How did we go from this

How did we go from this...


To this

This was Best Walker. Way more majestic than Ice Darth Maul. I don't understand why they didn't just keep him as the face of the Walkers.

To this

To this

Why do all walkers look passable in terms of make-up/effects except the Night King who has regular closeups

Then this

To this

Sam had to kill him to introduce Dragonglass

To this

With a bigger budget.

Aren't the White walkers in the book supposed to be beautiful?

To this

why doesn't it look like this in the show?

He could've stabbed another walker. Or they could've given the Night King a similar design.

And to this

specially to this

now back to the beginning

To this?

>"white walkers"
>they're all light shades of blue

To this

It's like an edgy nordic retirement home get-together.


Yes, and they are supposed to talk while their voices sound like cracking ice

the night king looks breddy dumb, the white walkers were supposed to look majestic, beautiful, so that you just have to admire them in fear
now, in the making-of, D&D just talk about them and the army of the dead as 'the zombies'

to this?

to this?

Not quite sure what his name is?

Okay, this version made sense but Seems to imply that they got armor, in the process of walking to the wall.
This raises a few questions:
>Where did they get the armor from?
>If they looted it, from whom and what are the chances that the armor would fit them?
>Why are they wearing armor if it doesn't help them in combat at all? Why hinder yourself with movement restricting armor?

just turn off your brain

I did that a long time ago, my friend.



To this