Bring these gypsy scum to the Palace of Justice

Bring these gypsy scum to the Palace of Justice.

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>gets boner
>doesn't know what to do
What was his problem?

Look at that disgusting display!

>What was his problem?
I thing the boner was his problem.

more anti catholic propaganda by socialist scum.

there is no document of the church actively shunning gypsys.

This is now a "villains who did nothing wrong" thread

My entire life I never understood.
Esmerelda was hot as fuck.
Was he gay?

all propaganda by disney, original victor hugo frollo was a tragic character

he was suppressing his sexual desires, are you retarded? He has to lead a life of celibacy

Frollo was right. Esmeralda was a slut that kept trying to tempt him.


based hunchback

He was NOT the church, did you miss the first part where the priests try to protect the gypsy and the other members of the church who oppose Frollo?

He was a judge. Not a churchman.

Have you seen that disgusting display last night?

>JUDGE Claude Frollo
Are you an idiot? Frollo wasn't part of the Church hierarchy. Not to mention the fact that the Catholic church repeatedly provided sanctuary to gypsies and the outcasts throughout the film.

He was a overly religious Judge not a priest. Being overly obsessed with religion has always been a sign of mental illness.

How can you not understand?
Frolo thougt he was the pinaccile justice and gypsies the scourge of humankind. Him lusting after something so base made him more crazy than he was.



church loved gypsies because unlike jews they assimilated to the religion of their host country

Not in the slightest. He was basically Javert but with a boner. You can understand his point of view but there's a difference between understanding and sympathizing with it.

God damn this song is so fucking good. Why are the Disney movies with the best music always so unpopular? Same shit happened to Princess and the Frog which has one of the best Disney soundtracks.

>he didnt even watch the movie.

You know what? Idgaf, pretty sure the reason there's so many annoying christcucks on this board and pol are because they cant properly integrate with society.

All the christians ive met irl have been chill af but then they wouldnt be the ones wasting their time getting angry over childrens cartoons on an internet basket weaving forum

>What was his problem?
He's celibate.

jesus christ raimi

the problem with the gypsies is they try
to get all topsy turvy and never score

Moana has a pretty good soundtrack, and that one was popular