This triggers the pedo

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fucking HYPED!!!

>pedo slaughter kino

fuck YEAH

fuckkkk yeaaahhh



fuck, the tide has turned

Should have been a magic negro part.

This actually looks pretty good.

they will still go see it for the little girls

I am intrigued by this filmographiƩ

Looks like a Refn film except good.

idk looks like taken 2.0 to me. would you guys still be hyped if it was starring liam neeson?

That just shows what an oppressed minority we really are. Bigotry like that shouldn't be allowed to fly in 2017

>yfw at the end Joaquin is a a pedo too
>he kills himself at the end


This will be an instant kino

Looks great, hopefully this thread doesn't get swarmed with cunnyfags

was thinking this exact thing desu


That looks something I'll probably like.

I'm not a cunnyfag, but holy fuck, those eyes


mite b cool

I would have preferred to see the girl from 'the nice guys' in this movie

Does a pedo revenge flick not still sexualize little girls by forcing the viewer to look through both lenses? Especially when you imagine them hand-picking some fuckable cutie to play the role to make it 'believeable'. The stylized violence is basically sex, i.e. 'protecting you physically' 'taking you out of harms way' by performing another sin, murder, pedokiller Joaquin makes his own transgression in order to satiate his own sinful thirst in relation to this girl, which is basically pedophilia in another vector, violence. (If that is correct, he could also be just the 'professional/autist' who gets the job done for others, which brings up similar questions)

Something just irks be about these kind of movies that work along some moral line which on screen shows to be, to me, terribly ambiguous, and the effect of these depictions are generally seem unconscious on part of the film-maker/author. That is to say, they just 'do' the film and the narrative and don't really know what they are 'doing' with it beyond vague ideas.

This film looks great though and I will see it, no doubt about it

do you think they fug at the end (; . .)

>white people want to destroy these genetics in favor of brown


Not that murdering a pedophile makes you a pedophile, but there's something Freudian about the taboo and the subsequent revenge thirst in reaction to the taboo, which is connected with our own desire to the taboo and us not being able to fulfill it, therefore acting out in violence instead

What!? No!?

>88 on metacritic
definitely gonna watch this

makes you think

I am hyped for this movie, getting those Driver / Hotline Miami vibes. Get in, kill them all, get out. Soundtrack sounds like good shit too.

Shut it down

so the people who wish violence on pedos are actually jelly?


that other girl is the cu i mean girl in the new netflix unfortunate events thing

nice buds

1:16 is a nice shot too.

There are many. I guarantee the director or at least someone in the marketing team who put the trailer together is a pedo because literally every shot of that girl makes my dick diamonds

looks really good t bh

not usually excited for movies these days considering they're all trash but I might see this one in theaters


Freud was a mentally ill pervert kike

the fact you think hes kikenalysis is worth anything is telling

The hotline miami vibe got me going

This. Doesn't that cuck know that kike cuck kike? Kike cuck jew cuck degenerate kike kike.

The director is female, so maybe shes a lesbian pedo.

It's Drive but with no autism

>le everything humans do is based around some weird sexual perversion
>muh Freud

stay salty jewboy

This hateful movie has to be stopped.

>directed by Lynne Ramsay (born 5 December 1969) is a Scottish film director
either it'll be full blown pedo propaganda or full blown anti pedo propaganda

looks unimaginative as fuck, just stealing from drive and taxi driver basically

Is that this generation's Leon the Professional?


absolutely BASED
praise kek brother

Hollywood on suicide watch

It's Drive, but you get a cunny instead of the girl*
The autism is all there

>me on the left


Why do they have mentally questionable people rescuing or defending young girls?
Is there some sort of message here?


watch your back Sup Forums


why are there so many people ITT talking about Drive?
this movie literally has nothing to do with Drive

is this the same person? looks fucking retarded on that IG post

>influence of drive and hotline miami

not me, and I wouldn't think of Freud except for this instance specifically (I'm more into Jungian, mystical stuff). Where if somebody depraves himself molesting a little cute girlie girl and then they kill the guy and deprave themselves in the process. Meanwhile the audience is ogling this girl, getting satisfaction from her beautiful body and the way she is being exploited, and simultaneously getting satisfaction from the ones who are exploiting her being killed by our protagonist.

