What is some Gordon Ramsay kino?

What is some Gordon Ramsay kino?

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Why is Chloe Moretz on Hotel Hell?

she runs the show

Take shot everytime Ramsay says "disgusting"

Why is he so THICC, bros?

I fucking hate the editor of this show why does he keep inserting noises that didn't happen?

Why do Americans shit their beds?

do you think they make a nice couple

I just plain hate the show. Its Kitchen Nightmares lite
>this hotel is shit
>I know
>why is it shit
>because...alcoholism...and marital problems...and a bunch of other shit I'm going to dump on the viewers for the next hour
>cue the sentimental music
>cue the other people crying and Gordon looking stone faced
>right I'm gonna spend thousands to renovate this hotel that'll likely close in a few weeks anyway because I can spruce up the place but I cant pay off your million dollars worth of debt
its the same formula for Kitchen Nightmares and Masterchef
>my restaurant is failing because I have a bunch of issues that I'm going to bring up in casual conversation with the judges
>I know I can become the next Masterchef because I have a bunch of issues that I'm going to bring up in casual conversation with the judges
>cue the sad music for the story
>cue the uplifting music for Gordon's resolution

my restaurant is failing because I have a bunch of issues that I'm going to bring up in casual conversation with Gordon*

Kitchen Nightmares have the highest suicide rate post-show.



there """she"""" is

needs bra to be beliveable

whoop dere it is

if by 'nice couple' you mean she stays home and looks after their kids while he is out boozing and chasing after younger more attractive women

then yes they are a very nice couple

blimey, she-hulk remake when?


is this what your stomach will look like after a botched liposuction?

paco got old

>tfw he's in better shape than me

Actually the hotels have a higher success rate than the restaurants he visits. I guess it's harder to fuck up in the hospitality than in food service.

Damn, that's a very nice body for a man in his fifties.