Didio:"...the double shipping...

>Didio:"...the double shipping, twice-monthly will continue through 2017 – though he expects one to four titles will move to monthly status"

I guess it's going to be Cyborg, Aquaman, Nightwing and Deathstroke?

Isn't Suicide Squad going monthly due to artist?

they'll just put old jimbo off the title

hopefully deathstroke goes to monthly, it needs the quality boost. and...why does that comic need to come out so fast?

If it means getting a better artist then I'm okay with Deathstroke going monthly. If not then fuck you.

Just dump the entire article
>DC Comics co-publisher Dan Didio along with Ski have just raised the roof at the Diamond UK Retailer Day, talking about the DC Rebirth line, Vertigo, Young Animal and Hanna-Barbera.

>He also rescued my hoodie from being lost forever, but that’s another story.

>He had a lot to talk about. About how he knows that DC Comics can’t just keep relaunching multiple times without attrition of interest. How they have doubled down on the superhero line with DC Rebirth and that the double shipping, twice-monthly will continue through 2017 – though he expects one to four titles will move to monthly status. And got the biggest cheer for the $2.99 price point, saying that he’d rather sell more comics at a lower price than fewer at a higher price.

>He did have one message for those (and I felt I was being targeted a little) who sees DC’s reduced title, greater shipping move as something that might kill the content diversity of the line, and asked those concerned to look to the Young Animal, Vertigo and Hanna-Barbera titles for that. Stating that media was sectionalising everything these days and this was just a reaction to the market.

>He also stated that DC wasn’t in competition with Marvel, but with television and film for delivering the superhero fix and that with DC Rebirth they were trying to “go back and reclaim what’s ours”, and to be the leaders and innovators in superhero fiction. He also pointed out that the derivative TV comics don;t sell nearly as well as the original comics line.

> He joked about retailer exclusive covers being a necessary evil, considering if DC could publish sealed exclusive variant covers with blank pages, to see how long it would be before anyone noticed. And said that the JLA Rebirth Specials were so named so that people would buy them.

>With Justice League Vs Suicide Squad, he talked about being determined that January should no longer be retailers’ weakest month. He joked about retailer exclusive covers being a necessary evil, considering if DC could publish sealed exclusive variant covers with blank pages, to see how long it would be before anyone noticed. And said that the JLA Rebirth Specials were so named so that people would buy them.

>He pointed out how Detective Comics had been outperforming expectations, and led to the new Batwoman title but that DC are trying not to burn out the Rebirth brand – which is why you haven’t seen six or nine more relaunches.

>And Dan Didio’s favourite DC Flintsines is possibly Dan DiDio’s favourite DC comic right now. But he talked about the focus of getting Supeman, Batman and Wonder Woman to sell well, that if people feel good about Superman’s success, they feel good about DC. But stressed the importance of DC’s other lines for finding new audiences, getting another round of applause for saying “we can’t just keep selling the same stuff to the same people

>And Dan Didio’s favourite DC Flintsines is possibly Dan DiDio’s favourite DC comic right now.

>Ellis and Lee on WildCATs
How late would it be?

They cancel each other out and it releases early.

>Flintsines is possibly Dan DiDio’s favourite DC comic right now.
So there is a chance it'll hang on a while?

More than one trade guaranteed.


I'd be fine with that.


Is he /ourguy/?

>Dan "I hate fun" Didio


Roughly double the delays on Planetary

Where does this picture comes from? I have already seen it posted dozen of times but can't get the source.

>He also rescued my hoodie from being lost forever, but that’s another story.
what a good guy


Back in the comics before the nu52, Didio had a small column where he would talk about DC stuff going on. Occasionally there would be pictures of him. One time had a collage of him wearing various Lantern shirts.

>asked those concerned to look to the Young Animal, Vertigo and Hanna-Barbera titles for that. Stating that media was sectionalising everything these days and this was just a reaction to the market.

Clickbait BTFO

>being a salty bitch

Lose weight mousecuck

>got Young Justice and Beast Wars cancelled

No, not our guy. Not at all.

>Beast Wars cancelled
What the hell are you talking about? Beast Wars got 3 seasons and a satisfying finale. And then Beast Machines ruined it.

I think Aquaman and Deathstroke are selling like hotcakes.

>anything that isn't G1

They aren't.

>laughing sluts.jpg

Dan "the main man" Didio.

So are they gonna go back to monthly in 2018? They should keep doing twice per month forever.

Didio is keeping it at 3 bucks because he's seen the backlash marvel is getting. Its easier to buy DC comics when its half the price of a Marvel comic.

Prez was his favorite DCYou title

But it's cut short completely.

Marvel aren't really getting much hate though, they're getting away with pricing issues at 5.99.

They're seeing a decrease in sales which 6 bucks isn't fixing. who wants to buy a new comic at 6 bucks.

Marvel's market share has been DC-tier for the past three (soon to be four) months.

The 6$ comics are selling, it's garbage like Mosaic, totally not x-men or ape girl and devil dinosaur.