Tfw fat burgers unironically believe a Sherman can beat a Tiger I tank

Tfw fat burgers unironically believe a Sherman can beat a Tiger I tank.

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Well, only the side with Shermans won the war so I think that pretty much settles it.

only thing that can beat Tiger is Tiger breaking down itself.

Doesn't matter since they only met In Actual combat 3 times (they each won one and the third one the tigers were being loaded on a train)

not only that but a disabled one can give a whole SS battalion serious trouble

lol germans on suicide watch

>tfw there are mmafags who think mcgregor won the fight against mayweather

This movie was supposed to be anti-Nazi?

Doesn't matter how many Tigers you have when your enemy has Jew bankers capable of funding an endless stream of cannon fodder to soak up all your ammo and bombs to level all your factories

Fury movie crew borrowed like the one working Tiger tank. then they absolutely thrashed it and returned it to the owner with out repairing it.

It's more pro-American than anti-Nazi. It didn't really portray Nazis like deranged psychopaths like in your typical anti-Nazi WW2 film.

Didn't need too
The allies had more tanks, they were much more reliable, had air support,, Tigers were prone to breakdowns, harder to maintain, plus the Germans were perpetually low on fuel.

With a 75mm you sure can't but with the 76mm or a 90mm yes you can.

Not really. It showed the kid who saw the MC had humanity enough not to want a stranger dead.

If this is straight up 1v1 comparison with no consideration for production cost or long-term service then it kind of depends on which sherman we are discussing. The 75mm would have trouble doing much except scratch the paintjob, but the 76mm/Firefly versions would be able to penn the sides and rear relatively consistently given a flat angle, maybe even the front at short range.

In terms of the Tiger 1H that 8.8 KwK is going through that sherman nine times out of ten.

If its in relation to Fury, then the actual tanks pass at least vague muster in terms of what penns what. The most egregious sin in that scene is the tank commanding, on both sides.

-T armchair /k/fag, so don't take it as gospel


Shermans killed Tigers

fake news

>tfw you're Germany's best Tiger commander but a leaf blows out your ass in a Sherman Firefly.

Shermans and Tigers almost never met in combat, and Shermans actually won a lot of those engagements.

>but the 76mm/Firefly versions would be able to penn the sides and rear relatively consistently given a flat angle, maybe even the front at short range.
76mm/76.2mm would be able to pen it at any normal combat range from the front within a reasonable angle.
late war SS were demoralized untrained old men/young boys.

Firefly, based on the US M4 Sherman, but fitted with the powerful 3-inch (76.2 mm) calibre British 17-pounder anti-tank gun as its main weapon

Stop making shit up.

>yfw the final battle was based on a true story
>in the true story there was only one guy in the tank

Sherman Firefly was perhaps the most valued tank by British and Commonwealth commanders, as it was the only tank in the British Army able to reliably penetrate the frontal armor of Panthers and Tigers at the standard combat ranges in Normandy. This fact did not go unnoticed by the Germans, who realised that these long-barrel Shermans posed a much greater threat to their heavy tanks than the normal Shermans, and German tank crews and anti-tank gun crews were instructed to eliminate Fireflies first


Also no room in the turret and a pain to drive that could do nothing the 76mm couldn't
no mention of damage

it had a bunch of smaller problems like that but it was effective at its job of providing a mobile 17pder able to keep up with normal shermans

smaller problems
>turret so cramped loading the gun was significantly more difficult than a 76mm/75mm
>muzzle flash would blind the gunner
>firing the gun would kick up shit ton of dust/dirt revealing the tanks location and also blinding the gunner
>HE rounds sucked ass making it suck at a tanks job of supporting infantry

it wasn't as bad as the shitshow know as the panther though
--Aside from his periscope gunsight (which is excellent), the gunner has
no other type of observation device. He is therefore practically blind —
one of the greatest shortcomings of the Panther.
---Once the commander has located a target, it takes between 20 and 30
seconds until the gunner can open fire. This data, which is significantly
greater than that of the Sherman, stems from the absence of a periscope
for the gunner.
---The fatigue life of the mechanical parts was designed for 5000 km.
The wear on many parts is greater than expected. Track and running
gear have a life of 2000 to 3000 km. Tracks break very rarely, even on
rocky terrain. The bogie wheels, however, can become deformed when
driven hard.
---On the other hand, the engine was not operable over 1500 km. The
average engine life amounted to 1000 km. Engine replacement ac-
complished in 8 hours by an Unteroffiaer (mechanic by occupation) and
8 men with the aid of a tripod beam crane or a Bergepanther.
— As a result, the Panther is in no way a strategic tank. The Germans did
not hesitate to economically increase the engine life by loading the tank
onto railcars — even for very short distances (25 km).
— The truly weak spot of the Panther is its final drive, which is of too
weak a design and has an average fatigue life of only 150 km.
— Half of the abandoned Panthers found in Normandy in 1944 showed
evidence of breaks in the final drive.