1. Cunt

1. Cunt
2. Date of your cunt's national holiday?
3. What does it celebrate?

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3rd of July

July 4
We wrote a rude letter to the King of England, very rude indeed, with a list of all the reasons he was a piece of shit

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February 1st
Black history month

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July 3 and 4th, back to back freedom champs

July 1st
Constitution Act of 1867 which merged three separated colonies into a unified Canada

I was joking fucktard, it's the 14
Now get ready for Macron

how could you

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I thought canada was older

14 july
we all agreed to peacefuly make a better country

Because I am as rude as my fellow citizens

1. Paragoy
2. May 15th
3. Independence from all foreign masters... and Mother's day
some people are talking of making Father's day a fixed date too

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kinda seems like a waste to have two holidays on the same day

December 6th

yeah some people are saying to globalize and make Mother's day the second sunday of May like the rest of the planet but i dunno
it'd be nice if Father's day is on June 12th, which is the day Chaco war armistice was declared
paraguayan mothers were pivotal to our country's formation so homaging our fathers as war veterans would be nice

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the 9th of May
The day of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany

>tfw no independence day
Sucks being the conqueror.

You know my feelings, bro
We are awesome

There was a Province of Canada (Quebec and Ontario) from 1841 to 1867, a Lower Canada (Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario) from 1791 (which were formed to accommodate American loyalists who didn't want to be mixed with French-Canadians), and finally a Province of Quebec (Quebec and Ontario) from 1763, the year Great Britain acquired New France. We've had many governments, but Canada as we know it was only born in 1867. A fun thing to know is that we only got full control over our own constitution in 1982 when we repatriated it from the United Kingdom.

It’s the birthday of whatever ruling monarch we have.

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And of course 5th of May - liberation day
It’s a week later. Both days are full of parties and public festivals which is quite hectic so shortly after each other

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isn't like the queen's birthday a holiday or something?

>only got full control over our own constitution in 1982
that is a fun fact

Isn't that the day you guys give out free blowjobs to canadians?

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We have two Independence days and one nantional day.

Ntional day is July 6th ž supposedly the day our first and only king was crowned.

Don't you have a "great we aren't ruled by russia anymore" day?

Actually, the US was very polite. But the King got mad.

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Reply to this post if you agree that countries that have so called "independence day" are countries with permanent provincial butthurt

Reply to this post if your country gets divided and reformed so many times you wouldn't even be able to agree on an "independence day"

Mine country never was divided, and my country doesn't have an "indapance dei"

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this is irrelevant to my cunt
try better, yankee

well all i have to go on is your ip ya dingus so help us out nimrod

September 15th
We got independence from Spain, without even fighting. Funny thing, the indepedence was signed in Guatemala and the news didn't arrive here until the end of october, but we still celebrate it on September