Movies where the good guys win against the anti human liberal cancer?

Movies where the good guys win against the anti human liberal cancer?

>obsessing about a small group of mentally ill people

you have autism

Is suicide really victory?

good riddance.



I get a sense of satisfaction when I read about one of them offing themselves.

Movies where the good guys will lose in the end?

Sounds like you're off your meds


But why? I consider myself liberal but kids don't need to learn all this political shit so early. Little kids don't even know what sex is they don't need to start wondering about their sexual identities.

well seems like Leo was a little sissy boy.

>kill yourself because people won't play along with your delusions


I feel like these kids are being pressured in to suicide as the only available option when people won't accept them.

Where are the people telling them to fuck shit up instead of taking it out on theirselves? Why is self-harm so trendy?

Nice iPhone OP.

>Flat-Earther 150-year-old kills himself because his headmistress told him the world is round, and even now that headmistress is STILL insisting the Earth is round!

Yes, let's blame the teacher because some mentally ill idiot off'd himself.

>Be young
>Be dumb as young people are
>Try to fit in as young people do
>Convince yourself you were born into the wrong body
>Turn yourself into a disgusting abomination in an attempt to become who you think you're supposed to be
>Everybody is forced to play along and say you're brave and beautiful
>Know deep down that you're just a disgusting abomination and you'll never be what you are in your head
>An hero

>be marginalized and left with low self esteem for being you and made to feel worthless
>suicide out of depression
Gender dysphoria has already been disproved as mental illness so why bother trying to use some Sup Forumsbait argument as if it were actual fact?

>Gender dysphoria has already been disproved as mental illness

Nice factually incorrect YouTube argument.

Washington teachers* are literally like 5% trannys.
*elementary and teachers aids

TELEVISION AND FILM YOU SIMPLE MINDED FUCKS. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to not have anywhere or anyone else to talk about this shit?

Who else would fuck her?


Nice screen shot, a-hole..


>white """""""""""people""""""""""""

>obsessing about what a tiny minority do
you are the autist here

all alt-rightism and kekistani memes aside, can we have a serious conversation about what the hell is causing all of these transgendered kids all of a sudden?

this was the guy impersonating me on youtube apparently.