Batman is a vigilante

He is a criminal who has no respect for the rule of law!

And you point is?

He cares about justice, not the law.

Alright, calm down Judge Dredd...

he works with the police in Gotham and is a member of the JL, an officially recognized group which is why they can operate in the USA but not in other countries without permission

I personally think the man is a loon.

>he works with the police in Gotham

Depends on who's writing.

>and is a member of the JL, an officially recognized group which is why they can operate in the USA but not in other countries without permission

eh, I assume that in individual stories, other super heroes don't exist unless they actually are mentioned or involved. Just the nature of comic books I suppose, but I think it makes Batman stories better if I'm not thinking about other superheroes or the Justice leage.

I don't need Granny Goodness existing to enjoy a story about Two-face.

Does he? He doesn't actually seem to care much about the sentencing and punishment stage.

He deliver the guys and the proofs for the police, so i think he has this covered

All super heroes are vigilantes unless they are appointed by and act only under order of the authorities

"Vigilante" for some reason on this board seems to be used in the same way you might anti-hero, but all a vigilante is is a citizen who takes the law into their own hands without being appointed by the law or government.....which is like 90 percent of capes

He is also guilty of over a gorillion breaking and entering and assault and battery charges.

Crime fighters are the enforcers of the Natural Law.

Yeah! but who will stop him? Especialiy in a world were aliens invade the earth everyday and the police isn't trained for this?

Yeah, but for some reason Batman gets singled out. Maybe his stories just lend to that kind of thinking more so than other capes.

Its the no-powers thing, I think. And how Gotham and batman tends to be gritty.

Batman is CUTE and I want him to fuck my asshole

Who will vigilante the vigilantes?

I think it's just that he's the most prevalent cape in normies' minds these days, none of the people who post these OPs read comics, that's why they think it's a big revelation to people that they've figured out that Batman isn't too good at stopping the Joker.

Rule of Law is dumb and gay anyway

Batman's existence strikes me as a judgment that existing law enforcement mechanisms are insufficient. Why does his interest in this stop at the capture stage? Does he think the system is doing a perfectly fine job of handling the Joker?

Superman, duh. That's why vigilantes don't work in Marvel.

Or maybe that the batman runs away from the police and is infact a vigilante makes people ask about these sorts of ethics.

Its a better question than asking "Is Batman the real cause behind all the freaks in Gotham in the first place?" that some people do.

I guess Batman is somewhere in between Anarky and the Punisher.

But what makes Batman more of a "vigilante" than all of the other literal vigilantes in capeshit like Spider-Man, the X-Men, blah blah blah literally anybody to ever fight crime without a badge or ordered by the government

It doesn't. Could have been any super hero.

He's popular.

Because the seriousness and tone of the medium dictates the type of discourse involved in it.

Sure, we could discuss the ethics of vigilantism of the power rangers, but that is a bit silly.

.... nigga you do realize he does shit a bruce wayne, right? I mean, for fucks sake, all the super high security at arkham? Donations from Wayne Enterprises.

>I don't need Granny Goodness existing to enjoy a story about Two-face
>this isn't your OTP
speak for yourself

>the law

Gettin real spooky in here, Scoob

>Underrated comment.

>all the super high security at arkham
You mean the same Arkham that has breakouts literally every other week?

Holy shit, he's deliberately letting villains escape so he could always have something to do.

Shut the fuck up, Wayne. When have you ever done anything for Gotham?'re saying we can rape The Batman without consequence?