/got/ general Manlet Shaming Edition

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>tfw one of the biggest heartthrobs in the world right now is a manlet

lanklets btfo. /manlets/ we really made it. manlets fucking danys now

Where the fuck is the Chad (book) Aegon vs virgin Dany?

Consider suicide. Cersei is a dogshit awful Villain Sue character, the dark version of Dany. Jaime meanwhile joined the Dany cucksquad. Only good character on the show is probably Euron. For once I prefer D&D's portrayal of him rather than the book's anime version.

Suicide when?

manlet pride

is disgusting

>being proud of fucking a chub

the state of these fucking manlets, dont you have a photograph to tiptoe into?

why do you manlets force my hand?


ruined it with the blue dragon head


>dat semi-see through material of kit's shirt

if you stay in your manlet pit then you don't have to be reminded what disgusting subhumans you are

women have shit taste, kit is worst boy in OO

/lanklets. on major damage control alert. manlets are really taking over.

they literally never learn

well, at least they have sex at all, I guess

how can you take anything over with those small child hands?

What's his endgame?

why does everyone still post this as if the text caption isnt obviously photoshopped. lmao lanklets really getting desperate at this point.

Where's the webm of virgin lovemaking vs CHAD DICKING?

I'd rather be the 6'1 ugly cunt that I am, than look like Kit and be an absolute manlet.
Praise Jesus

requesting the "His smile and Harrenhal: off the table" Littlefinger pic


DELET THIS. No godless man may sit on the Seastone Chair!

>i-it's p-photoshoped my m-mom said s-so!

>manlets fucking danys now
Manlets have always fucked chubby 5/10 drama queens. The real question is what's wrong with Rose Leslie that she lowered herself to Kit?

Euron is a Lovecraft character not an anime.

That cunt is 6'7

lanklets on suicide watch
they will never learn we have and always will rule the world.

Kinda disappointed Jaime didn't become a wiz with left handed swordfighting. Should be an omen to how talented he is


lmaoo years later and lanklets still just have these shitty pictures as their only defense. very sad.

Remove this post immediately

one dragon got NIGHTKINGED.com

>m-my m-mom said that'll i'll r-rule the world!
what a cute little man child

its all they have lad; don't even respond to the weak lanklet bait

I'd much rather be Kit. I'm 6'0" but ugly as fuck. I don't care what people say about height, I'd rather have an attractive face and a full head of hair. Worst-case scenario I'd be force to exclusively date petite girls.

>Has VS suit of armour
>Has Dragonbinder
>Has priests of every major religion
>Has a magical eye
>In a vision Aeron sees him impaling all the Gods

Whatever it is it's going to be sinister as fuck.

That's not what an omen is.

>Egg, or some say, Aegon

>tfw 6' foot
But seriously if you need ugly thots to feel better you are probably a virgin Incel and should kys

the only sad thing is your obvious napoleon complex
when will you learn

that argument would make sense if it wasnt photoshopped

>Serving one god
>Not serving ten thousand
>Not having men pray when they see your sails

Kid you DONT KNOW what its like to be small


sorry finnish is mother tongue

Name my band.

>m-muh wife will love me for who i am!
t. beta who married a washed up whore that fucked every 6'2 chad in her city

>Why would I want that hard black rock? Brother, look again and see where I am seated.

Cast her, r/freefolk

I am 6'1 and I like occasional Manlet jokes but most of the guys who spout these meme in Sup Forums are literally virgin incels and need you smallfolk to feel better about their pity lives.
Keep it up my short friend.

Why does he want all those priests?

The Forsaken is the best chapter from all the books

>what's wrong with Rose Leslie that she lowered herself to Kit?
She just reached 30, these are husband securing years for someone with shitty career.

obviously. its just fun to see virgin rage

Jeyne Pool.

He's going to summon a Kraken to destroy Oldtown

Lmao I probably fucked more 6'1 Girls than you incel with this cringey pics

>i'm tall and the meanies are virgins!
t. actual virgin incel beta nogainz cuck

She's beautiful and talented and already rich. Why settle?

