Can we finally admit now that we got fooled and that Hillary probably would have been better if not the same

Can we finally admit now that we got fooled and that Hillary probably would have been better if not the same.

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we're doing fine

BLURMPHF is fucking idiot Hitler elected by inbred hillbilly redneck subhuman filth pig. RUSSIA

yeah, i should never have voted for trump

I think Trump acts like an idiot but I haven't disagreed with a single bit of legislation so far so I'm neutral

the shitposters got what they want, and surprise, nothing's changed. if hillary won everything would be the same except they'd be complaining nonstop

>that flag

I was never fooled. I unironically voted for Hillary (like most of the voters) and am not ashamed of it. Donald is a Sanders-level retard.

Trump is NOT my president

the tarifs are objectively a horrible idea and will backfire badly on America

Yeah but he caved into the Democrats he pretends his this big fighter but the new spending bill includes everything they wanted and nothing for the wall.

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I don't buy the HE'S GONNA PUT THE GAYS AND MUZZIES IN CAMPS bull but he is an incompetent moron and I voted more against him than for Hillary.

> we got fooled

Don't act like he sold you a false bill of goods. he ran on trade protectionism. he ran on being adversarial towards "allies who aren't pulling their own weight". he didn't suddenly start acting dumb when he got into office. he was saying dumb things, and fucking whores, and advocating for these policies; very publicly, during and before the election.

what did you think he was going to be? a cartoon frog with yellow hair?

>will backfire badly on America
maybe, maybe not. glad you're so concerned about our wellbeing though aussbro

Rural and suburban retards elected toilet bogart

I did have some concern about the money earmarked for Amtrak actually, and expansion of the Northeast corridor route because I actually make that commute and Amtrak is prohibitively expensive for the average commuter yet they get a lot of federal money while NJtransit (and Septa) don't get anything despite being used more by daily commuters

unironically, every Australian that pays attention to world affairs is
we have to suck up to the biggest power in the world to survive and we'd like that to be America for as long as possible

>we'd like that to be America for as long as possible

regularly see Aus and kiwi flags posting how they can't wait for china to displace us. Has given me a distaste for both countries as I can't imagine anything more vile than to hope a non-western power becomes dominates

they're retards trying to get a reaction out of people and definitely don't represent the majority. people might dislike America, but we'd take you any day over China
I'd unironically take fucking Russia over China

Yes, absolutely

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Balumpf is a wheetos notzi

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Eight years of flirting with Maoism was enough--we didn't need sixteen of them.

Not yet

Another year and America won’t even recover, and that’ll be good

I'm more worried about what will come after desu. Trump caused the upper middle class people who actually matter in society to swing hard to the left; no way that won't be bad

>Eight years of flirting with Maoism was enough--we didn't need sixteen of them.
>Trump caused the upper middle class people who actually matter in society to swing hard to the left; no way that won't be bad

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>what did you think he was going to be? a cartoon frog with yellow hair?

Yea pretty much senpai

Would Hillary have bent over for Saudi Arabia like Drumpf did?

slight dem gains in congress, maybe a dem president. republican or democrat, it's all the same shit

She might have bent over for Iran and China. You tell me.

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Of course, they control oil

>Hillary bending over
>for China

Except she did the opposite and was a China hawk the entire time as Secretary of State. She opposed Obama on everything China and threatened to “ring China with our missiles”.

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this. wasn't hillary the one who was going to usher in wwiii? make up your minds already

>we got fooled
85% of what he's done are things he's been saying he wanted to do since 2015. You didn't get fooled, you just weren't paying attention.

I've always been really skeptical of him since I'm a conservative-leaning Democrat, but I still think he's the second best world leader behind Macron. For me to completely disown him, he'd have to start a war, start pursuing some stupid wedge issue like cracking down on legal weed, or be found to legitimately be some kind of Russian plant.

>start pursuing some stupid wedge issue like cracking down on legal weed
Sessions is already doing that. Law enforcement loves the current drug laws because they make a lot of money from it


No, I hate that cunt.

why don't australians just work to be the dominant power in the pacific. EU handles european affairs, aussies lock down the pacific, and the US can support both. pretty toxic to see the US as a global policeman who will come to the rescue every time. we should work together

The wall is the least important thing anyway

what sucks is that the debt is still growing fast with no end in sight and that the american public is more polarized politically than ever. That just ain't a good mix.
Also the matter that privacy here is continually being trampled here everyday.
I do agree with him that we should limit trade with china though. China has shown itself to be unapologetically aggressive

wont the wall just be a fence in the end anyway?
I can really only see it extend from Cali to New Mexico, mainly because when you get to texas you end up running into a massive amount of imminent domain cases

what if russians actually have dirt on him though, like money laundering or prostitutes or whatever. if something compromising him is found, he's got to go.

what do you think has been happening for the last 70 years

if the federal government wanted to shut down every dispensiary in the country it could do it tomorrow. Trump has Sessions on a leash when it comes to the issue because he doesn't give a shit about it. Same thing with fag marriage, abortion, etc. It really seems like he could not care less about that part of the Republican platform and only pays it lip service to keep the retards in his party happy.

