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Sam the Slayer edition

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I hate that fat fuck



Why doesn't Tywin negotiate with terrorists? Is he really a privileged person blind to his own privilege? The North just needs understanding and more money for education and outreach.

Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Euron Greyjoy? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Captain of the Silence Euron Greyjoy. I’m not talking about Lord Reaper Euron either. I'm talking about King of the Islands and the North Euron Greyjoy, with the driftwood crown and the Dragonbinder, commanding the Iron Fleet, equipped with Valyrian steel armor and harnessing the power of captured warlocks from the House of the Undying.

>And through the smoke another wedge of armored riders came, on barded horses. Floating above them were the largest banners yet, royal standards as big as sheets; a yellow one with long pointed tongues that showed a flaming heart, and another like a sheet of beaten gold, with a black stag prancing and rippling in the wind.

>Robert, Jon thought for one mad moment, remembering poor Owen, but when the trumpets blew again and the knights charged, the name they cried was “Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!”

Why couldn't they do this moment, one of the best in the books, right?

Like they can sell the character short and fuck up the rest of his arc, but this battle was one of the best in the series.

Why couldn't we get it anywhere near as written? Or with the cheering in the end?

Kneel before the last dragon, rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms.

Look at me. Blink. Breathe. Read me with your full concentration. Now: Game of thrones is the epitome of tv. It has it's ups and downs but so does a rollercoaster. You still feel the adrenaline, the rush, the excitement, and relief that it has ended, it's a ride, a joy, a life experience my friend. No other show can give this gift of emotions. Name one show. Just one. Go on. Pause and think. Oh.... you can't? I know. Because it's impossible my friend.

Sam's father knew where he was going but he did nothing to retrieve his family heirloom?

Hurr durr our crest is a big fish and we do what the Starks tell us to do even though it has literally no potential benefit for us

Learn to make proper jokes you unfunny shit.

>Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Euron Greyjoy? Let alone defeat him.
Yes, there is.

I know, I know, oh oh oh

because after that Cersei killed his liege lord and Highgarden declared war against the Iron Throne

You cunts hyped him up so much. What a fucking let down the show is.

what could have been... he was literally one of us

Why do you keep posting Emma Watson? Her status as a childhood nostalgia symbol and >muh feminism mean that she'd never act in GoT. All major female characters must get their tits unless they are canonically underage or are flat-out ugly.

>Tywin seems a hard man to you, but he's no harder than he's had to be. Our own father was gentle and amiable, but so weak his bannermen mocked him in their cups. Some saw fit to defy him openly. Other lords borrowed his gold and never troubled to repay it. At court they japed of toothless lions. Even his own mistress stole from him. A woman scarcely one step above a whore, and she helped herself to my mother's jewels! It fell to Tywin to restore House Lannister to its proper place. Just as it fell to him to rule this realm, when he was no more than twenty. He bore that heavy burden for twenty years and all it earned him was a mad king's envy. Instead of the honor he deserved, he was made to suffer slights beyond count, yet he gave the Seven Kingdoms peace, plenty and justice

House Stark is a hate group.

TV Euron is the worst adaptation from the book

Book Euron is basically an anime villain



>yet he gave the Seven Kingdoms peace, plenty and justice
>throws it all away because he fucked up as a father

>throws it all away because he wanted to cuck his midget son with a whore


>wants freedom for people
>won't let the kingdoms of Westeros choose their own king

it's like poetry

>be Euron
>take over the shield islands
>make all the noblewomen your servants
>choose a servant girl as your "queen" (salt wife)
>let her abuse the noble women who used to torment her

Based Euron

Anyone got the copypasta where Weiss calls DABID on the phone and babbles like a retard for an hour while Benioff gets his script-writing crayons?

>have a weak father
>decide to be stronger than anyone
>start wars that almost destroy your entire family

Bravo Tywin

It's called basic politics stupid user.

>>let her abuse the noble women who used to torment her
He cuts out her tongue and ties her to the bow of his ship while she's pregnant?

