Story Time

I posted it on Sup Forums, but I figured Sup Forums might like it.

Full thing here:










This might be one of the most autistic things this election has spawned I love it .


Donal Trump has the most autistic fandom of this decade. No an anime, or vidya, or a cartoon but a Presidential candidate.


oh cool, they both look like total badasses

He's one of the most overhyped polarizing figures ever. Merely mentioning him causes feathers to get ruffled. Why wouldn't he?

He appeals/panders to stupid people. Anything and anyone that does that is bound to have an autistic fandom.

Opening with a Stand...bold!

thats pretty good shit, op. who made this?

thanks for Correcting The Record (tm) 10 cents have been deposited in your account!

I made it. Glad you like it!

I don't know if it's the style but I'm glad Trump is not drawn as handsomely and full of hair like in Ben 'gas the kikes' Garrison.

>Training with Farange paid off

So on top of the art of the deal, he also mastered the art of weasling out?

>Trump gets endless shit for idle bants
>on the same day Clinton's bank speech transscripts are released, where she outright tells her rich backers that she's lying through her teeth when she speaks to the public and she'll give away the farm to them if she takes office

Of all the terrible things in this election cycle, this is what pisses me off most of all.

bless you op, this is golden, even if a bit autistic

You can get paid for shitposting in a Vietnamese shadow puppets board? Where do I sign up?

I just did it for the followers. I mean, yeah, I support Trump, and this is just a silly gag. But I knew they would love it, and it's got potential to go viral.

I also did it to get a feeling for making comics, as I'm actually gonna get started on more serious projects next year.

Also, what's up with Sup Forums holding onto my last posted image? Now I can't post without posting some image.

>implying I support hillary
Just because I think trump is a fucktard doesn't mean I support hillary. I think the fact that hillary might actually loose to trump says alot about how shit she is.

Drop by your local Clinton campaign office. You can get money to be with her!

>Also, what's up with Sup Forums holding onto my last posted image? Now I can't post without posting some image.

That's been a problem for as long as I've been on Sup Forums. (And that's been way too long.)

Thanks man. Look forward to you killing your country in a few days.

did you draw it all by yourself? It looks like ton of work, how much time did you put into it? Also chapter 2 when?

Though we do not share the same political views, I liked this comic. Good shit OP

You should storytime this on Sup Forums.

probably get a better audience there.

Took me a while actually. Like 2 weeks.

Chapter 2 before the election, hopefully.

Already did, they loved it.

that's dude.

Nah man, it's only happened to me on Sup Forums

They're both shit. One is a geriatric corrupt fake-SJW who just wants power and the other is a mentally retarded geriatric Chad.

I don't understand how people can get behind either narcissist.

Comic wasn't even funny or very well drawn. Good try, OP.

Most people aren't, they just find the alternative that much worse. Those who are, are usually some kind of extremist desperate for the false ideals each spin.

>guy spends weeks making Trump comic
>"this is retarded"
>"what're you some kinda shill?"

>Comic wasn't even funny or very well drawn
I get disagreeing with him, but you dont have to go and lie to the guy like that.

Meh, considering all the positive feedback I've gotten from it everywhere else I've shilled it, I just see it as salt.

>p...Sup Forums and the infinitychan nazi/race realism/natsoc/white power boards like it

Eh, I'm not that user but it's just like a deviantart "American manga" thing. It's neat somebody made something, but what am I supposed to fall over about?

And this is a manga homage, so this comment doesn't really fit for it, but looking at the other artwork on OPs tumblr I find the particular abstractions you make with anatomy offputting and artistically ugly. Your copies/studies show real ability so I think if you stuck with a more realistic style you'd probably eventually ease into a personal style that was a lot more appealing.

Well you have to reasonably consider that most of the places you shared it are with people who would already agree with it.

Of course groups you're pandering to are going to like it regardless of talent or humour

Sup Forums loved it, I actually JUST posted it on 8. Sup Forums liked it, twitter loved it, reddit loved it, and it's going rampant on facebook.

It's netted me 15 followers so far, and a brand new commission, which why I did this.

I was told Sup Forums wouldn't like it, due to their views, but I figured I'd give it a shot for the few who would like it.

