ITT: Scenes men will never understand

ITT: Scenes men will never understand.

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not even the writers do!

Fatass virgin neckbeard detected

I wonder how many viewers don't notice that she's drinking all the fucking time.

look how joffrey turned out

Her and Tyrian could have been great drinking buddies if Tyrian weren't a dwarf.

which reminds me, all she had to do was produce one legitimate heir and there would never have been a question of succession.

>You expect me to command our troops to fight beside foreign scum?


she just loves the feeling of brother fucking too much. unless she secretly fucked the iron islands guy and its actually his embryo

>tfw men will never understand the squabbling and constant backstabbing of women

she literally turned down a glass of wine during tyrions meeting.

Some murderous psychotic cunt? Fuck off roastie.

>that feel when a man that finds her very relatable

Same. I'm ant-social as fuck and everyone calls me a cunt all the time.

>Cersei apes Tywin
>men will never understand

Topkek comrade

>that BJ scene



Holy shit this. Men will NEVER understand the feeling when you get to dominate your man. Currently doing this lowkey to my bf by being passive aggressive af. The feeling you get when you intimidate and bitch at him is just too good for me to quit.

post webm

have fun growing old alone

I dunno I think Littlefinger, Jaime, Walder Frey, and Ramsay know a thing or two about backstabbing.

Lol I will be having fun when I take all his money through alimony.

when he gives up and goes upside your head and you call the police for help remember he could kill you before they get there.

Are you also an intelligent nihilist with a wicked sense of humor?

Cersei isn't nihilistic or with a wicked sense of humor.

you're a guy larping

Divorce lawyers must absolutely love gay marriage. It's a whole new cottage industry.

Nah he won't kill me. I've slapped him a bunch of times already he's my beta lmao.

I'm a girl though.

>inb4 hurr durr women don't browse Sup Forums

Anything is possible. ;)

no, I just want muh family to be okay and to scare the dicks away

well then you deserve each other

>people around seriously falling for the bait

dumb cunt has had the same constipated retard facial expression for like 4 seasons and everyone here creams themselves at how great of an actress she supposedly is.People complain about Dany not showing emotion, but Cersei is even worse in that regard. She has that one trick where her voice breaks when shes sad, thats literally the only impressive acting ability she has, she is otherwise utterly mediocre,

Shes like 45 and has never had a worthwhile role outside GOT (NO, 300 doesnt count, she was in like 5 scenes in that movie and she was getting fucked in 3 of them, and the sequel was horrid stinking steaming pile of shit disgrace and insult to the very art of cinema itself). Also, her Bong genes hit her HARD out of nowhere, she went from being sexy and fuckable up until S4 and came back an ugly old hag since S5 for some reason.

Literally the most overrated cunt on Sup Forums

I'll be your second bitch boy

Lena Headey has never been beautiful. She's average as fuck.

But Sarah Connor.

>Lena Headey has never been beautiful
I didnt say she was, you illiterate cuckold. I said she was sexy and fuckable.In a "common whore" sort-of way. Fuck off and learn the difference between definitions
no one cares or remembers that

You sound pathetic

Funny thing, Jon Snow refusing Cersei's request to stay neutral on the war between her and Daenerys was literally a scene women will never understand.
Women, whether in the show or real life, thought he should've lied instead of openly pledging his loyalty to Daenerys. A hard concept for them to understand.

How many katanas do you own?

But all women will understand Cersei breaking her pledge to fight the wights

that was because she was fucking pissed at him

>Jon Cuck
>being in a scene women will never understand

What a fucking cuck POS. I hope the North stabs him in the back and rallies with Sansa against this manlet,if I was a northman i'd beat the shit out of the traitorous bastard myself.cuck slave for women has broken every vow or oath he made,first he betrayed the NW for whore ygrittes ginger minge,then he betrayed Mance because muh NW, then betrayed the NW because muh wildlings, then betrayed stannis because muh NW, and is now betraying the North just to get a whiff of Targ pussy. Fucking son of a whore who eloped with an emo harpplaying faggot like the dumb roastie she is, then didnt have the sense to use contraception.I hope Night King ends Jon and Dany and her Cuckshed Coalition
Jon is a beta cuck. As King in the North, he has a duty to his people, to preserve their honor and dignity even if it means their death. He should go to her and offer an alliance, and tell her "fuck you, my people made me king, I come here as King and leave as king, take it or leave it " Jon will be known as the "King who Knelt" like Torrhen Stark and the North will spit on his memory regardless of what happens next. Hes humiliating himself and conceding to Dany.

Kings of the North have traditionally knelt to the Iron Throne though, even those regarded as good kings by the Northerners.

>literally only one Stark king bent the knee

What does Danys ass taste like you Targ apologist scum shitstain?

Top bait aside
Every time I get to a point like this in a relationship with a woman I'm just disappointed at her for ruining a good gig. I know they want you to play the power struggle game but its exhausting, unenjoyable and kills my libido for them. You basically give me three choices:
1. I cave and you lose all attraction to me
2. I put you in your place like the child you are and basically postpone your power game for a later date
3. I go full damage control and slowly dismantle every emotional and financial attachment I have with you

Turns out its a lot more enjoyable to have constant flings with young women and live in eternal honey moon periods than invest into a woman hitting the wall that suddenly needs to settle down. You can be perfect in every way but they will still resent you for being the living embodiment for the end of their girlhood.

I'm assuming he'll marry her and be king of the seven kingdoms

I guess we're going to pretend that the North hasn't been subordinate since the Iron Throne was created?
Eddard was directly subordinate to Robert.

Literally everyone shat on Jon for doing that. Even the men.