The servant girl was the lord's bastard daughter, Euron later impregnated her, then tore out her tongue and tied her to the prow of his ship

democracy in middle ages?

sounds like fetish shit

Hey, nobody's perfect. And she had fun for at least an hour or two.

Reminder that Tytos Lannister and Robert would have been bros.

what is the night's watch?

It was all a ruse

>“Falia Flowers,” he called. “Have courage, girl! All this will be over soon, and we will feast together in the Drowned God’s watery halls.”

>The girl raised up her head, but made no answer. She has no tongue to answer with, Damphair knew. He licked his lips, and tasted salt.


Seriously, what a fucking awful house. I really can't understand what they were thinking when they joined Robb.

>literally no natural defenses
>smaller army than the Lannisters, Baratheons, or Tyrells
>lol let's declare war on all of them


they're family u fucking faggot

dany was canonically underaged

Eh Stannis theme is GOAT in my opinion.

Weird thing is, they initially may have intended it for all Baratheons save for Bobby B and his "kids". Watch some of the Renly scenes, after he says he'll take King's Landing, the Stannis theme plays for Renly.

In some official orchestra events, they even outright used the Warrior of Light for ALL of House Baratheon.



He didn't start any wars though.

Well the Italians voted for shit every once in awhile. Why not.

The night's watch is not a kingdom. Yes they work by honor and they choose their sherif but that is not democracy, can the workers in night's watch vote?

Robert's rebellion was based on a lie? How? Rhaegar and Lyanna did all this shit in secret

Robb was Hoster's grandson and Edmure's nephew, what the fuck did you think they would do

Do you think Melisandre bareback fucked all her escorts during the weeks it must have taken to find the BWB?

Maybe as a reward, or encouragement?

Do you think she'd do it one at a time or all at once?

Probably my favorite moment from the books. It blew my mind that GRRM would combine Jon and Staniss' arcs, though maybe it was obvious to some people.
But I forgot about
>Robert, Jon thought for one mad moment,
Did Jon not know that Bobby died?

The idea of Tytos and Robert partying 24/7 while Tywin and Stannis do all the actual work is pretty entertaining.

We all make mistakes. That's why pencils have erasers.

>charing headlong into certain death because your grandson is a moron
At least the Lannisters had money and numbers on their side when they followed their idiot grandson.

The alliance used to include the Vale. Another 30,000 men might have changed everything. But y'know Lysa.

>8 seasons to take down Cersei
>8 seasons to take down the Army of the Dead

Glad you could make it, Ned

No she isn't. In the show she's 17 years old. That's legal in pretty much all of Europe and most of the United States. When I said underage I was thinking of Sansa and Arya, who don't reach that age until season 6 and season 8 respectively.


>"We remember"
>Ultra cool thousand of years old bronze armor with first men's protective runes
>Doesn't know what they're supposed to remember or what the runes of their armors are supposed to protect them from
Is this just some GURM's shitty humor or something?

Well, apart from being family-tied to House Stark (fairly tightly, it would appear - if Edmure died it'd go to the Starks), the Riverlands are basically a kingdom-sized province without the natural borders of a province, or most crucially, the stable legal authority to stand on their own.

>can the workers in night's watch vote?

He knew but he was so out of touch with southern politics that he hadn't gotten used to any other Baratheon kings yet. He was shocked and confused and not thinking straight. It's also supposed to show Stannis growing into a heroic role instead of being in his brother's shadow

>what the fuck did you think they would do
Good luck, we're rooting for you!

Stannis going north initially seems like an asspull but then you realize that it's perfectly in character and it's fucking brilliant.

Fuck stannis

Watch your tone with me, woman. You may be the queen, but I'm still your superior as King's Hand.

>Did Jon not know that Bobby died?
Nah, that's why it says "for one mad moment." What it is is that he's remembering one Night's Watch guy, who was a bit of a simpleton, who kept saying King Robert would come and save them.

Everyone thought Owen was crazy, but in the heat of the moment during the attack Jon remembered Owen's words.

