The Virgin Sam / The Chad Tim

The Virgin Sam / The Chad Tim

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wtf this is making no sense now

If you prefer right over left please fuck off to reddit

>peeked in high school

Makes sense

Tim's first job out of college was doing ratings arbitration for ESRB.

He was the Nazi rating all the fun games M.

>the junior high school attempt at memes

Step it up to college level at least.

>video game degeneracy

Sam might not have turned into the troll he is now had Tim just rated a few games T instead of M.

>no health insurance and fucks trannies

That's not even Sam Hyde. That's probably just a kid at your school who took all your pokemon cards.

nice try, but Sam is 6'4" while Tim is, what, 5'9"? Auto-KO

>dat mall hair
You want to call the 90's the greatest decade, but then you look at it.

>6'4 without health insurance
I hope his heart doesn't give out

No one wants to do that though, 80s have been confirmed as the greatest decade.


Tim is 6'0.

He looks short in pictures because he's always standing next to Eric who's a 6'7 freak.

What i would give to see young Sam eradicate young Tim's boipucci...

>still falling for the health insurance meme

It's okay if you don't understand MDE's humor, there's nothing wrong with being a brainlet.

wtf why are they fighting


Tim is #1 most handsome man!

looks like kira

>The Chad Tim
he looks like a twink, he's probably compared dick sizes with his friends in the school bathroom AT THE VERY LEAST

Sam was the school bully


Every decade thinks the previous one is goofy as shit. Only just now are niggers starting to wear their pants right.

Does he wear the neckbrace to steal valor?

No comment on Sam sucking a tranny dong? C O M E D Y haha

>Tim Heidecker = old Sup Forums
>sam hyde = new Sup Forums/reddit

I mean it's based on the word of a tranny, but at least it wasn't obvious satire like the healthcare video.

comes off as that annoying kid no one liked

What do you expect from a board that literally faps to bare feet pictures / tranny / trap / shemale porn (look at /gif/ where 50% of threads are shemale /gay threads).

Kinda sad when you think about. All the kids in the video are now living their successful life with jobs and family. Except Sam. He doesn't have a job or health insurance and lives in his car.

Hello r/Sup Forums

Ignore the spelling. I'm retarded

All you had to do was be funny Sam

If you think Sup Forums was ever homecoming king, you desperately need to go back.


>this is the homecoming queen

you realize he had his own network tv show lmao



Keyword: had

>doesn't know the difference between network and cable tv because his mommy pays the bill anyway

This is the quintessential MDE fan.

Are you actually Tim? I can't imagine why anyone else would be ddo obsessed with someone he claims is completely irrelevant.

I was and also QB of my football team

Yeah, and you just started coming here in 2016.

was it kino?

look up celebheights, he's 5'10" at most. Heightfrauding manlet