Did she actually do anything wrong? Seemed like a sweet offer

Did she actually do anything wrong? Seemed like a sweet offer.

she killed her sister and father if that counts for anything



It was a different time.


As a mortal, she did what she had to do to survive.
She was clearly fit for the throne but when her father suddenly got a son, and not even a pure one at that, she knew that once he grew up, he'd have her killed just for existing.
Even though the son would become the "rightful" king, people would probably prefer her and no guy in that position would take the chance of that potential challenge ever becoming a thing.

She didn't really have much options, so going for the god of death was a legit solution. Killing the dad and child were both justified moves, the mother of the child not so much but you do have to pay some price to ally with the god of death.

Her offer to Tom was legit, too. There was no indication whatsoever that she would betray him, and in the end it is proven that her offer of immortality and power was genuine.

Also, she's cute.

How do I get a mummy gf bound and gagged in my basement, lads?

I want to fuck that mummy

Film was almost perfect. Shitty choice, desu. Blond bitch should get gone.

Yeah, it's a real shame they completely missed the opportunity of having a sympathetic villain.

What's the worst thing she did in the film? Break every window in London?

Post her ass shot

The blonde was more attractive than the mummy.


I don't understand her plan at all.

She needs to kill her father and brother so she can have the throne, right? So she goes through this dangerous ritual offering herself to Egypt Satan, then she takes out a knife and cuts both their throats.

...Why make a pact with Egypt Satan at all if she was just going to stab them in their sleep? Cut out the middle man.


>making sense
pick one

Every guys face in that shot describes my reaction to this movie

need lots of bandages... and preferably a sarcophagus
why ass, when got these eyes

shut up and post the ass shot i haven't seen it

yeah this was retarded

someone who murdered royal family would need powerful ally

shit genes
she's 3 years younger but looks 10 years older

>no mummy gf

k, not much is visible but pretty average anyway. there are few more sideways shots and later in ripped bandages

btw anyone got gif/webm of scene where she licks tom cruise? seems to be hard to get

>ripped bandages

that's it i'm watching this flick

The blonde chick wasn't even that in love with him and him with her. They were just casually fucking and only sort of cared about each other.. Fuck that shit.

I thought there would be a twist that Russell Crowe was evil and he wanted to use her power. So Tom breaks her out and they have to team up

ye, that forced non-romantic romance, together with cringy humour and boring prodigium talk were things i didn't like about movie. all rest was great. absolutly loved details. quote at begining, directly pointing to 1932 movie. isis destroying remains of ancient cultures, gothic horror feeling in chuch/forest, (and later catacombs) scenes and quite unexpected ending where hero is allowed to stay alive and keep powers, while in such movies, they usually have to either sacrifice own life or lose powers

Not really seeing as the power of Seth didn't make Tom Cruise evil or anything. The two of them could have done good in the world

what was his problem?

tfw no mummy gf

Whatever she did, her punishment was incredibly cruel. Take her place now.
>be immortal demon/monster/god
>cought and knocked unconscious
>wrapped up
>put into small coffin
>locked in heavy sarcophagus
>buried far far away where no one was supposed to find you
>your immortality is your curse as you spend ages in tight box, surrounded by darkness and silence. After a longer while your limbs go numb, as you got pretty much no space to move them. All you can do is struggle in agony as your body is rotting and drying out. Your spirit and mind is fully aware that there are almost no chances for someone to find and get You free.

Her punishment was one of worst and most cruel ever seen in any movie.
Imhotep from 1999 Brendan movie had scarabs, that painfully devoured him, but that was relatively 'quick death' (should die in several hours, max few days) compared to Ahmanet fate. She had to expirience this for ages. When Nick frees her, she thanks him, suggesting she was alive all the time.

If she murdered them, she'd be fucked without help, user.

>that gif
Thanks for the new fetish, asshole.