What a shit, unoriginal character, literally male Cersei

The Riverlands are basically Poland, in a major war their geography makes them susceptible to invasion from multiple fronts, so they might as well declare for their family and join anyway

Right, which is why by all logic they should have stood with the crown. If things went south (heh), Robb could just retreat past the neck, and hold out for quite a while. What are the Riverlanders going to do?

very nice

If Robert had chosen Stannis as his hand none of this would have happened.
Now Based Baratheons are extinct and targ fuckin shits will sit on the throne.

Fucking hell

Was it rape?

What are you doing with my Ned, you whore?

They had little choice. Catelyn was a Tully first. She basically made the decision for them.

>17 is legal in pretty much all of Europe
t. ameritard

They genuinely look related.

It's stunning how the Baratheons went from kings of all Westeros to literally extinct in less than 20 years (less than 15 years in the books). Makes you wonder how these houses survived for thousands of years.

>and targ fuckin shits will sit on the throne.

the Fyre rises

Literally "Family, duty, honor", bruh

They were already pissed with the Lannisters for burning their lands.

Not to mention that they could have easily won their rebellion if the Tully ruling over the Vale would rather help her family than lust after LF's dick.

Eventually strong kings get weak heirs.


In literally every European country, it's 17 or younger, except for the Vatican and Malta.

I suspect that the lines have been broken plenty of times and whatever distant relation takes over just takes the name of the old house for continuity, like how Harold Hardyng will probably ascend to Lord of the Vale as an Arryn when he actually inherits.

Everyone in the UK is related. It's a very inbred place.

>seems like an asspull but then you realize that it's perfectly in character and it's fucking brilliant.
That's what was so good about GRRM's twists.
When D&D try to do their own "twist", it turns out like Littlefinger's death: totally predictable, horribly clunky in execution, and not very logically explicable. Or else it's like the Jon Targaryen "reveal", a classic, full-on Deus Ex Machina.

>Right, which is why by all logic they should have stood with the crown.
Not how politics works. The crown were out to screw you over, and the die was already cast by the people above you. And if you're talking about long-term strategic alliance planning, they would have thought they *were* allying with the crown, in that they were allying with Robert's best friend, and the other main kingdom who installed him on the throne.

tfw no frogfu

Why did Littlefinger fuck up so badly? Fucking hell. All that plotting for nothing

Littlefinger was a retard.

I shoppose consistent writing is off the table as well

They were already small in numbers as evidenced by how each of the brothers relied on their wives' families more than on their own.

>Or else it's like the Jon Targaryen "reveal", a classic, full-on Deus Ex Machina.
Oh please, you'd have to be retarded not to have figured it out by the end of S6.

Im thinking about starting the books one of these days.
Is it even worth it at this point.

Also i've always wondered, all the history like blackfyre rebellion and evens prior to GoT, is it explained in the actual books or is it some expanded universe bullshit, like the world of ice and fire shit? (i really know nothing about the books)

Because D&D. Or do you think he will end up like that in the books?

Dany was dumb and listened to the midget, She should have immediately scorched kings landing.

>tfw Ned is a Lannister who dyes his hair

tfw no orangutanfu

In season 6 they literally cut from Bran viewing Lyanna's secret to Jon's face, so it's the same thing

It's a plot device and some lazy writing.

All the great houses should have cousins and cadet houses.

Look at how many silly little cunts there were to lay claim during the War of the Roses every time someone at the top got bumped off.

I really fucking hate short hair jamie, he was god tier up until he returned to kings landing
Why the fuck does he have the meme hair now?

She should have just assassinated Cersei and took hold of the Red Keep with her dragons. Literally no one would have opposed her because no one cares about Cersei.

that's what I thought. Seemed like it was leading up to something at least and then he just gets killed.

>Is it even worth it at this point.
Yes, they're very good and different from the show.

>Also i've always wondered, all the history like blackfyre rebellion and evens prior to GoT, is it explained in the actual books
Mostly in the books. Though lots of the Blackfyre stuff is in the short stories rather than the novels.

just read the books lad