Can we have another Marvel Rebirth thread?

Can we have another Marvel Rebirth thread?

>implying anything can save current marvel


I'll post what I've got


Reminder that if you think you have a better suggestion for writer or artist, just tell me.


Wait, Marvel's pulling a DC?

The sad thing is they could probably save themselves pretty easily since comicfags are like battered housewives. At the first look of change they'll come running back to their #1s










Lol these are all hilariously stupid... Morrison? what the fuck are you smoking?


I originally had Fraction, but an user suggested Morrison. I don't really know who to put on the main avengers title other than maybe Remender.
I'm also trying to limit it to one writer/artist per book.



I originally had a different team for this, but one user said that apparently Tom King was interested in this, and if anyone can make a Tony solo interesting, it's him.



whats fun is you use basically any writer and artist you can think of with no basis in reality.

Marvel FUN! *eats paste*


I mean, the majority of creative teams I've used have worked on marvel books in the past or are currently working on one.

It's just a pipe dream, so it's not like I'm expecting these to happen or something.



Is this where we roleplay a reality that's much better than our own?
Hey guys I loved the new FF/Spidey series. Johnny and Peter are always a good team.

I'd read the shit outta this.

But I want King and Gerads to make the single most depressing Punisher story to ever be written.

Pretty much. There's a reason I don't have Slott on any books.





Al Ewing instead of Hickman. We need to fix what Bendis broke first and then hand the Hackman the book.


most of the people dont even work for marvel or havent for at least a decade..

this shit is just pathetic

>getting this butthurt over fake covers
Now that's pathetic.

I dunno, I thought Hickman handled some of the cosmic stuff pretty well. It just got crappy when it came to the earth stuff.
You seem really upset about this for some reason.

>Cecil Castelucci

Never heard of her. What makes you think she'd be good for Doctor Strange?


She's writing Shade the changing girl for DC right now, and that's pretty trippy. I dunno.


No, these are desperate fan creations



I feel like maybe I should've put Sandman instead of Kraven on the Thunderbolts for a more unique power set.

what's sad is that marvel was already diverse. the pandering within it's own diverse cast of characters was needless. it just showed that the changes were purely political and lacked any kind of common sense.

But user, they needed MORE DIVERSITY


Ohh shit! I need this in my life!

Someone suggested to get rid of the artist for this one, but they didn't say who to switch it with. Suggestions?


And that's all I got.

If this existed I would buy the everloving shit out of it. Despite it being an objectively 'meh' series I liked Spiderman and the X-Men and this line up just bleeds pure win for the most part.

Writer - Yost
Artist - Mark Brooks
Colorist - Dean White

Nope. Keep Soule the hell away from Marvel. Seriously, there has been nothing that he has produced there recently which hasmade me confident in him

Writer - ???
Artist - Marco Checchetto

>tfw these will never happen

>Frank Miller

Oh sweet christ on a paper plate, no

Artist - Stuart Immonen

No Tradd Moore?
He's pretty much the only reason All New Ghostrider has any fans at all.

Artist - Marco Checchetto, Stuart Immonen & Stefano Caselli

I want this so fucking bad, you have no idea.
An Avengers book that takes the piss out of Avengers books is just the kind of thing marvel needs to get back in touch with it's core audience.

Anything with more Sharkgirl is okay by me.

>half of these just being writers/entirely same creative teams that worked on the book

Which comic is this picture from?

ay papi

STUART IMMONEN. (Same colorist as his all new cap work)
Noir, Mostly Serious Tone.
Focus on mysteries & lawyering.
Sex appeal whenever possible.

Hey, if aint broke...

I say raise a middle finger to whoever decided to make Sandman a villain again, and have him become a good guy once more, and then put him on one of the Avengers teams(maybe Shocker as well, cause they wasted a good opportunity when they put him on the Thunderbolts a couple years ago)

Keep the dream alive user.

Suggestions for a replacement?
I like Tradd Moore's art, and the actual ghost rider stuff was awesome, but I don't love how he draws a lot of human faces.
Dunno, just found it by searching google for Allred Dr Strange.
That's why I thought putting him on the Thunderbolts would be a good idea. Try the rehabilitation program thing again.


Parker and Capullo

that is an inspired and awesome choice

this is all I want

What ever happened to the antler girl?


Getting Dexter Soy back would be great but as pipe dreams go I would prefer having Butters&Fazekas instead of Reed.

Who are the semen demons capturing Frog-Man's attention?

What is a "Rebirth" anyway? What are the implications?

>DnA GOTG team
>Tfw this wont happen



Solo. No team. Just Carol in space as Binary. Sorta like a space Punisher. Let her embrace her dysfunctional moral compass and be space vigilante police.


This is some really uninspired shit. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>Frank Miller

pls no

Either use Lemire, or go back to Warren Ellis since he enjoys working with Shalvey and they were pretty much the dream team for MK's supernatural crime.

DC's Rebirth has basically been - bring in everyone's favorite characters and have them do their own thing in their own comic series. In some ways it's a conservative approach to publishing, but in an era of increasingly congested timelines, team ups, and events, it's a breath of fresh air.

Ellis can't write MK for shit though. Those issues were decent because Shalvey draws nice action.

But it's all connected, man!

Yeah it's arguable that his writing was very much just blank "work for hire" stuff. But that was a REALLY cool run, and I like the anthology direction of Moon Knight.

I'm just stuck for writers who can write supernatural/weird stuff as well as street level. Since Moon Knight really needs a good dosage of both.

It is all connected, but so far they've only done one Batman event. I'm not an expert on Rebirth, but reading the titles I have that's how I see it.

Basically, what DC did. Wipe the slate clean and give the fans what they want: Good, "simple" stories that aren't cluttered by events, crossovers etc.

Basically a relaunch that's both good for old fans, and new ones. As opposed to what IRL Marvel has been doing which has been the opposite.

All of this is basically what I thought Post-Secret Wars was going to be.

Nope, instead things basically continued on as the clusterfuck they were before except the universe name is different.

>Wipe the slate clean

Should be noted that the continuity isn't wiped, but rather the series are renumbered and revitalized offering a great jumping in point for all readers new and old.


I've been enjoying Jeff Lemire's Moon Knight (first I've read of the character). Do you not like it?

It's one of the few titles I'm still reading from Marvel. It's...decent. I'd put Lemire on fantastic Four.