The Shannara Chronicles - season 2 trailer

first season was bad. maybe the network change will help

Terrible books, awful writer.

LITERALLY the only reason why anyone watched this shit is because of Ivana.

The only good parts of the first season was in OP's gif, at least they seem to be aiming at more f/f stuff this one.
That said, this show was shit on mtv and i really hope they kill the main guy, he was beyond shit.

Yeah, but then again retards here even like The Well of Time...and holy shit that fucking thing was horrid.

I watched the last ten minutes of the season finale because I do that with bad tv shows and I prefer OP girl to Pan's Labyrinth girl. Stunning but that lil' lady cannot act.

I was wondering when "We cast cute girls to trick people into watching our feminist rewrite of Terry Brooks's popular series" would be back.

This is a serious improvement on tree girl.
I'm already on board on this ship...and yes, i know i sound like a total homo.

Very qt

Is this new only human song the new radioactive?

I hear it fucking everywhere

Whatever this is, that gif prooves it is in my interests.

I already can tell this is going to be the only part worth watching of this season, Manu Bennet aside.

Poppy and Vanessa are both hot so I'd be watching the webms either way.

>tfw you will never go and have a nice fun day on a beach with her...

its legend of seeker keno

I have to admit I liked the show, and am a little happy it was renewed. It isn't spectacular, but it's a fun fantasy adventure and the world lore has some twists I like; (being in the far future of our world, and that the typical fantasy creatures and factions are all offshoots of humans; I liked Shadowrun a lot growing up).

Good eye candy all-around, story was alright and the production looked fine for an off-brand fantasy serial show. It's nice to have fun fantasy romp on the side, something like Legend of the Seeker, again.


this show CAN NOT be on mtv anymore, it's the only thing holding it back. it being a product of MTV means that it's got these 16 year old girl 'clique'ish influences in it's writing. specifically I'm thinking of the episode with the buried highschool, and the one with the 'perfect' society that sacrifices people to ogres. it's like if will just starting shouting niggers randomly in an episode, it's totally out of place and doesn't fit with the theme of the show at all.


I thought the ruined high school was a great setting, an unexpected spin on the ancient civilization ruins trope.

i stopped watching when they killed all those handsome hot elfboys

agreed, the setting wasn't awful. what I was meaning is that -- it's those episodes in particular that have the worst 'dumb 16 year old cheerleader' type of writing in them.

And Poppy Drayton - even though her acting was somewhat... wooden.

It's on Spike now, for whatever that's worth.

How big is manu's character in this?

I know he's in the first season at the very least but is he a major character? Literally the only reason I'd be interested is him.

Well it was about Elf Princess Stacey coming to terms with her task, the weight of it all, and her feelings for the wierd-but-sensitive halfling twink unlikely-hero of the story. I get what you're saying about the high-school cliquey love triangle shit, but I disagree that it is anything detrimental or distracting about the show. I think it's fun fluff and adds to it really. Sick of superserious pretentious fantasy shit. Shannara is dumb fluff filler to throw popcorn at your face to while watching.

Well she is an elf (read: autist). So atleast she was given a suitable role.


kys you disgusting virgin deviant burn in a pit of rabid squirrels

Shannara is the only setting where Hollywoods dumb over the top oddly modern fantasy clothing designs make sense.

Spotted the faggot.

triggered virgin detected

why the squirrels tho? you some kind of sociopath wanting animals to die?

rabid squirrels will rape every hole in your body

then I wouldn't be the virgin you said I was in your initial post. checkmate, faggot.

>does not know difference between present and future tense

virgin and illiterate