Be american

>be american
>go to school
>kid asks you to go to prom with him
>say no
>get shot
>parents start gofundme for your medical bills
>still get subpar treatment and experience brain death
>parents pull the plug when the gofundme donations drop
How is high school in your cunt?

Attached: Capture.png (476x416, 322K)

it's ok

There was a shooting at my school last year, only 1

>*1 injured


>>be american
>>get shot

That's all you had to say

>a male student


This is why people here think America is a joke. Fix the guns and fix the healthcare and you got a decent country. HIghschool is pretty comfy here. Nothing crazy though.

At this point fixing the guns won't solve anything anymore, their minds are already fucked.

One less wh*Toid

she looks fucking late 20s

>rejecting someone to prom
pretty cruel desu
prom dates literally dont matter because you split up at the dance anyways


This is actually sad. Reminds me of when I was 17 and a youngin. That was long time ago

This was the shooter btw

Attached: maryland-school-shooter-9.jpg (673x700, 28K)

>Defending a roastie

>Dude, just ask her out. What could go wrong?

Attached: tfw4.png (159x193, 74K)

>you could just shoot her if she refuses, bro.


That's what the healthcare is for. They can literally keep the guns if they do 't have to worry about going into poverty getting thier children thepsychological care they need. I can buy an AR here (though with a 5 round mag limit) and fuck shit up fine but you don't see people here pulling that shit.

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Healthcare here is very good if you can afford it and get to the locations. It's just very expensive.

Why did they specify male

>very good if you can afford it
>It's just very expensive

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whats the difference

>>still get subpar treatment and experience brain death

citation needed

I just cannot imagine a world where you can go to school and get shot. I mean people only got stabbed in my school.

Wh*toid genes desu

Yeah that's the issue. People end up going into debt for decent care or being stuck with mediocre but still expensive care.


Fucking alpha
Is he in jail?

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>I mean people only got stabbed in my school
This is just equally worse.
There was no such thing like this in my school back then. The only thing that I could think of was people got suspended because they were smoking fags in the toilet.

that wh*Te got gunned down by a mall cop

>the male shooter is more feminine than the female victim

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looks like the youngest child from malcom in the middle

What happened if someone asked out a girl, and got rejected? Or if they dated, and the girl broke up with him, and he loved her very much?

my nigga Dewey

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>17-year old
Um Canada, all minors are automatically covered. She's being pulled off of life support because she is braindead.

He's like 12 wtf

Attached: wtf.png (191x222, 81K)

> People getting shot at school
> Or only getting stabbed
Either one was nearly unheard of back in the 80s, and neither ever happened at my high school. At most, someone got bullied or punched in the face.

What the fuck happened?

I don't believe you. There are plenty of parents who have to pay for their child's expensive care.


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He just need to wear a bit of make up, shave his body and wear a skirt. Now try asking one of the black kids. I'm sure they would like him.

I don't know, I went to a really shit school, they closed it down a few years ago.

>all minors are automatically covered.

>Thanks in large part to Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provide comprehensive and affordable health coverage to more than 44 million children (57 percent of all children)

Go figure an American considers 57% to be everyone.

You're automatically covered by your parents healthcare if you're a minor. Most people have healthcare through their employers. If your parents are covered, you are covered until you're 18.

She was ugly anyway. No big loss.

was she MtF?

>You're automatically covered by your parents healthcare if you're a minor
What if your parents are uninsured, you fucking retard?
>you are covered until you're 18.
You're so fucking retarded and have no clue what you're talking about. It's 26.

Or if her parents' insurance doesn't over the medical procedures that she wants, or if they have shitty insurance, as they had to beg on GoFundMe

>It's 26.
That makes it even better.

Prom is a bad culture

the best culture is to just get drunk to death

Boy sminem cool


she looks like a tranny

She shouldn't have said no, roasty bitch had it coming.

Based Guatamala

I bet she was a roastie, nothing was lost.

>look 6 years old
>still get your hands on a gun

what the hell was the problem with your classmates? They showed a severe lack of patriotism!

Bad internet and school cultures. A lot of these kids just wouldn't think of it, but they've heard it on the news since birth and have been aggressively exposed to it in other ways too. It's just a thing to do. No one thinks about school shootings elsewhere in the world, let alone has drills and documentaries for it.

Even in third world cunts you dont see school shootings

Honestly alright. Everyone's a mate. None of this "prom" shit. We just had a formal that no one gave a shit about because everyone just wanted to hook up at the afterparty. Good times.
I also like that you can take the piss out of someone here without them getting mad. Makes for good banter. That's changing though because of American culture seeping in, which kinda sucks but sometimes it's fun to bant with someone who doesn't know how to throw shit back.

Americans are too proud and too paranoid to go see a psychologist.

>What happened if someone asked out a girl, and got rejected?

Just sad and relax? jeez american, not every problem is solved with guns.

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Why americans so heartless? Is it the mutt gene?

Japs are too shy and autistic for prom

>Out of the $2 billion raised through crowdfunding platform GoFundMe between 2010 and early 2016, $930 million was for health-related campaigns.

I think school shootings have less to do with guns than they have to do with Americans just being fucked up.

Why do people shoot at American schools? In my class all are friendly and do not offend anyone.
11 years old.

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is america pretty much ancap at this point


LITERALLY in the 90s after Columbine a bunch of crime and mental health experts were saying to stop dramatizing and publicizing it because it would encourage copycat criminals, but sensationalist news media couldn't help themselves. Combine that with the cultural assault on heterosexual white males, destruction of community and family, and success of black and Muslim violent outbursts in terms of granting privileges to their tribes and you get what we have here.


No, and if you think we are you don't understand what ancap is.

We clearly have taxes, state run economic incentives, literal tariffs, restrictions of things you're allowed to buy, sell, and consume. There are so many reasons why the answer is no. The US government is huge compared to ancap vision.

American schools are like hollywood movies
A Great adventure if you ask me

Greece is nothing like in Hollywood movies
Pathetic compared to their ancient peak if you ask me

Whiter than you, Muhammad

>Greece is nothing like in Hollywood movies
not a wonder since hollywood comes from a country that thinks schools are a survival course

I am not wh*te

Practice for the coming war with China

Is America Europe's mental asylum?

Is she really 16?
She looks older than me and i'm 19.

Needed. You fucking sociopath Trump supporter.

>its everyone else's fault white boys can't stop shooting up schools
Ah yes, the so called party of personal """"responsibility""""

This shit's crazier than living back in the 90s in post-soviet shitholes.

Another amerimuttina dead, nothing of value lost.

Attached: Drill.jpg (320x240, 23K)

there has never even been a fight at any of my schools that I attended

It's everyonea fault if black males want to shoot at each other every day.
See what I did you uninformed PoS?

single moms happened

still not Tumblr, faggot

Lol, these idiots that think she's required to say yes to the guy about prom and think she's a roastie because she said no...

She looks 24 in the picture on the right.

How can you fight if they shot you down?

this. The fucking healthcare that’s supposed to help is rigged for business and siphon the ill of their money until they can’t cough up any more money.

Children age so weird these days

*laughs in free healthcare*