Why does everyone love this movie?

I recently watched Logan again for the second time and I still find it impossible to love this film. While it is undoubtedly a well made and brilliantly acted piece of cinema, as a part of the X-Men franchise it just annoys me. Not only are most of the characters killed off screen but all the fighting and sacrifice of the previous films has meant bugger all. Not only is the world a depressing corporate hellhole but mutants have been wiped out, a fate our heroes always tried to prevent.

Also the villain is shit (no disrespect to Withnail)

>it's the Mex-Men was super serial and important meme

The girl was cute

2nd half felt super rushed to me.

The villain was absolute shit. A 30 year old with an unexplained and largely ignored robotic arm? The doctor character was shit too, 2D as fuck.

The rest of that shit I don't care about. Pretty great movie IMO.

Man you are pretty retarded.

So the film is not good because the setting of the world is not "happy"? It's not a good film because it's different compared to the previous xmen flicks? And you watched it two times already despite not liking it?
Are you aware how braindead you sound?

the girl ruined it.

it's 6/10


she's based as fuck. whats your fucking problem?

You just didn't like it Op and that's alright

>people already asking for another wolverine
Give cyke a chance

So, it's a well made and brilliantly acted piece of cinema, but you're surprised people are able to ignore canon to enjoy this film? Are you for real, man?

I'll have watch this sometime this week

I like marvel movies so I should see it

just missed it while it was out.

"I wiped out Mutants cos muh profits" doesn't count as deep motivation. Also

>called Donald
>chases Mexican kids across America

I thought it was pretty shit tbqh. some other user said it quite well in another Logan thread but I can't be arsed to look for it

here's a pictorial representation

3rd act sucked

People keep saying the farm scene was when it started to go downhill it but I'm just gonna say it was just because of the nigs since they were not necessary.
Logan and X-23 after was still good and it only dips in quality when they meet the other mutant kids.

I get this is the internet but calm the fuck down. I even admitted it was a good, if not great, movie on its own merits but i didn't like that it made all previous films meaningless and gave little to no closure to the stories of most characters . Also I figured that first impressions are sometimes wrong so decided to watch it again, is that so rare?

ywn have a tiny Mexican death machine to protect.

Why live?

I'm not surprised I just don't want to do it myself. You can love the shit outa this film all you want. I just don't get the overdone praise it received.

>Why live?
Good question. I don't have an answer yet.

Pretty accurate desu. If he was travelling with the other children from the start or if the film took even the slightest amount of time to develop them as characters it would have been so much better.

Did you make this picture? I see it a lot on here. It's really well made.

its supposed to be depressing as shit

>While it is undoubtedly a well made and brilliantly acted piece of cinema
so what's the problem?

Personally i just enjoyed it for how it plays with the idea of them being human despite having a fancy ability with the most powerful and dangerous mind succumbing to dementia and loosing control ect. And logan being a lowly wagecuck scrapping by because there isnt really any other option
Also just about anything that is depressing will be widely liked because society is absolutely plagued with mental illness due to the sudden shift in average lifestyle and abundance of other things that fuck with brain chemistry
Lots of people who grew up with superheros can identify with loosing a loved one to dementia or living a hopeless and unfulfilling life

Actually, I would have to disagree. The black farmer and his family acted as a great catalyst for character development and their deaths made us hate X-23 and see his more of his destructive power.

You mean x-24? X-33 was the girl.

X-23* fuck

Shit, typo, yeah X24

fucking corporations and their confusing mutant numbering!

>While it is undoubtedly a well made and brilliantly acted piece of cinema

Maybe i'm just out of touch with the public mood. Que sera sera I guess.

Logan doesn't take place in the same timeline as any of the previous films.

Is there an actual source for that?

>You obviously never read the comics
>You're probably a faggot who feels emotional investment in "cinematic universes"

that stuff you meme texted doesn't mean shit when the plot is bad

it's amazing that in 9 X-men movies, they failed to make a villain that was multi-dimensional.

instead they continuously fell back on the "hurr humans want to kill all mutants" plot even though all other capeshit save for Civil War did just fine without it.

I did, thanks. glad to hear it's getting some mileage. here's another one I did recently.

Because this board is reddit. It is shit and not even well acted. Fuck off. Bland and forgettable.

Nice. How long have you been photoshopping? I've been doing it a lot lately but I'm not at this level yet.

It's a Western movie.

>Calls people faggots for being invested in film and TV.
>Dude where do you think you are?

>tfw /trek/fag
>irl had to watch My dad suffer and die as he didnt even recognize who i am
>mfw watching Patrick stewart go through the same thing

I thought it had a lot of potential but the last half of the film was unbelievably retarded and was engineered by characters making stupid decisions rather than organic plot developments.

First half hour was loaded with raunchy shit to inflate the rating.

Lots of great individual set pieces but it comes together rather poorly.

So is fucking Rango. Your point is?

its a little different then your "usual" superhero flick. but that doesnt make it bad. i quite liked it in fact.

I get the desire to watch gritty portrayals of everyday horrors but wanting to see beloved characters/ actors go through them is beyond me.

having fuck all to do with the rest of the X-Men franchise is what makes it so great

thank FUCK all the other characters were not included, and who cares if they were killed off-screen when we are on a SECOND timeline where they already all died anyway (as if FOX is going to keep this straight at all and not have a totally different universe for it's other movies so who cares)

the movie itself is probably not even sure what the fuck is going on with its own canon, but if you pretend in your head they intended for it to be one long ongoing story, it makes it even better for Wolverine to have lived through all the fucked up horrible things from the other movies

about 2-3 years, on and off. I got most of my practice doing fakes on /r/ but honestly enjoy non-porn shoops more

Its either relatable or it just has an emotional impact
Not everything needs to be a comedy

It was shit.