What are some Fascist kinos?

What are some Fascist kinos?

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There's that one scene in Inglourious Basterds where Michael Fassbender gives a whole breakdown on the highlights of Nazi cinema if you're curious, OP

End this meme


Triumph of the Will
Conan the Barbarian
The Dark Knight trilogy
Starship Troopers

This scene.

conan the barbarian was and is despised by libshits of all generations and credentials. does it make it fascist?


if liberals hate said thing, the thing doesnt magically turn fascist

thats like saying anyone Who disagrees with trump is a hilarry cnn pedophile shill

William Friedkin
John Boorman
Leni Riefenstahl

Salo, or 120 days of Sodom

the eventual biopic about Obama and Clinton

Yes the Nazi's followed a fascist ideology based on hierarchy of rule. don't be dumb.

>be Med
>get BTFO for substituting nazi for fascist

post some more futuristic art

>be fascist
>only take control of a country for a few short years
>be promptly btfo by the entire world including your own countrymen
>leave no great accomplishments in your wake
>be reviled as the worst event in human history

Why are there still fucking nazis today?

>>be fascist
>>only take control of a country for a few short years

I know you're just memeing but Hitler pulled off some groundbreaking shit bringing the country from its post WW1 state to the WW2 power it was. It's just that he made some quite stupid decisions which ruined his empire and the allies made sure there was nothing left after they won the war.

I don't think there's anyone comparable in the modern age if you look at what he did for Germany in those few years before the war went to shit. Maybe South Korea's Park Chung Hee who's responsible for laying the groundwork for bringing SK from a poor country of farmers to the small powerhouse it is today.

>i dont know what fascism is

germany under hitler and even at the start of WW2 was a pale shadow compared to what it was before WW1. He was industrially, millitarily and finanically garbage compared to the empire. the only way his economy didnt instantly collapse was expansion.

>be promptly btfo
yeah that's what happens when you don't win a world war

>leave no great accomplishments in your wake
have you ever even read a single history book?

Point Break

>Birth place of fascism
>Not fascism
Is this like a reverse of the "not true Communism" argument?

Adenauer and Erhard did more after WW2.

Between 1919 and 1933 a lot of things happened. There wasn't such a thing as post WW1 state because Germany in 1923 and Germany in 1928 was a very different country.

>if liberals hate said thing, the thing doesnt magically turn fascist

ummmm yeah but it does sweetie

>fascist kino
Hitler was the destroyer of German cinema. Outside of Riefenstahl's two documentaries there was almost nothing of worth produced between 1933 and 1945.

>a few short years
Umm... excuse me sweetie

40 year reign, 10th longest ruling leader in history. Young men fought in the uprising to establish the government, lived their entire lives under the it, and died as old men under it.

Why do americlaps think Fascism = Nazis? Fascism was originally pretty cool, it was just ruined by German autism, as Germans usually ruin everything they touch.

It's rather surprising how much better was cinema under the communists than under fascists.

>a few short years
Italy was Fascist for 21 years