Felicity Jones

Bunny thread.
Fuck the mods edition.

Dont forget to visit /hr/ thread since this one gonna be gone soon

/hr/ is deader than Daisys uterus


she's kind of fat and her skin has a reptilian quality

>she's kind of fat

Bitch did he stutter?

Daisy is so much superior-looking than this basic bunny-furry BITCH!!

bottom thigh

This thread IS NOT about Daisy.

They're both trash

Buck toothed bitch.

She is 5ft 2.5in, she's fit for her height.
It would be very noticeable any kind of gain at that hight


Hey, you're not allowed in my thread.


Anyone excited about her next movie?

>Anyone excited about her next movie?
Fuck yeah.
She plays a Jewish Court of Justice.

>tfw Inferno was on tv the other week


i luv the bunny

I want to talk to her about movies and caress her bunny bum.


Okay so they're not OP (me).
I'll talk.
She's my favorite actress.
Like Crazy hurt me like hell.
It hurt.
I died a little inside.
What a sad story.

Sad they changed the movie ending for that happy save the day bad guy loses bullshit.


The book is actually pretty good and the original ending is great, but the movie and the ending in it was so trash.

She is like an attractive Noomi Rapace

She could hump you to death

>tfw Felicity is in the running to play Lisbeth in the Dragon Tattoo reboot

a bit of an uggo really

Daisy ain't that bad



no dont pierce her

Who has topless webm?

that would be lewd!