Actually, I should post it on instagram and dA as well.

So, is this supposed to be satire or...

yeah, it's a parody.

>Nah man, it's only happened to me on Sup Forums

Now that I think of it, I don't recall if it's happened to me on other boards.

That's why everyone should vote 3rd party.

>I was told Sup Forums wouldn't like it, due to their views
Right, so criticism from people who support the message is always objective and criticism from those who don't is always subjective. Sick logic bro.

>the 4channers who worship Donald Trump
>are the same people who celebrate plane crashes
>are the same people who celebrate virus outbreaks
>are the same people who celebrate mass shootings
Was "meme magic" a mistake?

I know what I need to work on, I didn't come asking for critique. I know how to improve my weak points. I gotta work on dynamism, hatching, and flow. I'm gonna spend the next three months working on that by learning animation, as well as by copying top tier mangaka, before jumping in on my main projects.

But this Trump comic, it was mostly to get a taste for making comics, but also, again, because it has potential to go viral, netting me more followers, which means people who will be willing to financially support me once I start making comics, then I can do that full time and work on my craft.

Obviously I'm gonna pander to Trump fans, and anime fans.

>Obviously I'm gonna pander to Trump fans,
Will they even still exist in a couple of weeks?

You draw well, senpai.
Even if it's filthy Japanese art.

Unfortunately you can't dictate the content of every thread ;^)

How much of this is copied?

I think Hillary is pretty fucked after the FBI reopened the case. Trump is in the lead in many polls now too. I wouldn't count my chickens just yet m8.

Thanks dude. Still got ways to go, but I'm starting to get to point where I can feel very confident about my skill.

Aww man don't do that. An artist that can't take criticism well is like blood in the water.

If you're trying out political satire you have to get thicker skin. Not everyone is going to like it or agree. Don't become so defensive your message that you brush off art critique as political

I don't care. Exposure is exposure.

And I'd say maybe 50% is copied? Again, I did it to learn from mangaka.

Well, I haven't gotten any criticism to be fair. Just salt. I welcome all sorts of criticism, but I didn't exactly come looking for it though.

On that note however, any critique on the flow of the panels is much appreciated though. It was my first go at a comic.

Pretty nice comic. I've always been a fan of making something mundane like debates look awesome.

The art's a bit much at times, and Trump can go buzz off when this election is over for all I care, but overall this was a cool surprise, and you clearly know your shit judging from your tumblr.

Plus you made Hillary Clinton look like a badass. That takes skill man, so kudos dude.

Both Trump and Hillary are garbage for the same reasons.

>don't give a damn about constitutional checks and balances
>advocate executive overreach in order to punish political opponents and people they don't like
>have an absolute shitshow masquerading as "foreign policy"
>more concerned about the celebrity appearance of influence and power rather than faithfully maintaining their duties of office to protect the constitutional republic of America and individual liberties

Fuck everything.

Sup Forums would literally love getting covered in feceses if someone who disagreed with them would get offended by it.Like its not much of a complement. Also using the second debate. really. That was a shitshow that made them both look awful.

>overly confident

>they're both shit.
People who say this are the laziest shits who shouldn't even talk about politics

considering the modern definition of

>nazi/race realism/natsoc/white power

thats quite a large audience

But it's true. I'm writing in a candidate for the Presidential ticket and then focusing on the downballot candidates that will minimize the bullshit that either Trump or Hillary will try to pull with their executive power.

>Y-You gave to like one or the other guys
No we don't. They both have terrible policies and their debates have only caused them to look even worse. We are legiting forced to vote between the two worst qualified people who ran for president.

>trump is in the lead in many polls.
You mean the same polls that were rigged against him like 2 days ago?

>lead in polls
That's HOW GOOD he's doing.

Nah, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, and New York Times will always give a Hillary a +12 lead.

Trump still has a hell of a battle to get to 270, but the case being reopened might help. There is a chance with it backfiring though, as Clinton supporters could see it as a witch hunt and rally around her. We'll just have to wait for new information to develop.

>That's why everyone should vote 3rd party.

Steinem or whatever she's called is even more of a Russian tool than the dude who's quoting Russia Today on TV. You might as well give them Alaska back while you're at it.