I thought it was her brother

No need to thanks. OP never fail to deliver.

the scene felt so rushed in movie, but holy damn that greentext

she was trying to mummify the world or something?

it was hard to tell what her actual end game goal was. Don't know why she rushed so hard too. If she just slowed down her evil plan it would have worked. Like she is immortal what is even the rush

She just wanted everyone to worship her. If you're obedient, you have nothing to fear.

father and brother, also, although not directly, but cused death of plane crew, police officers (sucked them dry, but kinda justiced - she had to do) and prodigium workers
everyone breahing in while glassstorm probably seriously damaged lungs and died.
overal transformers or marvel/dc capeshit fights probably had higher deathtoll
wouldnt mind
>ywn be one of these tatoo service stuff pic related

that flick would have been a movie if they had left out that blonde bimbo cum dumpster and that unfunny sidekick faggot.

also placing her story retrospective to middle/near ending. it would fill prodigium talk scenes and provide more excitement when nick finds tomb at begining.


>that thigh flesh pushing out between the straps

giv mummy gf

>Making me wait whole this damn thread, setepai.


>shhhh... no wories anymore, relax. Now you become my etern.... AAAARGH!

This, as a Crusader Kings 2 player, she did what have done in her situation


I dunno..... that sounds like a lot to time and effort

No they fucking wouldn't. All of history is royals killing other royals to prevent them getting the throne, they never needed a fucking god of death on their side. All you have to do is kill the competition before you become the de facto ruler and the army is your ally

but killing pharaoh was something unacceptable. remember, pharaoh was equal to living-god. attacking him is basically suicide. beside royal family, guards and priest were the only ones, that close to him. after realising that pharaoh was murdered during their night watch, they would have no problem to figure who did it. she had to get powerful ally. there was no other option in her case. but there is 1 big mistake as Seth isn't god of death. thats is either anubis or osiris - depending on era.

Blonde stronk condescending super intelligent all knowing women ruined the whole film.


the rapid flashback parts are kino

part with seth at start was kino

mummyfu is literally perfect

I need the part where Nick is tripping balls being "visited" by her after she's first set free and it sort of goes through layers like past the stone sarcophogus, past the one with the painted eyes, to her eyes, in the desert, etc. in bluray quality webm

Mummy hairy?

Doesn't matter if she did anything wrong or not, I'd done the same in his position. The solution is to play the long con and at some point get Annabelle to become your "chosen one".

hmmm very

should be soon. DVD/BluRay release are right around corner, just 1 more week
also lots of bonus content, which i m sucker for.

>Deleted and Extended Scenes
>Cruise & Kurtzman: A Conversation Rooted in Reality – Tom Cruise and Alex Kurtzman discuss the making of The Mummy.
>Rooted in Reality – Filmmakers and cast reveal how they broke away from old tropes and traditions to create a dynamic and realistic 21st century monster movie.
>Life in Zero-G: Creating the Plane Crash – Watch Tom Cruise, Annabelle Wallis, and the crew shoot the incredible plane sequence.
>Meet Ahmanet – Sofia Boutella shares the excitement of reinventing a monster icon.
>Cruise in Action – A behind-the-scenes look at Tom Cruise’s most memorable Mummy stunts.
>Becoming Jekyll and Hyde – Find out how the casting of Russell Crowe brought a bold new dimension to the roles of Jekyll and Hyde.
>Choreographed Chaos – Watch as cast and filmmakers create an epic outdoors clash between ancient and modern worlds.
>Nick Morton: In Search of a Soul – Tom Cruise describes what drew him to play a man seemingly without a soul.
>Ahmanet Reborn Animated Graphic Novel – Witness Ahmanet’s descent into the monstrous underworld as she is reborn into the Goddess of Chaos and Wrath.
>Feature Commentary with director and producer Alex Kurtzman, and cast members Sofia Boutella, Annabelle Wallis and Jake Johnson

most intrested in the last 2, rest seems to be similar, if not the same, to stuff You can already find on YT

You don't really know though. Maybe after a couple years you just get used to it.

hot as fuck


i laughed when he said that, good thing normies thought it was a funny quip too

doubt it, as Sofia per-se, judging by photos

as Ahmanet probaby too, as egyptians were wighting with lice. even women were often bald (i guess not only heads) and wearing wigs

Just finished watching it and I honestly don't get why so many people hated on this film or said it was terrible. I thought it was a really enjoyable movie. Sure it had a few issues but not enough to sink the film or the "dark universe". How is it that this is seen as a franchise killer and a dud while Wonder Woman is being heralded and campaigning for oscars? I liked this a lot more and thought it was much better than Wonder Woman


did they have to pick such a tiny womanlet so that Tom Cruise doesnt feel too insecure on his high heels?

