Post Sup Forums related tattoos

Post Sup Forums related tattoos


You spent a holiday weekend browsing tumbler for a moronic picture to repost on a sri-lankan bass fishing forum. Who's the real moron?


You clearly overestimate the time it takes to find pictures of retards on the internet

The friends we made along the way.

>that spacing of the L and E in learning

literally erase my chest and start over

literally just threw up ink on his chest

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos

tattoos are gay

>putting something on your body permanently
>being this retarded
>your literal only argument back is huhuh faggot YOLO

that actually says "stupid white boy"

>which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things

well, bad things at least

>why do we fall?so we canl earn to pick ours elves up
What did he mean by this?

>Tattoos are supposed to have meaning

this must be from reddit


Hello redd!t!

I love this copypasta

Hello fellow reddit or xD




Stylistic and bold


I was in the first thread this was posted in AMA

That mans life is just one big shitpost I bet he shows that to his friends with a big fucking smirk on his face he's probably so proud of himself

Its like he forgot the Question Mark

>He went that far
Absolute madman

I present reddit the tattoo



one of the best ever

From Christ to Neil Degrasse Tyson

what son g does that fart sing?

Literally just got a tattoo of a formula that he doesn't understand but knows a smart person formulated it once


Religious tattoos are better than some shitty movie reference. You want to permanently right yourself with the Lord, not some shitty flick you saw once.


It's from a movie

greetings from /o/

The only tattoos I find acceptable are by military members who get a tat of their branch (ie a marine with the marine seal or a naval member with an anchor)

Everything else is shit



At least the Episode 1 tie I bought could easily be burned.

How Can Tattoos Be Real If Our Skin Is Not

do you actually need to dedicate an entire weekend to find one picture? what kind of internet infrastructure does your country have?

>reading this while puddle of mud-blurry plays in the background

posting best one

why would anyone ever get a tattoo?

Some meme tattoos are good.

>how can tattoos be real if skin isn't real?

At least some people have their priorities right.

And like all tattoos they aged horribly

>virgins ITT who would never get tattoos
fucking nerds


I kinda like this celeb one

Aside from soldiers and Jews, only edgy tryhards who feel the need to project their oh-so-unique personality with a shitty drawing on their skin get tattoos. Don't bother questioning anyone with a tattoo about this because they'll defend their incredibly poor decision-making skills to the death.


what a confused tattoo

i don't think i've ever seen a good tattoo in my life

thanks for making me remember this pasta

>astroboy tattoo

would give her the dick

But Leviticus always forbids tattoos

Pic not related?

He really pulls it off though.



Holyshit! I'm friends with this guy!

Where do you live that it takes 48 hours to Google Rick and Morty tattoo and post it?

/o/ never gets the recognition they deserve and I hope they never do. It would ruin it. God bless yall.

I like this, subtle, but real good


He is a guy


that word you use, it's not what it means.

The most upsetting part about this is the godawful shading desu


>don't bother asking anyone why they got a tattoo, for my projections are the only REAL truth

Every immigrant should get that tattoo

new faggot

hi sal

My co-worker has literally the biggest cringe-inducing tattoo you have ever seen. I don't even want to spoil it because one day I'm gonna figure out how to get a picture. It's right on his waste-line, I only know about it because I was checking his dick out at the urinal.

craigy ferg also has a cross on his arm he rarely shows.

don't have a tattoo and don't plan to get a tattoo, user, but while the group you describe in tattoo community might seem fairly large, you are still dead wrong. you could say the same thing about marriage and rings. it is just social constructs. why not have a tattoo as a reminder of decisiveness in a point in your life?

>the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese
you have cock and sucker on your wrists

lurk more, faggot

others are pure reddit
like the one you posted

I lold for 10 minutes straight

everything you did to your body looks like shit, and its onyl getting worse

sorry for the truth young dope

>so we canl earn

look at his butt, hes pooping out a little dick lol

Subtlety is my specialty

Speaking of subtle things, I'm thinking of hanging this on my wall, what do you think?

craig ferguson is fucking awesome




Well hello beautiful

You're an idiot.


How could you not be able to draw a nose and lips, when an example you could look at for reference would have been inches away.

My disdain for fags outweighs my disdain for tattoos. I'll allow it.