>they both have terrible policies
user I don't think you even name a single policy let alone explain how they are terrible.

fencesitters are so lazy. there are options to choose--a growing third party choice each election too--and there is clearly a wrong choice or a slightly less-wrong choice

and of course the choice of not-voting is the political equivalent of pouting in the corner refusing to play and doesn't warrant any respect or claim to political insight

I think those were seperate boards.

And there's NIGGERS A SHIT I AM 100% WHITE

The pedos are probably the largest group among them.

>but it's true!
No it's not. Right now you can decide bwtween a mediocre businessman wkth zero political experience who doesn't listen to any of his advisers or a qualified politician.

>the debates made them both look bad.
What debates were you watching? The only who came out looking bad was Trump.

This isn't Sup Forums this isn't why income to Sup Forums. So you can fuck off. I want hilary to win at this point so I can see how hurt you guys will be come election. I'm not going to vote for anyone; however, because I'm just done with this political system its done me no favors.

Why are 90% of trump supporters on the internet autistic weaboos? Is it just this site?

>and of course the choice of not-voting is the political equivalent of pouting in the corner refusing to play and doesn't warrant any respect or claim to political insight
You yanks need to get your shit together and have forced voting

I saw a fraction of the debate before turning it off in disgust but she should have been doing way better. She was stooping to his level.

I never gave a damn about political stuff until I had to deal with Sup Forums's bullshit on my home boards
Now I'm voting for Hillary completely out of spite.

Trump lost every debate though and will lose the election. Why waste time on this garbage?

>a mediocre businessman wkth zero political experience who doesn't listen to any of his advisers

You make it sound like Bush III.

>qualified politician
is this not the most terrifying person in all of internation human history?

and the guy who knows the ins and outs bankruptcy is probably a good thing for the US

There's some

It's not very polished for something you planned to post around as a display of your artistic talent. And there is a lot of copying. Good that you got a comission out of it though

George bush had at least some experience with politics being the son of a political dynasty and all.

Yeah, I'm on a very tight time frame, so I hard to rush many things. Copying was mostly intentional as references, but also for learning really.

It's insane that Mangaka get 17 pages done in a week + writing.

>is this not the most terrifying person in all of internation human history?
Eh, she may be a hawk, but her plan at least isn't: "we're gonna rek so much shit that you will never take your palms off your face ever again."

>Donal Trump has the most autistic fandom of this decade.
There are a lot more fandoms that outdo trump autism. Jojo, for example.
I'm counting it since the fandom got revamped with the 2012 anime

probably the least stupid reason

or at least more aware reason you would vote >withher

you're making it sound like he just so happened to be George Sr's son and wasting a fucking Governor of North Mexico.

Trump had some experience in white power politics as well, being the son of a Klan-member.

>is Clinton not the most terrifying person in all of international human history.
This is how detached from reality people are now.

a wall that will never be built and be made fun of for the rest of his life is better than another fabricated cold war

Wait was Trump's dad also Hillary's mentor?

>forced voting

No thanks. A depressing amount of voters already see elections as glorified popularity contests. I'd be perfectly fine if people choose not to vote for Trump or Clinton, I just want them invested in some other way. Maybe stick to local/state elections, hell maybe they should run for office themselves.

The Wall already exists in part, user. All Trump's gotta do is set up a photo OP in front of the most impressive looking bit and claim that he got the job done.

no, i meant who is more of a terrifying person in all of international human history than a good politician

someone who will decay entire cultures so that they can stay in power

They are the same people

>>Comic wasn't even funny or very well drawn.
Don't lie to him

Russian shill pls.

>then focusing on the downballot candidates that will minimize the bullshit that either Trump or Hillary


Too many people only vote once in 4 years, for the President, while ignoring local elections that have for more effect on your real life and in which your vote counts so much more.

There's always Gov. Johnson.
He's not a perfect candidate either (he supports TPP for instance) but he's the best of a bad lot.

>and of course the choice of not-voting is the political equivalent of pouting in the corner refusing to play

This. You're gonna get taxed and have to live with the laws they pass, you might as well have a choice. If you don't vote, politicians know you're safe to ignore. If your demographic doesn't vote in large numbers, everyone else gets screwed, too.