What could you possibly have on somebody as degenerate as Donald Trump that would give you any kind of leverage over him? We already know he does seedy stuff with money and fucks whores. It's been common knowledge for fourty years what kind of stuff he does, it's part of his brand.

Youve become a giant open mine.

I don't want to die in a nuclear holocaust by Hillary. Damn does she frighten me.

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>Another year and America won’t even recover, and that’ll be good
>implying that Bolton won't trick Trump into starting a nuclear war with Russia, China and North Korea by then.

because we're never going to be that powerful, we're constrained by our shitty geography

>Same thing with fag marriage, abortion, etc. It really seems like he could not care less about that part of the Republican platform and only pays it lip service to keep the retards in his party happy
>it's retarded to not want to be a degenerate

here's your reply

Australia technically does dominate the region, but that region is Oceania which is sort of scattered meme economies. The wider Pacific region it doesn't have the population or resources to dominate. Outside of mineral deposits there's no real benefit to the massive size of Australia and a bunch of downsides. They couldn't possibly harbor that much larger of a population than they do currently. So overall the geographic size of Australia is pretty deceiving when considering what the country's potential is

It does seem like there's more potential for growth in Western Australia, maybe bruce can do some wacky massive canals or something

Iran >> Saudi

>conservative-leaning Democrat
>conservative democrat
isn't that just a centrist
now I understand blue dogs exist, but there aren't that many of them at this moment

theres a lot of arable land that isn't lived on because everybody piled into the capital cities because pretty much all of our population came in the 20th century.
it could easily hold 40+ million it would just cost a lot of money which the people on top think is more than following America into oil wars

>Republicans unironically elected a New York liberal who was a Democrat for most of his life
Is this the greatest ruse of all time?

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>the tarifs are objectively a horrible idea and will backfire badly on America
and what is so bad about it?

>The wall is the least important thing anyway
tell that to Sup Forums and the die hard Trumpers.

She wouldn't be nearly as entertaining though.

It's a shitshow but I don't live there so bring on the autistic Twitter rants..

He is pretty much a non-partisan but always leaned more towards the right.

>51 million for international family planning
That's actually a good investment, shouldn't be on the list.

Macron and Trump are completely incompatible, liking one means hating the other.

almost as if he doesn't actually give a shit about politics and only ran to promote his brand

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no.

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>oh god anything but Hillary
What exactly would have been so bad about Hillary besides the fact that she has a bit of a cunty demeanor? Seems like a typical center left democrat.

Non-partisan but not apolitical

Libshits not having their panties in a bunch.

I don't mind. Trump winning is the absolute best thing that could've happened to Democrats. Now they're pissed and motivated. Trump can kiss his agenda goodbye once midterms come around.

control of Congress >>>> presidency

What's your excuse America?

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Of course, you're doing fine, America is on easy mode. But you could be doing slightly better and you wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world.


No, Trump is good for Eurofederalism because he fuels anti-americanism which in turn makes the necessity of Federopa more obvious to the plebs.
I support Trump.

>he fuels anti-americanism
But that's bad, we still depend on them.

Antiamericanism is the only way to motivate decreasing this dependence right now.

We all depend on each other m8. The economy of every country is literally global imaginary numbers.

Maybe. But it seems the push-back in Eatern Europe is still too strong for it to matter.

As long as more independence doesn't mean a real break with the us, ee will welcome the extra guns.

No,Trump is super entertaining and I would have elected 1000 times over the psycho lesbian.
He is breaking with a bulldozer all the politically correct constructions that took the left 20 years to build.
Still hope memerica collapse on its own weight but it must be done in a way that white americans will be fullly redpilled when it happens.

No matter what president Americans elect they would bend over to the house of Saud and also Israel. That's like part of American existence at this point. And nobody there thinks it's weird

Trump is the poor-man's American nationalist
Macron is the thinking-man's EUropean supranationalist