Movie about the life of Jesus

>movie about the life of Jesus
>Jesus is depicted as a white western male

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Is that a real screencap? God BBC is going full on revisionist historian.

It's almost like they put that in there for a reason and people who don't see it are fucking morons

We wuz kings in Africa
Dem whitey whitewashed history to erase all black heroes

>black people talk about cultural appropriation when black people claim to be the original egyptians, greeks, romans, chinese, native americans, britons and arabs


If your race biggest contribution to the entire history of the world was picking cotton for someone else, you'd steal too

please help me kill myself

Fucking limp wristed Britlets. All the men left for other countries and what remained was the leftovers.

what reason is that

Get back to worshipping the latest black hip-hopper / sportsman, Paco


>this is what TV license fees and british tax dollars pay for

The last season was full of SJW bullshit and Tumblr pandering.
I really enjoyed Capaldi's Doctor, it's a shame how bad his era was all in all due to bad writing.

It's so cringy to watch Capaldi say those lines. Poor guy dreamed of playing the Doctor pretty much all his life and the leftist echo chamber turned his run into a fucking mess. What a waste.

>blacks were around 1% of the population of London
>finding one in a top hat would be like winning the lottery
>objective verifiable facts

>Jesus was black
Do people seriously believe this. He was middle-eastern, he looked like a middle-easterner

>episode explains why pre-historic england was filled with blacks/pakis/chinks

>several episodes later an evil group of Aliens invade earth and take it over by hypnotizing humans into thinking they were always there and thus less likely to rebel against them

there is no way this was intentional on the part of the writers

Holy shit, do niggers actually think there were black people in England back then? Fucking kang science.

semetic, to be more precise
probably looked a bit like a modern day leb or persian or somewhere inbetween