He will claim the throne

He will claim the throne.


Hey I added those glowy eyes, where are my royalties?

I press f to pay respects

the leaks already confirmed that jon+dany's kid will sit on it being overseen by Tyrion

You could feel this guys raging boner after seeing a white walker with his own eyes

Have they even developed this character at all?
Feels like a walking mcguffin to do whatever magics/tech Cersei needs at inopportune times.

White man

This man symbolizes my life goals.
He lives at the top of the chain but still is in the shadow to stay safe from trouble and other bullshit.
He has time and resources to study what interests him and he's encouraged to do so.
The world is going to shit but he's creative and passionate in the face of adversity.

Also he's fucked up.

He even collected the dead pieces to study.

Is this guy even in the books? He basically just seems like a convenient plot device to throw out random inventions and stuff


>Is this guy even in the books?

Caring about something that will never be finished.

>believing that fan fiction
The leaks will come, but that wasn't them

He does the same thing basically in the books too, but there is a lot more casual magic in the books so it doesn't feel as forced.

>they didn't give him the wight alive so he could experiment on it and do true research into the nature of wights

Fucking idiots. This man is one of the few maesters ahead of the curves in Westeros.

I'd love it if he got out unscathed. He just wants to conduct his research undisturbed without being held back by the Citadel.

That shit is fake nigga

*was a maestor

This guy reminds of when /sci/ made a thread about how "ethics" was holding him back from his potential. Turns out he was just making bombs and disecting animals.

Ethics? The guy plays with necromancy.

He'd bring forth the zombie apocalypse, bad idea

pic related

this puzzled me also. they could have gave them the wight and the dragon glass dagger and just left them to figure it out.

He'd end up raising his own wight army under the command of cersei


The throne doesn't matter anymore senpai

>Jon turns into an early 90s vacuum / tupperware salesman

I fucking lost it at this point.

Is he the most /our guy/ character on the show?


>white walker
it was a wight, not a white walker

he was kinda right, you know? They refer to them in the hbo show at least more than once as that. could be considered canon at this point imo. Not sure if the books mentioned them because I haven't read them yet.

>It's Joffrey's head

Nope. Varys will. He's unironically the most moralfag in westeros. I read a convincing piece online on why Varys is the prince that was promised.

Him and Turion will win and end up ruling westeros together.

why is it that you faggots are always driven to like the most unlikable characters.
seems like if you just pick the most boring detestable villainous character you contrarians will always claim they are /ourguy/
it is kind of pathetic that someone would actually find fucking qyburn relatable

>why is it that you faggots are always driven to like the most unlikable characters.
Contrarianism and power fantasies
>seems like if you just pick the most boring detestable villainous character you contrarians will always claim they are /ourguy/
Contrarianism and self-loathing
>it is kind of pathetic that someone would actually find fucking qyburn relatable
Contrarianism and self-loathing

Varys is only a moralfag in the show. In the books he's just a Blackfyre shill and will get BTFO along with the mummer's dragon.

The show set up a death flag for him where they literally say he's gonna die anyway, so he won't survive to win the thronebowl.

He will be killed by his own golem by order of the king of the dead.

I wish the show actually took that direction. It would be better than the undead just being some simple ancient evil. There should be some opportunistic shits mixing it all up.

Qyburn is /our guy/ because he mirrors a lot of what Sup Forums is

Dark, disturbing, praise a queen but never get pussy, creepy, weird, scheming, etc

>not liking the schemer characters

>implying he wants the throne when he could be in his lab

>The show set up a death flag for him where they literally say he's gonna die anyway, so he won't survive to win the thronebowl.

prease exprain