This is Katana. She's got my back

This is Katana. She's got my back.

Loli swordswoman

She hates Phil and loves the ladies.

What a qt.



How do you stand up then?

If she's still a schoolgirl in that universe, what's her motivation instead of "dead husband"?

Dead master


Her senpai died [spoilers]before he could notice her[/spoilers].

Oh no! :(

I have no idea why they decided to make her a little girl.

But be careful, her sword captures the soul of her enemies.


They made all of the Outsiders teenagers.

Not really one of the best decisions Brave and the Bold made. They even tried to back out of it in their last appearance.

We almost got proper Outsiders in Beware, but CN killed that one.

yeah but can she mow your lawn?

inhalfwithoneswordstroke Just like mowing the lawn.

This outfit made a quick cameo in the background of one of the Starro episodes nearly a season before we actually got a good look at it.


>called katana
>sword has a cross-hilt


Wait, is this from the new Justice League cartoon?

But if his soul is in the sword now, isn't he not able to notice anyone BUT her? Seems like getting exactly what you'd want.

Unless all the other souls in the sword are cute girls, I guess...but that means every time she goes all Yandere Simulator on a rival, she's just making it harder.

Brave and the Bold.

There should be a branch of the Justice League for people who use archaic weapons.

It would be people like Katana, Green Arrow, Shining Knight, Hawkman, etc.

What would that be called?

id like 2 unsheath my katana and teleport bhind her back if u kno w

So uh, is there any Rule 34 of this version of the character? I'm asking for a friend.

Maybe go see for yourself you infant?

A Seven Soldiers reboot


Fuck you, you're not my real father, man.

What did he mean by this?

Huh, nothin personnel kid.

cool fucking racist character

The Outsiders in general were a bit different weren't they?



This show looks rad, I cant wait for it to come out.

It's already out, kid. Been out for years.

Caaaaarl what are you doing there?
You don't belong to that universe.

None of it is decent. Found a few decent pics of Suicide Squad and Beware Katana tho.

This is Katana. She's got back.


Oh well, that's too bad.


>teleports behind you.

This is one tiny woman


>nuffin personel kid

Who was the fat guy?

>He even has his afro helmet

did she get vore'd?

BatB had a ton of references to older comics like this.

They did a whole episode on dickass Superman thst was chock full of scenes taken directly from the comics. It was amazing.

The first season reinvented a lot of characters, while later seasons just adapted them as they appeared in the comics. It's a big reason I don't like the later seasons as much.

she has no ass


Is there ANY good rule 34 of katana period?



I guess not. :(

That's not a katana senpai


Weapon specialists.

That was the episode where jimmy olsen tried to call superman a dick.

Well, he's not wrong about that one.

Oh yas.

well, she's asian so that's to be expected for the most part


I'm sorry, it's difficult to not crack up at comic book stereotypes of asians.

>of asians
There're stereotypes for everyone.
Don't laugh at them, embrace them.

Right. Japanese wikipedia says it should look more like pic related.

her sword doesn't trap souls in TBATB

So it's just an ordinary sword? Lame.

The first generation of comics writers to work towards greater diversity in the medium really meant well, but they were a bunch of white guys whose only experience with other races & cultures was largely through movies. It resulted in a lot of embarrassingly tone-deaf characters in retrospect.

Everyone knows that asian characters written by asians in asia never use katanas.

given that she cuts through a several feet thick stone pillar with it at one point I think it's safe to say it's not a normal sword

Why do SJWs post here? What about this place makes them feel like it's a friendly environment for them?

This isn's about being SJW, it's about not having one creative bone in your entire body, something you know a lot about.

They're entirely correct, though.

Katana as she was when she was first created was embarrassingly boring and stereotypical. Suicide Squad kind of redeemed her, though.

Thinking that a Japanese character using a katana isn't racist makes me not creative?

Of course it's not a normal sword. It's a masterfully crafted blade folded over 9000 times by Wapanese memesmiths.

>She didn't have a lot of personality there either

Nipponese, you baka gaijin.

>Suicide Squad kind of redeemed her, though.

What makes you think you agree with them? The part that they are crying about is that there is an asian character using a katana, which they think is racist. They aren't talking about the quality of how she was written twenty years ago or whatever the fuck, as if they even know.

If you are judging the character by the quality of how they are written rather than knee-jerk emotional responses to random icons then you are NOT in agreement with SJWs and are in fact diametrically opposed to them.

Yeah but at least she had a badass design and was kind of cool from what little screentime she had.

>What makes you think you agree with them? The part that they are crying about is that there is an asian character using a katana, which they think is racist
I mean, it certain is stereotypical.

It'd be better if there were more to her character, rather than just being, "Japanese chick with a katana," but that's all she really was for years.

>If you are judging the character by the quality of how they are written rather than knee-jerk emotional responses to random icons then you are NOT in agreement with SJWs and are in fact diametrically opposed to them.
Eh. I don't think they were being SJWs. It seems a pretty fair assessment to me, to think that Katana is a fairly stereotypical character.

>Suicide Squad kind of redeemed her, though.

Yeah, she's become a meme now. I guess that's a bit of a step up the totem pole though..

What comics of hers have you read?

of course they're not talking about the quality of the stories she's been in, they're judging the concept of her character, which isn't very creative

>isn't very creative

Neither is "strong man punches bad guys".

Nope, just regular cannibalism

Ironically enough, the one time the Soultaker was portrayed as stealing souls, she barely used it and it was treated like a doomsday weapon that needed to be put away.

Yeah waifufags are truly delusional.

That design for Katana is better

Yeah, it's a nice look.

Too bad. Have schoolgirl Katana instead.

Clementine is a human, Solution is an ooze or some shit in humanoid form. Not cannibalism, different species.

Her least stereotypical portrayal was in Beware the Batman. Though it helped that she was a lead character there.

Hmm, interesting. Was this show any good?

I thought it was. It had a decent, overarching plot, some neat character development, and a unique take on the Batman mythos that was different enough to be surprising, but familiar enough to not be off-putting.

The best parts were Katana and the overall set-up of the Outsiders.

The cartoon versions of the Outsiders are always a weird mix of both the teams called Outsiders DC has.
One which is a group of Mutants that work for then rebel against a mutant crime boss that lives in the swears. The other being the most popular with Black Lightining, Katana and Metamorpho.

>alt colors
We JoJo now