Congrats, Mike. You have crushed the dreams of colored girls everywhere. Enjoy the wedding

Congrats, Mike. You have crushed the dreams of colored girls everywhere. Enjoy the wedding.

Other urls found in this thread:

>this celebrity has to marry a black woman or I have no shot with one either

And this is one of many reasons black women are shit.

Alicia is a qt

do black women have "dreams"? are they capable of such abstraction?

In a way it is kind of disappointing. I loved the threads where the sole purpose of discussion was Fassbender's laundry list of black lovers and how based Fass was for colonizing them. I guess he came home one way or another.

Who gives a shit

Do you think he ditched coloured girls now that he is a reputable distinguished actor? I don't think so, he met her on set. She looks coloured too, funny enough.

We need you back in the game Fassbender, you were waging a one man oil-drilling crusade against the BBC menace. He was the great white hope we deserved, can someone post his casualty list..

OP is joking I'm sure
Lmao offside

Is she even white?

>hehe yes lets turn racemixing into a competition its all just a bit of cheeky banter am i right lads?

He's not even white himself.

he's german who was raised in ireland

it's a dayum shame Alicia Vikander is a literal washing board. If she has some tiddys and ass she would perfection.

That is even less white. Dude is practically a nigger.

I can just imagine some chicano in America is typing this

>Is she even white?
she is "the white" pure swedish girl

more likely it is JIDF

> Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

>Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion;

"In Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion"

t. Ben Franklin


The Eternal Amarican Mutt

Based $100 man knew it all.

He's right tho. Swedes and Germans got sort of golden undertones. Brits are the pastiest of all euoropeans.

Nothing some surgery can't fix desu.

Literally vikander can't emote

That woman looks like a colored person to me. Brown nipples means nigger.

Stay mad non-white

t. jafar al-sverigeani

What are you on about, that girl is not white

He is a traitor and will hang in great spectacle when the DotR comes

That's interesting, in Europe we consider Anglos to be non-european looking. Technically they are not europeans.

How do you know what color her nipples are?
Askin for a friend.

>dat shading

Even your money acknowledges that Ben Franklin was a swarthy half-breed

You're either shitposting, or just plain retarded.


>this is your brain on Brexit

>posts a brit
>calls him an anglo


No need to be rude man.

>all this projection

>thumbs down
Easy there Ceasar faggot

He, as a respectable and handsome white lad, should be spreading his seed far and wide to dilute the colored genes of filthy minorities and make their otherwise fully colored offspring at least one shade whiter. Fassbender can also go on to have white children as well.

I can't see how such actions could possibly backfire.

>This is your genes on BBC

Say hi to your cutie grandkids bud, howya doin pops

>that middle guy
Truly a fate worse than death.

I can't either.


Brits don't consider themselves Europeens either. why would they associate with lesser people?

Alicia looks like some sort of spic. Is she (((crypto)))? Or is it obnoxious wannabe nigger makeup?

That is an interesting point you raise there.
But in your theory would Mike be just creating mixed children and leave them be or would he also raise them as his own?
This is a very important issue.

You're missing my point. At least those kids are more white than they would have been if both parents were black. Then if these kids went on to breed with other full whites, then their kids become another shade closer to full white.

If we got every white man to go out and knock up as many women as possible, the majority of the children born 9 months from now would be half white or greater. If this trend continued and at least one partner in every breeding pair was white (or as white as possible), then the world would be a brighter place.


No, it's typical Sup Forums banter by permavirgin british neets who used to be goons. They're the same guys who make all the pedo threads.


The girl you posted looks vaguely slavic. Vikander looks very suspect.

>that middle kid
>breeding with anybody

true but id rather that than the blubbering fat you guys call "thicc"

Well it's also fine if he doesn't, because then at least his black genes don't get passed on to a new generation

Captain Cunnilingus to the rescue.


Know your shills, faggot. JIDF rarely engages outside of explicitely antisemitic platforms without a direct mention of kikes. This mick hating and kraut shaming is what the commie goons back on brit/pol/ used to do all the time.

That is the most British looking beauty I have ever seen.

>X isnt white
>not JIDF

Rashida Jones is disgusting.

To this fucking day I'm convinced that the whole "Rashida is attractive" meme is forced by a superior lobby of shitposters both online and offline who want to make it a thing. She's utterly repulsive in every sense of the word available, physically, mentally, genetically, professionally and in every aspect of her rotten personality.

She is disgusting. Were I stranded with her as humanity's last two people I'd cut my arm off and give myself a handy with my detached limb rather than letting her touch me. I would force myself to cannibalise on her and that's the closest amount of "physical contact" I'd have with her terribly revolting being.

Just die, Rashida. Just do us a favour and die.




Kraut shaming is the duty of any self-respecting white heterosexual male.

>Going off the deep end because I'm dropping some truth bombs
I'd fuck the living shit out of the girl playing the nig slave in GoT. Quit projecting because the truth burns you, filth.

I'm not saying its bad I think those kids are unique and beautiful. I'm not racialist like these vegetated degenerates, im all for accelerating the human species

>this is the perfect female body-type
>there is nothing more fertile to the male seed than this
>all women should strive towards this - fat shaming is perfectly okay as a means of encouraging others to better themselves to achieve peak biological performance


would impregnate multiple times

>I think those kids are unique and beautiful
There is no need to virtue signal on an anonymous imageboard, friend

>fat shaming is perfectly okay as a means of encouraging others to better themselves to achieve peak biological performance
I truly wish fat-shaming would become more socially acceptable again.


Let's not go over board here.

Fat shaming and encouraging people to do sports and taking care of themselves needs to come back.

Her son (the only man in her life) getting an athletic scholarship and buying her a house. I think that's about the extent of it.


What about people who can;t get thinner because of their genetics?

Why are you so keen on bullying the disabled?

The only reason people think she's attractive is because they don't know what her mom looked like. If her dad was white she'd be much more attractive.

Wanting to fuck prepubescent girls is not hetero you fucking goon

>im all for accelerating the human species
This makes absolutely no sense.

>muh genetics

If you add a teaspoon of sewage to a bottle of wine, you have a bottle of sewage.

>Her mum's a jewish coalburner

>my idea of beauty is universal
Kek good luck with life dudettes, you're already losing

Such people don't exist

Your genetics cannot change the laws of thermodynamics. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. This is not avoidable

Beauty is more objective than subjective. You must be an uggo.