/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

[70s cop movie music starts playing] Edition

Less than 6 remain





What did Lynch / Frost mean by this?

Does anyone have one of those edits with laura's face inside a Dragonball?

david lunch lol


I want all [poster] posters to show themselves in this thread

fucking GO!


This is the last /tpg/ ever ;_;


lads what the fuck?

Now, really.

Does Hawk hate white people?

I hope we find out tonight.


Audreyfag reporting

Isn't it obvious?

What the fuck.

I'm about to watch 'the missing pieces' for the first time
Good idea or just skip it?


Consider changing sides RIGHT NOW
welcome to /ota/ general !

ON THE AIR - Frost / Lynch production


>/tpg/ will end any day now, says increasingly nervous pleb

Do you need any snacks?

But sometimes my posts bend ODgueoi

>ywn see Cooper and Audrey have an unexpected pregnancy and him assuring her it's all going to be alright and they'll find a way to make it work
>ywn see Cooper and Audrey deciding to live together in a cozy cabin surrounded by Douglas Firs
>ywn see Cooper and Audrey raise their baby boy Richard together
>ywn see Ben pissed at first that Cooper got his young daughter pregnant but warming to the idea and giving Richard his first bicyle for his birthday
>ywn see Coop being a proud daddy while he teaches his boy about Tibet and tells him stories about his time in the FBI
>ywn see Coop take Richard, Harry, Andy and Hawk on camping trips
>ywn see Coop and Audrey encouraging their boy when he's feeling down or sad and giving him valuable advice
>ywn see Cooper beaming with joy when Richard has a fulfilling life


>Eat shit, Margaret, you crazy white bitch.

Reminder that we need a final thread after the last episode called:


Well lets see it then britbongs

Digital a shit

Welp, see you lads at 9:00

Like most native Americans and people of color he has learnt to tolerate them.


FBI use Samsung?

watch it, has some great scenes that should've been in the final cut, but also a lot of fluff that was rightfully left out. it has the meme Jeffries scene

I loved this scene so much. NON-EXISTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He's dead lol

He's dead.

Why doesn't the evolution of the arm do something about its doppelganger?

Kino incoming.

digital was a mistake


Cuteposter scoping out black grannies ITT

This is the best scene in the entire show, hands down.

Bobby is such a giant faggot.

Will we find out if Becky is okay?!


dougie comes back?!?!

>anons thinking this will be the last /tpg/
>anons thinking we won't talk about the show for weeks
>anons thinking we won't get S4

Are any of the usual stream channels playing the marathon right now?

Are we ever going to see Red again

old lady Sheryl is cute, CUTE!

the Paige/Page family from Odessa, Washington, USA.

The Russians have been right so far, but can we trust Croatians to correctly transpose letters from a different alphabet? Paige = Page in this instance.

>If this whole season turns out to be just Audrey's dream I'm going to kill someone.
It's not. Some characters are, though.


>Prevented Donna from becoming a cokewhore
>Started the meals on wheels program
>Gave companionship to an agoraphobe
>Took care of Johnny Horne
>Tutored Josie
>Rejected a life of hedonistic pleasure as a BOB possessed individual due to her love for her family and community
>Helped Bobby get a job
>Introduced loner James to her friend Donna and even got them to go on a nice picnic with her
>Gave Leo, The Renos and that parrot an outlet for their violent fantasies
>Let Leland get his rocks off without having to touch his hag of a wife
>Told Doctor Jacoby all of this while sending him some nice kissies down the phone

The way everyone acts like we're all going to stop caring about TP after the finale is dumb. Even if it's not currently airing doesn't mean there can't be threads about it.

the direction of the zigzag has changed

That doesn't change the fact that some anons will jump ship as soon as the show is over :(

Please don't go, people, please.

The funny thing is I thought the arm was MIKE's evil side that he cut off when he turned good. So the arm is inherently evil already (most clearly seen when he "marries" BOB above the convenience store with the ring).

