Hey user, welcome to film class, what is your favourite film

Hey user, welcome to film class, what is your favourite film
>what do you say to weed out the plebs and impress the teacher

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Пиcьмa мёpтвoгo чeлoвeкa (1986, Lopushansky)
2. Un condamné à mort s'est échappé (1956, Bresson)
3. Guns of The Trees (1961, Mekas)
4. Love Streams (1984, Cassavetes)
5. 牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, Yang)
6. Duelle (1976, Rivette)
7. Alice in den Städten (1974, Wenders)
8. Le Rayon Vert (1986, Rohmer)
9. Սայաթ-Նովա (1968, Parajanov)
10. Mauvais Sang (1986, Carax)

1. Barry Lyndon(1975, Kubrick)
2. 天国と地獄 (1963, Kurosawa)
3. Blue (1993, Jarman)
4. Fanny och Alexander (1982, Bergman)
5. The Long Day Closes (1992, Davies)
6. Krótki film o zabijaniu (1988, Kieślowski)
7. Le Révélateur (2002, Philippe Garrel)
8. Providence (1977, Resnais)
9. แสงศตวรรษ (2006, Weerasethakul)
10. Punishment Park (1971, Watkins)

Speed Racer

Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
>good choice!
>class cheers


Between Fight Club, American History X, Boondock Saints and TDK

Jurassic Park: The Lost World

Truly the patrician’s choice

>I'll give you all one hint..
>That's it, that's the hint.
>Big Guy.
>Oh come on.

the first half of American History X

>mfw everybody gets the reference but the whole class stays silent because they don't want to partake in your cringe inducing act

For me? It's Pulp Fiction

Epic choice user, Tarantino is one of the best filmmakers out there!

>I'll watch everything pretty much

>Blue is the warmest color.
*stand up quickly and spin so my trench coat lifts up a bit and look at the class* (I'm sitting in the front)
*daintly tip my 'dora*
>ladies if you need to change your underwear nows the time

>9. Սայաթ-Նովա (1968, Parajanov)
This one.

Amelie, i love foreign films

I say The Matrix since it is actually my favorite movie and I'm not an autistic retard who needs to lie about it

the pleb filter comes when I defend the sequels and even contrarian central Sup Forums can't handle it

>having a favorite movie
fucking sad.
do you have a favorite color to you pussy little faggot?

Berserk golden age arc

The third man

No How Yukong Moved the Mountains, No Dublowsky, no Cavariette Jr
Holy shit what a fucking pleb

Do I have to watch the first two to understand it?

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Leon the Professional because I'm too dissociative to have favorites

if you truly love films for the variety of artistic expressions they convey then you shouldn't be able to single out a favourite

A Serbian Film

One flew over the cuckoo's nest

bite me.

I've never seen one, I thought this was supposed to be a 100 level class



The Legend of Beggar Vance
Dr. Zhivago
Brief Encounter
Bridge on The River Kwai

nice one user
have a good day




>going to film school

'Heh, I mostly watch tv shows. Easier to consume and more entertaining. They're way more engaging than films and offer more content long-term. I also don't have to focus on the same thing for more than 50-60 minutes at a time.'

it's a beautiful movie. what's fedora about it?

>Bridge on The River Kwai
This. Apart from genuinely being my favorite movie:
Made by David Lean but it's not the "my first time epic" like Lawrence of Arabia or the more hipster Zhivago, but still very popular and mainstream so as to not be pretentious, but not so mainstream to just be like having a marvel movie as your favorite.

Fat Albert (2004)

The Emoji Movie (2017)



Buffalo '66, the masterpiece film by genius auteur Vincent Gallo.

Total Recall (1990)


>dat cinematography
>dat music

Girls Gone Wild VOL. 2 Directors Cut

>not even saying "la vie d'Adèle"

Something like this happened to me in my comp class. We had to introduce each other and our major/what we want to do. So I'm introduced, I'm the only visual media major, I want to write/direct shit blah blah blah. Then my teacher said, "oh, a film major, tell us what your favorite film is? I bet it's something great."
God I felt aweful.

>cringe-inducing act

Nothing good amounts from telling your favourite film. Best course of action in this situation would be to say >I don't have a favourite, I'm hoping I'll have one when I'm done with this class. Teacher is moist, plebs don't have anything to talk to you about, it's a win-win.
Real winning is to not take shit classes like this