Game of Thrones

Does season 7 of GoT deserve the hate?

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Just the writing, costumes, and a few of the actors. The writing makes sense, they're completely off the books now and this is the first they they really have nothing to draw from and it shows. Acting also is understandable, most of these people were cast on looks 7 seasons ago and not for their acting talent. Goes to show talent should always come first. Don't know why the costuming went to shit though, it used to be such a strong suit for this show but this season it seemed they really wanted everything wearing black.

The rest of the production is still to notch and leagues above anything else on TV.

>The writing makes sense

tbf it must be difficult to work a plot around the mandated commie propaganda.

>they're completely off the books now
Not completely. There are still elements on the show that are taken from the books. Jaime leaving Cersei is from the end of the last book along with the snow at king's landing.

The thing is the show went off rails from
The books beginning with season 2 and then just made up their own shit and borrowed far ahead from the books for elements early on

dany's new outfit was great though. she didn't look this good in 7 years

>dany's thundercat outfit looked great


Honestly, didn't think so until LF's death

like someone said, writing made sense, everything was foreshadowed, but they turned LF completely out of character to please viewers and kill him and this finally showed to me they don't know absolutely for shit what they're doing

Season 7 is the best season to date. Seriously, one epic battle after another with the cast we've learned to love. None of that boring banter like in the earlier seasons. Can't wait for season 8.

>like someone said, writing made sense

You can stop samefagging shill


Why were you surprised the writing was bad?

It made perfect sense it would be bad especially with how bad it was when they still had books to draw from.

Please brush up on your English Pajeet.

This isn't a coherent thought.

It was better than season 5/6.

Work on your reading comprehension Sven, it'll give you something to do in the shed.

>but they turned LF completely out of character


Season 7 was so bad it was the best comedy HBO has made since Eastbound.


yes it does

>Misinterpretation posts
>Makes a fool of himself
>Doubles down on retardation

Everyone who says writing is good is a cockmunching faggot.

You can fuck off any time now

>b-but g-guys the writing like totally made sense

What's wrong with the writing? When you talk the talk walk the walk. Protip: the writing is top notch.

Jesus fucking Christ

At least pay for some decent shills '''HBO''' and not these poo retards.

And here, this nerd already did it better than I ever could:


Even lebbit hated it, that says enough

it's the best season since 3 because the One True King is finally making his moves

Yep. Pretty much everyone who isn't somehow making $ off it pretty much disliked it.

Only the thickest of Normans is still genuinely into it.

Why do they hate it?

>b-but g-guys the writing like totally made sense
You're not even trying.

I don't quite understand the bits of hate I have seen.
Not caving to the "omg everybody dies dead dead dead" meme is fanservice?
Or Cuckfinger shills just mad that his character defining arrogance got him killed?