Name a horror villain more scary than witches

Name a horror villain more scary than witches.
Protip: you can't

Witch Horror is the GOAT horror genre.
>Rosemary's Baby
>Blair Witch Project
>The VVitch

Name more witch kino.

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Jeepers Creepers.

Fuck that guy.

>Blair Witch Project

>Blair Witch
>Rosemary's Baby

2 of the most boring films I've ever seen.

Also, not witches but the Exorcist is a steaming pile as well.

Saw that when I was around 7 big mistake.

The only scary ones are the Suspiria and the VVitch

Suspiria one is scarier because of the incredible atmosphere and music of the movie, and because of her disturbing "snoaring" scene

witch horror is just conclusive proof that men are subconsciously afraid of women. I don't know any girls that find witches scary.

I'mma about to punch some motherfuckers right in the childhood.

this is now a cute witch thread



I want to say this is the height of witch kino, but there are too many others that are great. Winnifred's design as a character is so iconic and perfect she might as well be animated.

What movie?

I don't think the cult members in Rosemary's Baby qualify as witches.


women are too stupid to understand how terrifying womanhood is

my penis is STICKING OUT!!!

Are you fucking serious?

One of the creatures listed on the board in The Cabin In The Woods is "Sexy Witches"
I wouldn't mind getting killed by them



Witch horror taps into the primal fear of ugly old ladies.

Hocus Pocus
Horsefu's best role.


Me in the background holding the tray

Why is he crying? She clearly wants the D

this guy.

witches just want to curse you because of being burned at the stake. this guy wants to strip your skin off and then filet you, then put you back together and do it all again. and again.

He's crying with joy user because Sarah Stephens is about to fuck him


>I am the sun and the air

Witches are only scary through a abrahamic filter, when in reality its just a triple goddess archetype.
Maiden, Mother and Crone.

Even Islam has this 'taboo' with Al-ʻUzzā, Allāt and Manāt.
Because the idea of goddesses gets so easily entangled with other things (neopaganism, wicca etc) it has to be condemned in something so strict as abrahamic faiths, so the 'shadow' side gets connected to Satan-Shaitan-Djinns.

Therefore most of the movies with witches are also pretty dumb, when the anthropomorphization of Satan is so recent, and most witches probably never knew anything about 'Satan'.

Time Travelling Paedophiles.

You're half-way through defeating them when suddenly you remember getting molested dozens of times as a kid.

best witch coming through

(Best) Worst Witch coming through.

BA BA DOOOOOOKKKKK was that a witch?

Samara looked like a witch but she was a ghost right

Suspiria is so corny but still good especially the theme song

The best horror villain is when there is no villain it was the person's delusions the entire time. That twist never gets old.

>haha I am le badass enlightened underage


Rosemary reads up on the Marcato family in a book called 'All of them Witches'. They are clearly practicing witchcraft.

Viy is pure soviet kino.
>A young priest is ordered to preside over the wake of witch in a small old wooden church of a remote village.

and it also has the best waifu

i dont even care its a witch id go for it

Yes it does and I'll never understand why Sup Forums loves it so much.

The Witches is terrifying when you're a kid

I just want you to know that you are a fucking idiot cancer Jew.

oh wow an old lady caked in makeup I'm so fucking scared. Just like when they try to make a demon child scary. Like it's a fucking child, I could kill the actor with my bare hands if I wanted it's not scary.

Pure, unadulterated kino

> women with power is goat horror
Who would've thought.

This movie had some interesting witch shit in it.

Mars attack is the scariest film I ever watched as a child.