We MUST stick together

We MUST stick together.

You MUST commit suicide


time to get /fit/

>He doesnt go to fit also


Fuck you faggot, /mtv/ is the only true brotherhood.

So this is what an pure Aryan God looks like.

replace Sup Forums with Sup Forums

C-can we join too, guys?

/polgbt/ 100 years!

Best broboards coming through
>/fit/, /k/ and /out/
>/an/ and /lit/ also welcome

>C-can we join too, guys?

you under 100lbs twink boii?

Fuck off back to your basement virgin manchild
Last thing my board needs is more edgy misogyny and racism

110... and I'm too tall...

Feels bad, man. I'm this close to being a qt twink, but I have just slightly too much muscle mass and a bit too much height.


prove you're had sex
you can't

this desu

>We MUST stick together.
Well we're not doing a good job of doing that.

100% soy diet when?

can Sup Forums survive its absorption into generic web2.0 culture?

>he's starting to realize the nearing global wars will require a draft of his entire generation to die for old men's profits

+/o/+Sup Forums+/k/+/ck/+[s4s]

>can Sup Forums survive 2009?

Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /ck/ must join forces

Fuck off

You know it was Hillary that coined "fake news"?

>implying there will be any invasion
north korea will be a sea of fire without any ground troops needed

is that like the equivalent of a liberal arts degree?

Sup Forums shoot yourself in the face, my friends

no that would be /lgbt/

Didn't that Baked Alaska guy get blinded?

Maybe if your worldview is centered around Sup Forums memes.

t. virgin

Friendly reminder that Sup Forums and /ck/ are the dream team of content and discussionn.

Fuck off

Sup Forums is just a board for Sup Forumsacks to discuss TV and films no matter how much the crazy reddit trannies whine about it

Of course not
He said "omg le antifa gas attack!!!! Am blind!!! Never see again!!! Need milk!!!!" And begged for patreon money and the Donald fanbabies over at pol fell for the scam.
A few days after he tweeted "thanks, my doctors now say I will make a 100% recovery"

That's why Sup Forums is retarded: they are tumblr, with a different political mindset sure, but equally as dumb, loud and obnoxious