How do you and people in your country eat their steak?

How do you and people in your country eat their steak?
Medium Rare here

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Anything below medium well is disgusting

I prepare a Parmentier Hâchis once a week.

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Well-done with ketchup, just like my president

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Were you picked last in PE also?


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i don't eat red meat

burnt coal
fuck yall niggas eating raw meat

I just cook it, only countries with shitty meat care about this retarded shit

Medium rare only

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Nope, shit cold lines lead to overcooked shit.


Well done with hot sauce

Well done :(
Really REALLY few people here eat it pink


I like it rare because it's saltier

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With potatoes

I prefer
medium for beef steak, and
rare for horse meat

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being this much of a loser

medium rare here, but i know some other faggots like it well done

Well Made. Only faggots who try to be American eat it raw

No, you clearly guzzle chai Soylent.

They put it their mouths and chew

i don't know anybody

Disgusting, OP. That thing is raw.

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Rare and dripping with based myoglobin

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Reminder that only soyboys eat anything that isn't well done.