Also MIKE (and by extension the arm) are inhabiting spirits of the Lodge, not real people, so how can the arm have a doppelgänger?

For some reason I didn't start watching the new series until like 4 days ago. Just marathoned the entire thing and finished episode 16 last night. Fucking amazing, but I've missed Sup Forums's reaction to it as it has progressed.

What has Sup Forums's general reaction been and has there been a shift in opinion since the weeks progressed? Did episode 8 really weed out the casuals, for example? Also does anyone have links to reaction threads for each episode or do I have to search the archive manually? Also, what memes have become popular on Sup Forums?

Based operator Bobe


Wow, I want gun control now. Thanks Frost.

a /tpg/ skipfag. incredible

Posted the Bobby that created bobeposter. Vedder/candieposter. Also Magritte. Phoneposting for the finale because I'm out of town.

The weak can leave.

I think the lodge spirits want to continue feeding off human suffering, while Unrestrained BOB could mean the end of all human life, that's why they try to stop him

>Did episode 8 really weed out the casuals, for example?
Obviously not

no it wasn't.

russian here, page is a surname in original russian leak

Whatever happens tonight we had these generals and we had this show. I never thought we would get an ending to Twin Peaks. I didn't even think we would see another movie from Lynch in our lifetimes. Instead we got an 18 hour masterpiece. Instead we got a miracle.

You've been fine generals /tpg/. I will not soon forget your kindness and decency.

just do a free signup now and watch it on a decent screen you dumbass!!!!

General reaction has been good. Episode 8 didn't really seem to have an effect. Everyone seemed to like it. The only divisive episode was 12. People complained about literally nothing happening.

Watching The X-Files while I wait for the finale, it's pretty comfy to be honest.

**** poster reporting in

this is your brain on reddit theories

What if I want to watch it on my phone?

Anyone here got teary eyed from S3?
I cried at least during 5 episodes, including Margaret's death and Cooper's farewell with Jane-y
pls no bully

Trumanfag reporting in


Yeah, I'm gonna stay here for a long time discussing the finale and I certainly hope many more will.

We have fucking 18 hours of Lynch to talk about now that it's over, people better not just bail cause it's over.

Been watching TP from season 1...including Fwwm. I am on season 3 episode 9. Dont think i'll complete up to 16 by 5pm my time (when it is released). No /tpg/ for me

The only drug you should be taking while watching the show is Transcendental Meditation, friends

Remember, 4:30.

>watching the finale on a phone

Casuals please leave

its not the finale this week there are 18 episodes and this week is 17..

We have 3.5 hours of classic Lynch discussing to do



I almost cried at the end of episode 11.

I did cry however, when I rewatched part 12.
Albert, sometimes I really worry about you ;_;

This week is 17+18 which makes up the finale

I really don't get why people call The X Files comfy.
Sure it's go the 90's TV atmosphere, and it can be quite funny at times, but it's also a really dark show,

Yeah I also thought 12 was the worst but still had its moments. 8 was amazing. The only reason I ask about 8 is because I've seen negative comments from people below mainstream articles saying that they stopped watching at 8.

>Well, who told you I was going to see Chip?

lol you are ill-informed my frenlo.

17 and 18 air together, just like 1 and 2

its a two hour double barrel? oh shiggy

hey man, try this

good intel. can you tell us anything about trump's pee tape?

on a serious note, the point I'm trying to make is that Anglicized Paige (Beverly's husband) would translate in Cyrllic and then back as Page (Carrie), wouldn't it?

The Big Ed scene got me emotional so did the log lady one.

>*teleports coin into your mouth*

Who is the monkey from FWWM? Why did it whisper 'Judy'?

Serious answers only.

It's a double bill my friend.

We have to say goodbye to Twin Peaks tonight.

Because the Final Dossier is called the FINAL Dossier, does that mean there's no Season 4?

Or was I just Frosted?