Would you support EU united as a country?

Would you support EU united as a country?

Attached: eu-map-2016.png (692x447, 99K)

Yes, of course
it would speed up the complete total crash of europe and a change of world geopolitical structure and balance

no, they force you to fix your house and fine for shitty lawn

Only if you adopt us

Depends on the governance structure.


We wouldnt be in it you fucking invalid piece of borderland shit
Neither would you. Come to think of it, this piece of shit cage of a country has more chance to enter EU than yours


Attached: the-sun-sets-behind-the-statue-of-europa-in-the-herrenhausen-gardens-DADNFF.jpg (1008x1390, 169K)



No, Europeans are subhumans

with people like you - yes, we wouldn't.


Do we still get the free gibs?


Its not if you would or wouldnt as if it was your choice, its will or wont, because you certainly will not no matter what happens no matter what you do.
You have no say in this, not one usrainian does, not ONE out of millions

now get back on the electric cables

then you must join

No, thanks
it's enough, i'm getting tired of Unions

Europa !!!

you live in one right now

I have more in common with folks in Paris, Athens, Madrid, Lisboa or whatever major city in Europe than with people living one block away from me. Why wouldn't I want to be more in touch with those?!

Attached: 220px-Europa_copy.jpg (220x238, 18K)

ok. can ukraine join?


Your political views and mother russia is on the history dump anyway. We won't get nothing from this.
I don't see other way or another solution except as moving closer to EU and West. Even with shitty economics we have soil, industry and cheap workforce. If they send government to the fucking hague court maybe we will be a decent memeber.

That's not the point you fuckwit, of course the majority of europe feels comradery with each other but pushing that sentiment while creating the souless globalist' wet dream is not the price any of us would pay. Leave us weak but sane

Which union?
Ukrainians can join whatever they want (except NATO, i hate NATO)

The question was if I'd like a unified Europe, brudi. Where do you get that other shit from du Horst?

yes, if it had better leadership