Who will voice it in the inevitable biopic?

who will voice it in the inevitable biopic?

Other urls found in this thread:


amy schumer

Morgan Freeman


jason alexander

Patrick Poowart

gilbert gottfried

Feels like a Jack Nicholson.

IdrisElba obviously.


Lol what is this shit some Austin Powers Windows 2000 DOS Game?


>being this young.


Bill Cosby.

Spirit of the Law

I dunno wtf the car is but i recognize the cursor and terrains.

Age of Empires cheat. OP is a cheater.


The viper

what happened?

Someone set us up the bomb

> Move starts
> logos pop up
> Classic AoE2 music and title
> hey guys, Cobra Car here. Today we'll be looking at Japanese car manufacturing
> whole movie is advert for Toyota

thats not a photon man

Why is SotL's voice so nice? I often put a pkaylist of his videos on in the background while I do stuff. It's so nice to listen to.


It's smooth, but still focused and decided. It's clear that he's practising reading his script before he puts out the video, so it doesn't come across like and autist stammering (looking at you ZeroEmpires).

Apparently his strategies aren't amazing for people at a high level play, but he's the only AoE2 video producer who actually makes good videos. Calm but firm delivery, creative non-meme jokes and doesn't come across as a sperg.

I recently played against 7 AI on Hardest set to post Imperial age and I still struggled to win with these things

That fucking game cheats man