>he forgot the time Cregan literally stole the hand position to fuck with Aegon III

>wow they haven't been subordinate for LITERALLY the whole time, they subverted power slightly, ONCE
woah, really showed me

>kings are the same as lords

One Stark King (Torrhen) knelt and another rebelled (Robb) How exactly is either one "tradition" you Danyfag targ mongel

He's shit no personality, boring AS fuck, bad actor, punchable faced manlet

>he said, backing his entire argument that one time one king knelt

>Women, whether in the show or real life, thought he should've lied instead of openly pledging his loyalty to Daenerys. A hard concept for them to understand.

it's not as if Jon snow hasn't done this before, ask Mance.

There's literally been one King who knelt to the Iron Throne, otherwise the North wouldn't still have Kings.

And he's not really all that fondly looked upon considering his legacy is "The King Who Bent the Knee".

That's because those men are short sighted and didn't realize that as John puts it later, starting out a partnership with a lie is counter productive and self-defeating when dealing with a threat on the level of whitewalkers.

>look mom, I'm larping on Sup Forums xDDD

join the "council of ricks" group on facebook, buddy. You will find many individuals like you, of superior intelligence and with deep insight into the fundamentally meaningless nature of the universe.

>falling for people ironically falling for bait

its jaimies and a miscarriage, what are you dumb?

Now someone get the scene of Grey Worm and Missandei so we can have:
>The Virgin Cunnilingus vs The Chad Blowjob

he didnt even have to lie , just take danny aside and ask if its ok to undo his pledge . theres nothing wrong in any culture with undoing an agreement if all sides in it want to undo it .
then he'd just say he was pledged to her but will agree not to be if cersi honors her side and that's it .

this is beyond ned-level autism now and the only reason he did what he did is so they could do the tyrion-cersi scene .

You're thinking like a woman. Going back and forth indecisively like that is something would undermine his own authority and no one would take him seriously anymore. Ned was a real man he was simply surrounded by backstabbers that don't know the meaning of the word honor or loyalty.

Mance is rolling in his grave right now

Unlikely since John is essentially uniting people that hate each other in order to keep everyone alive in much the same way Mance did north of the wall.

except Jon was willing to lie his ass off to get Mance's trust but he won't lie if it means getting Cersei to help them with the WW's

Which scene? Obviously I never understood cause I cannot even remember it

>Mance denies Stannis' offer to march against Boltons and take Winterfell because he doesn't want his people to die for a foreign war
>Jon denies Stannis' offer to make him Lord of Winterfell and legitimize him to keep his NW vows

>Jon ends up marching South with a Wildling army against the Boltons and him becoming Lord of Winterfell anyway

just WHAT did they mean by this

It's because she's pregnant. She's pissed off at Tyrion all the time, dummy.

Mance broke his initial promise of being a member of the Night's Watch, then he tried to to go beyond the wall in order to kill everyone on the otherside, he would have killed Jon too if Mance hadn't gotten caught by Stannis who sentenced him to death because Mance wouldn't bend the knee to him. At least Jon gave him a quick death out of mercy instead of watching him burn alive. The fact that Jon kept his original promise to the Night's Watch is admiral especially when espionage is concerned.

>lied for the NW's to get intel on the Wildlings
>won't lie for his Queen to potentially save the world from the walking dead

Jon was eventually freed from his Night's Watch duties because after he died and came back those duties became void if I remember correctly.

Stannis, as King had the authority to release him from his vows

but instead he goes with the questionable loophole message of course

>Kept his promise by getting intel on the wildings using deception only as a means of gaining knowlege about white walkers which could potentially turn all sentiant beings into white walking ice zombies

>Doesn't lie in front of people that are accustomed to lying because it would make them all weaker for it in such a critical situation against magical ice zombies that would put an end to the petty human game of thrones permanently.


>will lie to get intel on whitewalkers
>wont lie to get an army to help them defeat them

Even a few years ago I saw many jokes on tumblr, there was even this:
most people noticed

>goes on to hire 20,000 foreigners

He kept his promise to The Night's Watch tho, so he was in essence still being honest especially when they got caught by Stannis.

He didn't lie in front of cercei because he really didn't need to since he already had evidence that the White walkers exist. When making honest attempts at genuine cooperation honesty is the best policy otherwise it falls apart as clrealy shown by Cersei Lannister who is itching to get killed by whiite walkers if she double crosses Jon & company.

The """rape""" scene in Straw Dogs


>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

99.9% of women hate Cersei, not men.

Jon is a goddamn retard, webm related.

>Now someone get the scene of Grey Worm and Missandei so we can have: The Virgin Cunnilingus vs The Chad Blowjob
I'd do it if I remembered in which episode that scene happens. That's how much I cared about it.

The virgin cunnilingus is in Stormborn.

See all that proves is that cersei is narcissitic and claims to like Jon becasue he's an honest man, but when she hears his honesty she can't take it and runs off like a wounded girl. She's willing to put her life and the lives of others in jeaoprdy simply becasue some dude that wasn't her brother had the balls to tell her the truth.

These stereotypes/ labels for men are ironically sexist in an arbitray kinda way heh.

That's the thing.

Women GET to dominate men... once in a while

Men HAVE TO dominate women ALL THE TIME or else we'd all be reduced to shit-flinging bonobos in no time.

Yeah, I remember that one specific scene where Cercei drank wine.

Honestly thought that the woman Jamie was fucking was one of the whores Tyrion had.

Did you miss when literally everyone facepalmed at Jon's stupidity?

A man is a rightful heir to the throne because he thinks for himself not because he submits to the emotions of people that have little experience north of the wall.

He betrayed his allies.


>dude merely pretending lmao
Is this the early 2010's?

Fuck, her hair is terrible