>used goods

*licks back*

I thought it would be a very typical (albeit still very arousing) firm human sort of soft long sensual lick but it had a very monstergirl quality to the lick, especially with Cruise's immediately disgusted normalfag reaction... Was amusing. Liked the part where she's rubbing up on him. Need that in a bluray webm.

Also need the first dream sequence where Nick is tripping balls with her coming to him in the vision sequence thanking him for freeing her, tripping balls like I did when I took drugs and watched The Mummy.

imagine if she needed to suck your soul from your weiner and it came out with your cum!


Is the Mummy franchise actually cursed?

*tries to look grumpy*

mummy movies always had some trouble.

Original Universal:
1932 Mummy
>Kharis series reboot
1940 Mummy Hand
1942 Mummy Tomb
1944 Mummy Ghost
1944 Mummy Curse
>parody of above
1955 Abbot and Costello meet Mummy

Hammer Films:
1959 Mummy
1964 Curse of Mummy Tomb
1967 Mummy Shroud
1971 Blood from Mummy Tomb

1980 The Awaking
1981 Dawn of the Mummy
1993 Mummy Lives
1998 Tale of Mummy
2014 Pyramid
2014 Mummy Ressurected

Universal (Brendan series and spinoffs)
1999 Mummy
2001 Mummy Returns
>Non-Egyptian mummy:
2008 Dragon Emperor
>king scorpion spinoffs 1-4

Universal Dark Universe
2017 Mummy

literally every of them got some flaws or is extremally dated. mummy movies were always cursed, now can even say even 'cruised'

Why does she have cutting scars what does she have to be sad about

She's French-Algerian.

They still thought she was degenerate herectic back then too.

Someone post the webms of her interview with Chris Pine

will i like this movie?

from interviews:
>"There was a time, I suffered so much, I wanted to get it out. I would cut my arms, not to kill myself, I don't want to die. I know I am lucky to be on this earth"

depends, it got flaws, and cant deny. also dont expect indiana jones action adventure like 1999 one, this is more to gothic horror feeling but later mixed with Cruisemovie-style action and got cringy humour. if you like BDSM/bondage/kinky stuff in mainsteam movies, this one should be fine for you, as Ahmanet is literally 1 hell of a lewd image. few great scenes, but let down by chaotic screenplay

So a half-caste abomination

t. butt hurt frog

How did she suffer? Was she raped?

I'd have followed the same route and attempted suicide if I had any surrender monkey blood flowing through my veins

The historical set made him realize that Alexander the Great conquered the known world by the time he had his age, while he's working on the crew of a B tier movie.

she gave no further explanation

>french-algerian mix

This movie was really bad, Mummyfu made it almost acceptable, but now I'm mad I put down my book to watch this, you fags tricked me.

I legit thought through the entirety of watching that they would have her turn into a sympathetic anti-villain and Tom would ditch the blonde to give her tender, dusty vag a good plow. I was letdown, what a disappointing movie.

>you fags tricked me
>listening to any direct recommendation from Sup Forums
Sounds like you're the fag

you were warned, movie got flaws, can't deny it

t. *nglo

09/04/17(Mon)00:54:21 No.87286978
>Sounds like you're the fag
I knew it was shit 2 minutes in and I kept watching in a vain hope, I guess you're right.

Not even close. Think more southerly

What's south of Britain?

dumping few b4 going sleep, enjoy

gif version


i bet she loved this position while filming

and Tom loved doing this instead

i would love to squeeze my head under there and give her a few good licks!