OTP thread

Best OTP tied with Clois. I really wish we'd see more of them

Who the fuck writes this dialogue?

Is that that AU President Superman?

No, it's Val Zod from Earth 2.

Marguerite Bennett I believe

Mary Jane x Tony

I hate parker

t. Bendis.

Notice how Lana, Kara and powa girl all have black bfs.... and then Sup Forums pretends jews don't force this shit

>Marvel: We need to cuck Peter
>Bendis: You had me at cuck

She's single you idiot

I can see why they would do it though, it's fun to trigger nobodies such as yourself

>Kara and powa girl all have black bfs
but they don't user. Val and Power girl have been done for a while

Wait, I can't remember, is the Power Girl from Power Girl and Harley Quinn a different Power Girl from the Power Girl in Earth 2?

Just fucking BLACKED everyone, Marvel. Don't let a single white female character get away.


>Power Girl

He looks so unhappy

Everyone in comics needs to be BLACKED

Why did they kill my ship?

Get your cuck shit outta my thread

They broke up tho

Not for long
They put a male roughly same age as her in her book. They're going to be shipped 100%

Thank God, this was a terrible ship. Power Girl needs better taste, and so do her writers.

Childhood friend never wins in the end


>Terrible ship
>Bad taste

Val was based, PG was based. The ship is coming back soon




A looong time ago, in a title called "DC Bombshells"





Crazy Jane and Cliff

> boob window removed
> paired with a black guy
I should have known this would happen. They could never leave Power Girl alone, she must have been an irresistible target for them.


She would be interesting in the Marvel Universe.

Maybe they could make a trade?

I ship Kamala with a BLT and a 40 oz. bottle of malt liquor.

But your thread is cuck shit, niggerlover.

>Pairing with a darker skinned person is wrong

Sup KKKaptain Nazi

I'm black you inbred hick


Val has literally no character. Fuck he's not even the Black Superman people care about...he can't even do that right

I still don't feel that ship...Miles has shown no interest or chemistry with any female hero thus far.

Sam & Kamala are far more interesting

So you just like the ship because he's a nigger like you.

>But your thread is cuck shit, niggerlover.
That totally makes this comment null and ridiculous.

you can totally be black AND hate black people

I don't see where the problem is with that.
Most people self insert, why ISN'T it okay for a black person to do it?

Look at all the milesfags

You're not a person, you're a nigger.

>Most people self insert
fuck off

Or, you can totally be human and hate no one?

... but that's not as fun

I'm probably more of a person than you'll ever amount to be, pal.

Why are you so mad at black people? Did you have a black uncle that touched you?


I ship Damian x Kara and Damian x Steph for the cute ss.

Thank you for Correcting The Record

You have shit taste and you like shit characters.

As another black user, I'm totally in support of hating black people

there the fuck me eyes




>I'm probably more of a person than you'll ever amount to be, pal.
You were never a person to begin with, so that's impossible.

I'm tired of everything being catered to niggers to the point where it seems forced. Why does there need to be a nigger Superman in the first place? Why does every superhero need a nigger alternate? Why does every female superhero need a nigger boyfriend?

Obviously, you're a nigger so everything is A okay but I don't get it. And I don't know why white people eat it up and not ask why what's happening is happening. I guess that's just how it is now. Monkeys need to be put on a pedestal.



Wait, this isn't satire? Show me those infographs Sup Forums.

Once you start treating others like decent human beings, maybe she'll like you :^)

>oh no it's Sup Forums
Nice, couldn't think of anything else?


Same here, as another black user.

Wasn't she fucking Mr Terrific?

It could still happen! Shut up!

Spider-Man is supposed to be relatable, but they made Miles WAYYY too OP with his venom-blast.

I do like that Miles is so low-key compared to Peter though. He's not a quipper, and is more about just pointing out how weird/crazy his life is.

Yeah, she likes the big black cock.

The same I believe

I want to believe!

>getting this triggered

The PeeGee from HQ/PG is the same one from Earth-2. The story of HQ/PG title happens between some panels of Harley's solo IIRC

Don't want to waste my insults on a vapid waste of space like you. Didn't want to confuse you too

Why you mad?


These two are awful

Post the real one next time, OP.

These two on the other hand are based

Because white men are cucks and white women desire superior sexual experiences. Your kind engineered the giga-niggas that now live among you, dismantling your very culture. You have only yourselves to blame.

Val was based when he was a skinny scared kid, now when he became a buffed alpha male out of nowhere.

Earth 2 went to shit and his relationship with Power Girl was the icing on the cake of shit.

Ash made it very clear that he wants to get a taste of local tail for every continent he visits

The truest OTP


Dan Jurgens thought it would be neat to make Nu52 Power Girl into a sheltered girl who decided to become a huge slut once she found himself in a new universe.

So the Worlds Finest comic was PG constantly going around sleeping with tons of guys and acting slutty as fuck. You've that bit where she fucked Mister Terrific only because she wanted to use him as a mean to get back to her universe of origin.

Then after she finally managed to get back to the Earth-2 universe they set her up with this Val-Zod character, who have no personality than being a black not-Superman, in the Earth 2 comic, by showing that her and Val were childhood friends when Krypton still existed. They even explained that she fucked Mister Terrific because he reminded her of Val in some way.

Thankfully Dan Abnett broke the two once he started to write Earth-2, so we don't have to deal with this shit again.

Truest OTP: Bruce x Batman.

This is what Batman deserves. The cowl. Nothing else. He'll live and die empty and alone regretting that one day he'll day and Gotham will be left unchanged and undefended.

>They even explained that she fucked Mister Terrific because he reminded her of Val in some way.
Lmao I need to see these panels

Why bother doing your nails if your supergirl? You're going to be fighting bad guys all day they're gonna get fucking shredded

user speaks the truth

You're wrong

we need to talk about parallel universes

Yup. They needed something to make Val-Zod stand out and so once Power Girl and Huntress became available for the book they did everything they could to push Val-Zod/Power Girl hard. They even tried to push the whole soul-mate bullshit on time of childhood love shit. This despite Power Girl never mentioning Val before.

They're trash, man. She doesn't love Arthur, hell she even told him to shave the beard, I'd bet she even hate the 90 look


In the end even the cowl will abandon him. Bruce x Loneliness is the true OTP

Yes, Bruce dealing with the fact that his frail and all too human body will betray him eventually and that he won't be able to function as Batman, leaving him utterly lost and useless is 10/10 material.

>Most people self insert

cute and perfect

Are you actually trying to talk reason and logic with a racist? That's literally like trying to talk geology with a creationist.

cuck porn should be ban