinks shelly is best girl


Fuck off normie scum

how is annie? how is annie? ahahahahaha.... how is annie.... uhuuhuhu.... how is annie

So Hawk went to find Cooper where he was last seen. Cooper should have left from where he entered, but was tricked.

he was just checking the portal just in case my friend. And it wasn't a jump in the future

she is in the show

Were never gonna know user

who the hell has a girlfriend that's gay

Yes. (She's a tulpa)

are we at least going to know if he had a chance to brush his teeth?

Is it future or is it past.

Two times.

But lodge creatures are alium

regarding the finale, anyone team Evil Kyle here?

my biggest fear is him just getting one punched by one punch lad

Yes it's actually her favorite show right now

just posting 240p youtube video

Can't believe it's already ending. It doesn't feel like 18 weeks. Almost nothing happened most of the way, but I still enjoyed spending time with these characters every week. A song at the Roadhouse every Sunday... that's how I'd like every Sunday to be.

>Weeks later, after her release from the hospital, Ronette was brought to the sheriff's station, where Agent Cooper had her smell a jar of oil, which frightened her, as she recognized the smell from the night Laura was killed.

Wait a minute, Ronette is still alive? What the fuck is she doing in the alternate Naido room?

She's in that room and outside the tea kettle room where Jeffries was turned to a vape cloud. She gets all around.

The entire series takes place over 2 weeks lol. Its purpose wasn't to give a new plot, it was to establish what the fuck happened in the world over 25 years (and it did a pretty good job).

He says,"I don't need anything, I want."

Later, he shows a strange card and says, "This is what I want"

this is the water

Lynch keep reusing same actors like a fraud he is

I can't believe he used the same actor for Good Coop, Evil Coop, ad Dougie Jones

at the same time he uses different actors for the same character (the gamblers, ike the spike)

Oh shit, I thought the person that opened Jeffries' door was the tranny from Ray and Daria's house.

It's almost over

post yfw Cooper came back 100%

That's not Ronette, just the same actress. He wasn't going to use Ronette again for anything, but gave her a bit part for the return. Same thing with Mike(Bobby's friend) interviewing Steven. It was just Lynch being nice.

different actor for the spike midget? I don't recall that, wasn't he played by same guy since he appeared on screen




Photo Fag's posting something big to /tpg/ tomorrow...

A shame that he couldn't find something for Josie to do.

James is still cool.


In Memory of FRANK SILVA.

episode 1, when he's getting away with the money for the hit from evil coop. Completely different actor and he's not even a midget

Ike the Spike looks just like my boss, only smaller. I can't stop chuckling when he is in a scene.

Hey /tpg/
Just want to say thank you for giving me one of the best summers I've ever had. Shitposting, Vedderposting, CUTEposting and just watching this kino with you all has been an absolute delight.
I love every single one of you.
If anyone considering suicide after the finale, please remember that I and everyone else do not want you to leave us. I mean we still got shit to discuss and shitpost about.
Whatever happens regarding season 4, just know that being with you all has been absolutely amazing and I will never forget it.

no, Buella is probably a legitimate woman youtube.com/watch?v=vZtFmVK8BWM

"bosomy woman" in the motel on the other hand is pic related


14 hours to go fellas

Audrey in a coma- dreaming of the roadhouse.

James had an accident. Probably still in a coma. He is dreaming about being always cool

I think Audrey and James are both trapped in the comaverse

Should I keep my Showtime™ subscription to watch Shameless™?

What am I gonna do with my life come tomorrow? ;_;

more than 24 hours for me. Europe. Gotta work tomorrow and gotta watch the finale wiht other people.

Gonna have to avoid the internet all day tomorrow until 7:00 pm or so.

Wish me luck. See you on tuesday my friends

Go back to season 1


>tfw in a week /tpg/ will be on its last leg and a single thread will last an entire day.

I don't want it to end


>tfw in a week /tpg/ can go back to being a place to reminisce about classic twin peaks and none of this RETURN nonense

These threads just aren't as comfy as before

I wish you luck. No matter what happens, it's been wonderful.
All good things...

Will annie even get mentioned?

S2 had many problems but i always thought that annie was a good character that had chemistry with coop

Anyone know if starting times have changed for tonight?

Ray, stop having impure thoughts!

It sucks for Europeans. I have fuck all to do today, but tomorrow I'm going to be busy for almost the whole day. Instead of sitting down on a cozy Sunday night I'll have to sneak in a time after being exhausted from work. I wish someone would just leak the whole thing somehow.

Should i stay up tonight completely fucking up my day tomorrow or wait and watch it later?

nice trips


Do NOT bully Ray, sissy boy!

I usually watch it on my hour-long busride to work. I wish it was dark outside in the morning again...