Say we watch a pedophiliac scene or sexualization of a child actress/actor, we become complicit and involved in the scene, or partially, either with disgust or shame or arousal. Those feelings are then alleviated the moment our protag bursts in and annihilates this cause to whatever our emotional response is, adding to that the pleasure of violence.

It's fucked up but that's what a lot of the appeal is in these movies about seedy stuff

Bless the French

So it's the purest form of kino?

Kill John Podesta!

most people aren't ogling little girls, maybe you need to stop spending so much time on Sup Forums

but I will agree to the point that people get a lot of satisfaction out of righteous murder, revenge stories etc.

>most people aren't ogling little girls
so naive

What's the best way to kill pedos and weeaboos? Boiling them in hot water seems nice

>everyones a pedophile just like me

>raped, stitched by medics, then raped again by prisoners

Was it medics that raped him the first time?

This is the Hotline Miami film we are going to get


the beauty of youth is just an objective truth of the universe user

maybe I will feel different when I have kids

Even the monkeys know that gay pedo is the worst type

Plot twist: He raped himself

>killing pedos, saving cunnies from rape
This is a movie Sup Forums will hate, it is like Schindlers List for Sup Forums

BASED Hollyjews blowing Sup Forums anime pedophiles out the fucking water

Sup Forums is not pro-rape. The girl and Joaquin will fall in love at the end.

Being raped by based Drug Dealing Negroes until the end of their day.

>trying to call Sup Forums the pedos

lmfao, that is a Sup Forums special kid, you own that.

>Sup Forums, the place that practically invented a paedophile underground network to attack, even having someone go to the place and discharge an actual firearm
what did he mean by this

based lynne ramsay

Didn't this guy retire from acting?

don't worry the kid is either new or from that family down the block that we try to avoid, definitely a reason to bully him so carry on

trailer feels like hotline miami

>pol pedos taking the bait and getting this triggered

Elaborate on this one

It's classic projection. Sup Forums saw what they wanted to because they always have kid-fucking on the brain.

If Sup Forums was a prison which board would take it up the ass and which would hold the keys?

AƱother cunnykino on the way

One week in a """"maximum security""" prison in general population with zero protection from the guards.

>/cgl/ fucked repeatedly day-in and day-out
>Sup Forums would hold the keys, sheer mass and anger fused with psychopathy

Years ago in high school I was in film class and the teacher told us to write a script and film it as a short story for a project.
Only catch was that we'd have to get it approved by him(not just for content he had to see if it was actually doable and we weren't being over ambitious), so I wrote two scripts, one was for a scene where two guys at a train station start talking about stuff(I was deep and edgy so it was all about life, infinity and other crap I don't remember now, I think one of them was immortal) the other script was about a bunch of guys in jail who find out that a new prisoner coming in the next day was a child rapist and trying to work out a good schedule for revenge sodomising him, it was actually a send up of how the last school project I'd been involved in had turned out(with everyone being unable to be available over and over again) and the characters being really inept at staging a simple rape.

Anyway the teacher rejected both because he thought I was being a dick(I was) and I ended up having to work with someone else on their "art" film which was just water drops and doors closing for five agonising minutes.

But I've always laughed at the thought of a committee organising a pack-rape of a rapist.

/fit/ would take it up the ass and like it
Sup Forums would hold the keys due to birth rights

>/fit/ would take it up the ass and like it



i didn't say they were gay, s'all good

That does sound like a good sketch, send it to Sam or someone.

nice! another brooding socially withdrawn retired criminal vigilante autiste for me to relate to!
with a brutal sexy synth soundtrack, epic!