Child of the forest #3214

How much must you hate yourself lel

sure you did big boy
i believe you 100%


>people are more interested in Aegon's height than McGregor's and Mayweather's

Why do they constantly have to mention his height on the show? Do the writers hate him or something?


why is reddit general still alive?

>not praying to Euron
It's already changed my life.


>h-he does it because he h-hates h-himself!
if it makes you sleep at night big boy

>"It’s beautiful they cut to that and then Jon and Daenerys having sex because I feel like, on behalf of the original twincest couple, it was a beautiful irony that their story turned out to be aunt and nephew. [Laughs] So Dany is fucking the nephew. I thought that was a beautiful moment in “Game of Thrones” history."

>"She’s obviously always going to be a huge part of him and there won’t be a day where he won’t be thinking of Cersei because ― just like Tyrion is thinking about his father [Tywin] every day and his niece [Myrcella] and his nephew [Tommen] who would’ve been alive if it wasn’t for him ― it’s the same for Jaime. Cersei is always going to be there. He’s going to have so many hours of the day with a therapist from now on and every time it’s going to be back to Cersei."

>"After I saw Episode 6, I’m so rooting for Tormund Giantsbane and Brienne of Tarth to become a couple. She needs to go with someone who wants her instead of always … the Jaime-Brienne thing was never going to happen. He’s too messed up. She should go with Tormund because he is so in love with her. Maybe he’s coming on too hard because he’s already talking about babies and all that, but I think that’s the one for her."

>"I don’t think she ever wanted [Jaime]. I think that she liked him and they respected each other, but I don’t think she’s ever looked at Jaime the way Tormund looks at her. There’s never been that kind of beautiful lustful relationship between Jaime and Brienne. It’s been more like an emotional connection. I don’t see it happening. I think Jaime is truly damaged goods, anyone should stay away from him. His twin sister is always going to be there — it’s going to be weird."

>"I hope I get to have some scenes with Gwendoline [Christie] again because she’s so much fun to be around and she’s great. But in terms of story, it doesn’t makes sense for them to be a couple"


>nice icephone bro

this triggers me so much, jon will always be a stark not a targshit

Lollys Stokeworth

>Jaime turning down Brienne because he wants better for her



Why is she so nice?

no fucking way this is real

Fuck sake ahahaha, are you retarded?

>There had been another dungeon before this one. In between there had been the ship, the
Silence. The night they moved him, he had seen the moon floating on a black wine sea with a leering face that reminded him of Euron.

>implying he doesn't just want to get rid of the ugly cunt so he can bang 16 year old sloots

what a faggot numale voice
literally sounds like he's chemically castrated

Also because he's not attracted to her and doesn't feel lust for her. It's the fourth interview I read where he annihilates JaimeBrienne shipperfags.

>Euron "Crow's Eye"
>Sigil is a red eye (like Euron's blood eye) getting crowned by a crow
>Brynden is the three eyed crow
>Euron is a powerful greenseer and skinchanger
>He was taught by BR but left when he realized BR is a weirdo
>He's going to kill the Gods (like in Aeron's vision) and become a god himself

The Forsaken made me so hard. I hate that they left out so much of the magical shit from the show, especially Euron's sinister warlock powers, whatever they might be.

Who cares about the show, it's indaboox.

>inciting thread wars

thats treason

Brienne did look at Jaime that way, especially after he saved her from the pit. But of course she wouldn't make a move, she knows who Jaime is and how the guy looks like

>>He was taught by BR but left when he realized BR is a weirdo
I think it's more likely Bloodraven didn't want to deal with the psycho anymore.

>He's going to kill the Gods (like in Aeron's vision) and become a god himself
But he doesn't seem to believe in any gods.

First for the phat Baratheon arse

chaosh be a laddah

>ships Targcest
>ships Twincest
>ships Ogrecest

This guy really has his finger on the pulse of the fandom.


>tfw 5'5''

That ass is too big

Jaime also got a boner from Brienne indaboox but to be fair he just got out of prison.

>cuck meme robertposting and its lap dog aaghposting are dead memes after just a few days

what's wrong with incest








